Oliver + S


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    Adrienne @Adrienne

    I love the idea of a “combo”! I have yet to try a pattern in digital form….I love the paper packaging and how nicely it fits in my pattern bin! However, directions on the iPad would be great! It would also be nice to have the pattern layout available quickly instead of having to unfold the big, big paper layout! I usually take a picture with my phone to avoid unfolding….but it would be nice to have it all right there in one place!

    Another thought….could there be an option to buy the pattern digitally, but on a CD? That way those of us who like getting the paper envelopes and sleeves could still add those to our collections, but have the ease of use that digital patterns provide. That would be a happy medium! It would also allow you to keep your vendors in the loop as well! They could offer the digital versions as well. Just a thought! (I really like the little paper dolls that come on the patterns!)

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    I have an answer for you Tamara! If you are using a SIM connection, here is my husband’s answer concerning security:

    “You are fine using a cell connection with a SIM card because it is a direct connection to the Internet. It’s not a shared connection like a wireless hotspot. “

    Hope this helps!


    Adrienne @Adrienne

    I am so sorry that happened to you!!! My hubby works in the IT field and asked him for any advice in making shopping experiences more secure. (I order from my iPad quite a bit!) The good news is that shopping from the iPad is not any more risky that shopping from your computer. The security issues come into play due to your network/wireless setttings. Make sure that your wireless connection in your home is secure! (You do not want someone passing by to be able to use your Internet!)

    Also, let the store you ordered from know! More than likely, it was their server that was hacked or it occured enroute! Stores with secure connections will have a little padlock icon pop up at the top of the iPad so you know that they are a secure site. Online shopping sites that do not show you the padlock may not be as secure as you’d like them to be…reputable or not. And as you mentioned early, Paypal is usually one of the safest ways to shop since they add another layer of security. And of course, making sure that your passwords are secure ones (combinations of letters/numbers and DO NOT use the same one for everything) will also keep your shopping experiences pleasant!

    Hope some of this helped! : )

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Makes perfect sense!! Thanks for the clarification!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Hey there ladies. I have a question about the cutting layout for the pj pants. I made three pair last year but with the smaller size pattern. I am about to cut out a size 7 and on the layout it shows that piece 10 sticks out over the fold and then it says to flip the piece. What does that mean?

    I haven’t finished tracing my pattern yet or even laid it on the fabric yet, but seeing that layout picture has me a little perplexed! Thanks in advance!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Happy Birthday Sharon!!!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    The Tea Party dress has been my “go to” pattern.

    I would love to try the Hopscotch dress, but I haven’t worked up the courage to sew with knits yet! I have some knit fabric in my stash, but I have yet to hit purchase on the pattern yet!!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    I agree with everything that everyone has said so far! Liesl definitely filled a need in the sewing world with Oliver + S! I am completely self-taught. Thanks to O+S I am amazed at the things that I have been able to make and learn through each pattern! Another thing that I love about O+S is the community that Liesl has created! I am not able to whip out garments as quickly as some of you or have much to say on forums all of the time, but I feel like I know most of you! I turn here for help and inspiration and motivation. You get so much more than a pattern when you go with Oliver + S! I love everything about Oliver + S!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Woo hoo!! Just finished one of the musicbox jumpers that I cut out this morning! Hurricane Isaac has not been hard on my neck of the woods….tonight we are hoping for more of the same! I am not glad that we had a hurricane come our way, but I am thankful for a full day of sewing! Tomorrow I’ll tackle another one!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Well, I didn’t think I’d actually be able to join in….but thanks to Hurricane Isaac I’ll have some time off this week. So, while most Louisiana residents have a hurricane party….I’m gonna sew until I lose power! Tonight I traced the musicbox jumper pattern…both views….we will see how far I get!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Phew! I’m not the only one!!! I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone in pattern hoarding!! However, if I don’t get started my little girl will have outgrown my Oliver + S stash!!!! (But needing bigger sizes is still a good reason to pick up sme more patterns,right?)

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    The new view for the smart phone is great! I’ve used it plenty of times while shopping….but an app would still be nice….you know, for those stores that have impossible to get service! (Could just be where I live!)

    I was thinking about having my sweet hubby take photos of my patterns and save them as a pdf and save them in iBooks on my phone….then I could access that info anywhere! ; ) Oh and then I’d know which patterns I’d already have too!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    So, I am excited….I am FINALLY making something from LTTS!!! (I bought the book when it first came out and it’s been hollering my name from the bookshelf!) My daughter’s dance class pictures are this weekend and I thought she could use a new tutu! I’ve never worked with tulle before, but I’ve learned two things already…..it disappears when you put it down and 108″ is a very long piece of fabric!!!! : )

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Hmmm….great random question! I love listening to Pandora (internet radio) either on the computer or my iPhone. I can type my favorite song at the moment, and it will create a playlist of songs just like the one that I typed in. (or you can type in the name of an artist/band that you like and it’ll do the same) I tend to listen to a lot of Maroon 5 or John Mayer when sewing…..very easy to listen to and calming…with some upbeat stuff too! But at times I do add some Cyndi Lauper from the 80’s and Andrea Boccelli! Really, it just depends on my mood and what I am sewing! : )

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Motherof5…..I found your blog last night while “pinning” on Pinterest. You truly are awesome! Your mermaids are to die for as well!

    Just thought you should know that! : )

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)


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