Thanks for the speedy reply, Todd! Also, upon re-reading my initial post, it seemed a bit demanding, oops, sorry. I remember having a case of the “hangry’s.” (You know, that short temper/anger that comes from being hungry?) Anywho, I overlooked this when I originally posted, but you are right, with the new site design I can absolutely access this info on my phone. With the old site it would come up in a pop up window that my phone couldn’t navigate, so I could usually only see a tiny bit of info, but now I have no problems. Lovely AND functional. I’m sure creating takes a lot of time and resources, but even still I would buy one. Sometimes I think my fabric store lines their walls with adamantium or something since I can only get service in a small corner by the batiks! Not where I usually buy the fabric for my children’s clothes…. Thanks for listening to me anyway. 🙂