Oliver + S

Look Ma, No Hands!

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Jenny, this lady may have been worrying in that situation. I am very glad I was in a huge waiting room.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Some outerwear for the kiddos. The windproof fleece was hard work but I’m delighted with the result


    Nicole @motherof5

    Super professional looking Shelley.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Shelley, that vest is amazing! He’ll be so warm on that bike and I love his attention to detail πŸ™‚

    The Red Riding Hood Cape I modified from LTTS for my friend was worn by the bride at her wedding yesterday! I’m so glad we lined it with polar fleece as it was wet, cold (13ΒΊC, 55ΒΊF), rainy, windy and had snow on the local mountain! It was the coldest day this year! I didn’t get to see it on but it looks gorgeous in the photos, I’m glad I changed it to a rounded front because it showed off the waistband detail beautifully πŸ™‚ I also loved the way the pop of colour from the hood lining framed here face. I think this might be my sewing pinicle so far, sewing something the bride wore at her wedding!

    The final Cape can be seen here,


    meleliza @meleliza

    That does look really professional, Shelley. It must have been tricky to sew all those details so neatly with bulky fabric. I hate purple too, and try not to let Kitty know it’s even an option.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    There’s a photo of the wedding up on the photographer’s Blog. I wasn’t going to put up a modeled photo of the cape but I’m happy to link to this one as it is generically avaliable on the web.


    cybele727 @cybele727

    Shelly, that vest is a total WOW!!

    Heidi, I just think its cute you think 55/13 is cold. Winter has been so rough, that boys are in shorts here at that temp. Normally we get a week of single digit F/ major negative C in the winter. This winter we had one week, it seems, of above freezing, and the rest of the time too cold for proper living. It was NASTY.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thanks everyone.

    Heidi the wedding photo is wonderful. How incredible to sew for a wedding and what a hoot to use the Little Things To Sew book! I’m surprised you didn’t make a cape for everyone in the whole wedding party, knowing how you like to sew in multiples! πŸ˜‰

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Well, I did make two practice versions, so there’s my three consecutive capes πŸ™‚

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I made the new Colette Mabel Skirt last week. It fit straight off the pattern! I’ve never had that before πŸ™‚ It has already been worn 3 times, including to a wedding! I finally got some photos of the fit. It’s extremely comfortable, easy to sew and designed for a 8″ to 10″ difference between waist and hips.


    There’s a couple more photos showing the sit at the waist in my photo stream.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I love how all the Oliver + S things I’ve made so far have turned out, but I think my proudest sewing accomplishment so far is the baby quilt top I paper pieced for my sweet pending arrival:


    While not difficult, it was quite labor intensive (as paper piecing usually is – one short seam, then over to the iron to press, then another short seam, lather, rinse, and repeat ad nauseam). The theme of her nursery is “Australia/Aussie animals” as I have very fond memories of the 3 years I lived in the Sydney area as a teenager, and miss it terribly – hopefully someday in the next few years I’ll be able to take my husband there and revisit some of my favorite places and a few new ones :-). I did not come up with the pattern myself, it’s adapted from a book called “Quilt a Koala” I bought off Amazon, tho I did reduce the number of blocks to make it smaller as it is intended as a crib quilt. The most fun part was choosing all the fabrics! Mostly batiks in the piecing, and I ordered a couple Australian prints from an online US quilt store that imports them to use for the border and backing. It’s currently at my local quilt shop being machine-quilted on one of their long-arm machines, as I didn’t have the time (or experience, as this is my first quilt to do all by myself from start to finish) to hand-quilt it and get everything else done before baby arrives.

    In the picture, the quilt it’s sitting on is the machine-pieced but hand-quilted quilt my grandma made as a wedding gift to me and my husband. It’s my most treasured possession, such a masterpiece, and every time we move cross-country it goes in the car with me, not packed by movers in a van. Too precious to risk losing or damaging. My grandma and my mum (and more recently, Oliver + S) are who I learned everything I know about sewing from! I’m so proud to carry on their legacy of quilting and creating, taking pride in the work of my hands πŸ™‚

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Your quilt is amazing!! The colors are perfect and I love each block.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    What fantastic animals! Reminds me of Charley Harper.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Thanks ladies! It took me a good 1-1.5 months to do since I can only sew during my toddler’s naps – otherwise she’s constantly trying to get into my scissors and pins and playing at my feet by my sewing machine pedal :-P. It was hugely satisfying to finish and a good way to pass some time (and keep me from watching too much tv) while my husband is gone for 6 months. I’ve found keeping myself busy really helps pass the time. And we’re about halfway there! Thank goodness for things like Skype and FaceTime!

    Masha Richart

    I’m finally finished with my wedding sewing and, yes, I am quite proud of myself. I can’t take credit for the fabric choices as they were guided by the bride, but I did have to do quite a bit of improvising on those dresses.

    Flower girls:


    Ring bearers:


    Modeled photos to come in a few months!

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