Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thank you Todd (blush) #weihadawaist #wehehadhair 😉
Nicole replied to the topic Hey, what's wrong here? in the forum about the forums 9 years ago
Yes @Todd Gibson, my phone is on a different provider.
I am not sure about the http thingy, I shall ask Hugo! -
Nicole replied to the topic Sleeveless binding Help in the forum oliver + s: 2 + 2 9 years ago
Nicole replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
@lilypadmontana, my pleasure. Sarvi & Colette sent me some divine hailspot muslin and I made one for Trixie. She is still wearing the blouse and bottoms but grew out of the bodysuit very quickly.
It was fine over a disposable for a bit longer. I actually gave it away in a sewing store. The owner was raving about Beatrix’s outfit and she promptly…[Read more] -
Nicole replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
@lilypadmontana, my pleasure. Sarvi & Colette sent me some divine hailspot muslin and I made one for Trixie. She is still wearing the blouse and bottoms but grew out of the bodysuit very quickly.
It was fine over a disposable for a bit longer. I actually gave it away in a sewing store. The owner was raving about Beatrix’s outfit and she promptly…[Read more] -
Nicole replied to the topic ISO girly boy-free fun in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Great ideas Kerrilyn, lots of food, sleep and exercise works for my only boy. He had broken two (yes two) very expensive European irons throwing his footy in the house.
I am very glad to live on a farm, he was encouraged to start hiking and camping from a very young age 🙂
Nicole replied to the topic Sleeveless binding Help in the forum oliver + s: 2 + 2 9 years ago
Masha did a few of these. I think she bound the arm so the binding was inclosed (all on the inside).
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thank you Lovely Ladies!
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thank you Lovely Ladies!
Nicole replied to the topic Tools in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Look what I found
They are very similar to mine.
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Sorry about the huge photo!
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Sorry about the huge photo!
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Nicole replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Nicole replied to the topic Hey, what's wrong here? in the forum about the forums 9 years ago
I have no idea what I did just now….
Help, Hugo! -
Nicole replied to the topic Hey, what's wrong here? in the forum about the forums 9 years ago
Did it again.
Nicole replied to the topic Swingset top fit in the forum oliver + s: swingset 9 years ago
I made the tiny size for Trixie but she only wore is a few times. It was the getting on that was the problem, it was fine once on but chubby baby arms don’t always bend the way you want them too.
And my babies are very placid and easy to dress.I would make the 6-12 month in your position, you have it for next summer as well then. Also, if you…[Read more]
Nicole replied to the topic Who wants to sew the Oliver + S skirts with me and win?? in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 9 years ago
Sounds exciting!
@lilypadmontana, if you use cloth nappies, make the bodysuit in the second size. It will fit for longer. And you want it to fit, it is so cute! -
Nicole replied to the topic Toronto or Nearby in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I think I know someone, I will drop them a line.
Nicole replied to the topic How much is too much? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I am always very grateful for pretty hand-me-downs 😉
I typed a great long post and the internet ate it but, in a nutshell, if you are worried about too many posh dresses, sew the school shirts.
Use beautiful fine cotton, Liberty facings and pearl buttons.
I enjoy sewing Hugo’s work clothes almost as much as Trixies pretty frocks as I use lovely…[Read more] - Load More
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