Oliver + S

Look Ma, No Hands!

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Those are fab Shelly!!

    That would be wonderful Tamara, I am going to be a pleater after Christmas for a late Christmas present this year. I have to have one now. ; )

    Nicole @motherof5

    They look great Shelley. You got a great fit and I think yours look much nicer!

    Masha Richart

    Jennifer, I adore that ensemble. I wonder whether I could get my oldest to wear one. Shelley, your knockoff is great. My favorite bit is the decorative stitching on the back pocket of the pants. Tres chic!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just finished my first music class nightgown! It pretty much looks like I was expecting which is so exciting after heavily modifying a pattern.


    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I finally got around to sewing the Fairy Tale dress. That’s a pattern thst really makes you feel pleased with yourself! Click on my name for blog link.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    It is beautiful, Lightning. I love the fabric.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Its delicious Shelley!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I have no link bc I have no pictures. But I must say I am twirling around the living room happy dancing with myself over my first welt pockets! I one hour per pocket, but they are perfect! Thanks Liesl!

    Nicole @motherof5



    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I sewed up my first proper flat felled seams! Not as hard as I expected nor did I even come close to burning my finger. I can see more in the future! 🙂

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Awesome. I have done them only on crotch seams but they are great, aren’t they. I just need to remember not to cut great notches into the seam allowances if I’m going to do a flat felled seam. They do NOT work well when the seam allowances have been hacked!

    My “look ma, no hands” moment was my recent Darth stencil that you’ve already kindly gushed about Heidi

    Masha Richart

    It is so exhilarating to try a new technique and have it turn out, isn’t it? It always boosts my confidence. What are the seams on, Heidi?

    I recently sewed myself a pair of “skinny” corduroys that turned out so much better than I had expected. http://www.flickr.com/photos/23557464@N03/11510671534/

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Those skinny jeans are fabulous rtwg!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I will go a-hunting for the stencils and flat felled seams but those jeans are awesome!.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Rtwg, , Congratulations on doing such a fantastic job on you jeans! What a beautiful fit!

    The flat felled seams are on the front and back seam of a tea party playsuit, I cut up old jeans and was inspired to try the flat felled seam 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 149 total)

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