Oliver + S

Anyone up for a sewing challenge?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Badminton skirt drafted but not cut out *yet*,today hopefully.


    wendy @wendyls

    It’s Apple Picking dress night!!! Forgot to get buttons today when I was at the fabric store. Drat. Remarkably, I did not leave with any new fabric. I made a B-line for the interfacing and ignored everything in my periphery.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am going to try the Nature Walk pattern next! Then onto the sail boat top. Sewing time is going so slow here at my house. I have a cute little distraction giggling and cooing at me all day. 🙂


    dkbnyc @dkbnyc

    Man, I’ve got family reunion, Sunday brunch and birthday party. I just hope we havent out grown the sizes.

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Well, I didn’t think I’d actually be able to join in….but thanks to Hurricane Isaac I’ll have some time off this week. So, while most Louisiana residents have a hurricane party….I’m gonna sew until I lose power! Tonight I traced the musicbox jumper pattern…both views….we will see how far I get!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hope you get through the hurricane OK Ardienne.

    I am part way through cutting my first hopscotch dress, size 10, in a pale aqua knit from my stash. Hoping it comes together as easily as the instructions seem to indicate.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Feeling slightly jealous of all of you sewing your little hearts out with this challenge … I have barely 5 minutes to scratch together so one project seems like it is taking centuries to complete. I have the buttonholes, belt loops and buttons to sew on the trench coat and that will be the first of this challenge completed.

    With sports carnival next week I am thinking of whipping up some Badminton shorts in black – provided time permits. If not it will happen afterwards in a very different colour. I have a half made shorts sleeved hopscotch t-shirt in blue (house colour) to complete also. Might send hubby and the kids to the show Saturday so I can stay home and get something accomplished!

    I have my fingers and toes crossed for you Adrienne and I hope Isaac is kind to you and your area.


    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Woo hoo!! Just finished one of the musicbox jumpers that I cut out this morning! Hurricane Isaac has not been hard on my neck of the woods….tonight we are hoping for more of the same! I am not glad that we had a hurricane come our way, but I am thankful for a full day of sewing! Tomorrow I’ll tackle another one!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Have just finished the hopscotch dress in aqua knit. Soooo easy. I put it off as I didn’t have the clear elastic. Might need to go and find more as I already have at least 2 more planned in my head. One down.

    Hope things continue to go well Adrienne.

    Robin @Robin

    Summer’s quickly coming to a close where I live. I posted 3 patterns and fabric in the flickr group. I’ve finished the jumper with the mouse fabric. On to the birthday party dress out of the apple fabric. Here’s my problem. I just got the pattern. Sophie is wearing a size 7 right now. She will not wear layers. Do I make the 8 for next summer? I would hate to only make this pattern once, but I would also hate to waste the fabric. What are your thoughts?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I found this pattern quite a relaxed fit,in my case,I would go with a 7 and add length to an 8.

    Does she have broad shoulders?


    wendy @wendyls

    I’m currently fighting a strong urge to bump my scheduled School Photo dress and make a lengthened Sunday Brunch jacket out of cord, plus a long sleeved 2+2 top (tunic length). I even have them cut out. Now the only rule to this challenge, as far as I’m aware, is to make something you haven’t yet made. Why am I about to break the rule? I really shouldn’t break the rule. But it is getting to be a bit brisk out…

    Come on, compulsive sewers anonymous! Help keep me on the straight and narrow!

    Nicole @motherof5

    It is fabric,it won’t go off!

    Robin @Robin

    Thanks Nicole. She’s not broad shouldered.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    So after slippnig off the wagon last week and going hat mad, I’m back at the task in hand, and working my way through my pile of things to be sewn.

    Tonight I’ve put together an amended Sailboat top for my nephew. Not so sure about how it’s turned out….. I’ll post a photo tomorrow.

    However, I think I may have strayed from the path, in that I’ve purchased another pattern and have another idea which is just begging to be cut out and started. Must stay focussed on the pile.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 95 total)

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