Lightning McStitch replied to the topic Cotton/nylon blend fabric? in the forum off topic 8 years ago
Thanks for reminding me of Ashley’s fabric sourcing tips. A pair of cargo shorts in that kind of nylon blend is exactly what my husband would want me to sew for him (getting my threads crossed)
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
This denim it just will not stretch
When I wear it I feel I must retch
So tight ’round my guts -
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I’m calling for clarification on that one @todd …
“wretch” (noun) a poor, miserable person.
“retch” (verb) to gag or vomit
“wrench” (verb) to twist and pull
I’m guessing, from context, you were going for wrench… Poetic license bring what it is, and this being a limerick thread on a sewing forum, you can make up any word/meaning you like of…[Read more] -
Nicole replied to the topic Marilyn Monroe exhibition at Bendigo Art Gallery in the forum off topic 8 years ago
@lisamm We have booked tickets, I am glad to hear this!
Thank you. -
Nicole replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
The season for sewing has changed
My skirts and I are estranged
But my jackets and coats
Are garnering votes
Time for clothing, to be, exchanged.I just want to sit down and sew!
Nicole replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I finished my turn on the #sewingrota on a high with some gorgeous back jeans for me!
Three pairs of jeans, a denim shirt and four tee’s were a much needed injection of clothing in my wardrobe.Now I am on to formal sewing, Zara’s first. Some gorgeous Gatsby inspired sequinned tulle.
Nicole replied to the topic Making a t shirt dress from the metro-t in the forum liesl + co: metro t-shirt 8 years ago
Watch your sleeve cap, it may need a little pinched from it, it is easy to do after sewing.
I ave found (with a longer tee/tee dress) you can get some odd things happen at the shoulder due to the extra weight of the extra fabric. -
Nicole replied to the topic New here? Introduce yourself! in the forum off topic 8 years ago
Hello @cammipatterson, I am so glad you have joined!
Liesl’s patterns are just so good, you will learn a lot and be so pleased with your results.
Nicole replied to the topic Question about sending private messages in the forum about the forums 8 years ago
Nicole replied to the topic Smocking in the forum Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 8 years ago
I think the 2+2 would be gorgeous. Just under the tie, instead of the tab.
ASM Blue did a gorgeous Ice Cream blouse. I would use gingham, so I could stitch the squares, rather then pleat.I still love French knots.
I think simple smocking looks cleaner and more modern.
Nicole replied to the topic Smocking in the forum Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 8 years ago
I think the 2+2 would be gorgeous. Just under the tie, instead of the tab.
ASM Blue did a gorgeous Ice Cream blouse. I would use gingham, so I could stitch the squares, rather then pleat.I still love French knots.
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic Lisette B6358 Swimsuit Sew Along in the forum Sew Alongs 8 years ago
Yay! The suits look great. I love the boning and all the “grown up” lady aspects of this pattern. I’ll miss the sewalong deadline but I’m right behind you, just six months behind… 🙂
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic Merino source in the forum off topic 8 years ago
@justsewit I have always gone in person yo the Melbourne store. There are stores in Wellington (NZ), Sydney & Melbourne (Aus) and Los Angeles (U.S.A.)
I guess they’d ship from whichever had stock and was closest to you.
Now that it has turned cold I want a wardrobe full of merino fleece long sleeved tees! -
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
The season for sewing has changed
My skirts and I are estranged
But my jackets and coats
Are garnering votes -
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
The season for sewing has changed
My skirts and I are estranged -
Nicole replied to the topic Sizing question in the forum oliver + s: popover 8 years ago
Why don’t you colour block and cut the 2 for the top and then make it wider, gradually, with a bit of trimming as you go?
Nicole replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I can’t decide which is my size
Do I go by my waist or my thighs? -
Nicole replied to the topic Finishing knits in the forum oliver + s: school bus t-shirt 8 years ago
@eboyd83 I have tried a few but my latest ones are from Cash’s name labels.
They have been the best, and if you contact them directly they will do a large bulk order.
xx Nicole
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
There is rumoured to be a new book
The cover, it has a good look
But I just can’t decide
If I step up or hide
Perhaps a challenge to be undertook(I know, bad past tense 🙂 )
I can’t decide which is my size
Lightning McStitch replied to the topic Merino source in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I’m wearing a merino fleece Metro T right now! Have a look at the have an L.A. store so US shipping should be reasonable.
There’s an amazing outdoor fabric supplier in the UK that I’ve purchased from, and I keep finding one in Canada when I’m searching online, but I forget the name…. - Load More
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