Although I must also face up to the challenge of making the O + S patterns I’ve never tried yet – Playdate, Puppet Show, Bubble Dress, Tea Party, and Family Reunion; the real challenge I’ve been trying to address the last few days is to find the right pattern, and co-ordinating fabric for some pieces I’ve had for a very long time, and am sick of looking at.
Hardest jobs have been working out what to do with two pieces of pink pique (one v. dark fuschia pink, the other more of a musk. I’ve had several goes and given up/moved on to other sewing jobs but today after many hours, and now very sore feet, I’ve finally done it. AND, the fabric to be got rid of will actually be the right amount. (Quite often, I struggle with a pattern I’m determined to make with a particular piece of fabric, and after way too much time trying to make it work, I have to give up, and either change fabric, or change pattern. Anyway, the pink fabrics are now gorgeously coordinated with two other fabrics each to make skirts with aprons attached but without hem bands. Sometimes sorting out 4 separate fabrics is just too hard, and often less=more. So, I will make tucks above the hem and/or trim with ric rack a la a great tutorial I remember seeing on this forum where the half the ric rack peeped out from underneath a fold.
This is great news because I now know what I will be working on before I go away in a fortnight so I can take the skirts (for a 5, and a 2 yr old) and a Tea Party playsuit, and modified Music Box for an 8 mthr (The baby’s clothes I’ve already cut out for an 18 – 24 mths so they will be in the wardrobe for Spring/Summer next year). So lots of work to do but feel a lot more settled in my mind. We’re expecting a smallish but intense heat wave from NY’s Day on so I’ve wanted to get the fabric wrangling done asap.