Oliver + S

I want an O+S app!

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    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    Just going to throw this out there, but I want an Oliver and S app! I’m going to Joann’s to buy some fabric today, and I really wish I could pull up an app on my phone that would tell me the required yardage and notions (I never seem to have the right width elastic) for each pattern. I write these things down when I am going in with a plan, but usually inspiration strikes and I am just flying blind, trying to remember reqs but failing. It would be nice if you could also check off what patterns you have, but I would really be happy with just pattern sizing info and fabric requirements. Anyone else?

    Todd Gibson

    Well, I think we’ve already got you covered there mrsc1345!

    You can use your mobile phone to visit our website. Just look at the pattern page you’re interested in on our website. The new site is optimized to display on mobile devices, so you’ll have access to all that information (and more) from wherever you are. No need for a special app. Your browser will do it all for you.

    Of course, that’s only for what’s still in print. Out of print patterns are another story….

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    Thank you for the better view for my smart phone! I have used it many, many times when out shopping and it is perfect since you have updated your site!

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    The new view for the smart phone is great! I’ve used it plenty of times while shopping….but an app would still be nice….you know, for those stores that have impossible to get service! (Could just be where I live!)

    I was thinking about having my sweet hubby take photos of my patterns and save them as a pdf and save them in iBooks on my phone….then I could access that info anywhere! ; ) Oh and then I’d know which patterns I’d already have too!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    My husband suggested an app similar to the play section of the website. Our daughter loves to play on the ipad and he suggested one afternoon how fun it would be for her (ahem, and me) if swatches of the O+S fabric collections were available with the patterns and paper dolls, then she/I could mix and match!

    I would totally buy this!!

    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    Thanks for the speedy reply, Todd! Also, upon re-reading my initial post, it seemed a bit demanding, oops, sorry. I remember having a case of the “hangry’s.” (You know, that short temper/anger that comes from being hungry?) Anywho, I overlooked this when I originally posted, but you are right, with the new site design I can absolutely access this info on my phone. With the old site it would come up in a pop up window that my phone couldn’t navigate, so I could usually only see a tiny bit of info, but now I have no problems. Lovely AND functional. I’m sure creating takes a lot of time and resources, but even still I would buy one. Sometimes I think my fabric store lines their walls with adamantium or something since I can only get service in a small corner by the batiks! Not where I usually buy the fabric for my children’s clothes…. Thanks for listening to me anyway. 🙂

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Oh yes. For those days when you just need to look up a quite notion or fabric requirement but are in that store in the middle of no where with no cell service! hahaha.

    I wish I had the smarts to make one! The one envisioned in my head is FABULOUS.

    I love the new site, though I do have trouble scrolling (when looking at the fabric requirements of a pattern) on my phone.

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