Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    Happy Birthday! Try to take some time for cake, too.

    Adrienne @Adrienne

    Happy Birthday Sharon!!!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thanks jennifer and Adrienne! This year is the big 30, Yikes!! Where did the time go?? All I hope for is to sleep in (which never happens) and get some sewing done. Maybe even a trip to the moutains for hiking. 🙂 That would be perfect!

    Next onto another Music class blouse with hopes of a better fit in the sleeves. If this one works out then I’ll make two. Then a very fun jacket for Sweet pea. 🙂


    Tamara @justsewit

    Ask that question in another 30 years Sharon! Hiking in the mountains does sound perfect! The last mountain I climbed was “Bluff Knoll” in the ranges at Albany (if you look at the map of WA it is right down the bottom) – pronounced AL ban ee not ALL ban ee (that’s the one in the east and doesn’t have Bluff Knoll). It took 5 hours to climb with a halfway rest and was windy as anything when we reached the top – and because I am naturally blessed with height and dh knows I suffer badly from fear of heights he went right to the edge to look down! No barriers up there neither! That would be a little like a hill compared to some of course.

    I have assembled the quilt top! Yay! I am now trying to put together the strips of rockets to outline it and trying to make them match – note to self comply with the usage of solid fabric next time (patterns are MUCH prettier though). It says to join them all together and then cut what you need – I’m not liking this at all!

    Anyway the boy will be out harvesting with his dad this afternoon so maybe if I am efficient enough I can possibly very likely and rather quickly (just in case of breakdowns) pin the whole thing together – another yay! if that happens to happen at all.

    We shall see!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    happy birthday Sharon.

    Go for it with the Puppet Theatre. It’s such a fun project. I also thought I should have started it ages ago, but it’s coming together quite quickly. The speed you sew up those blouses you’ll have no trouble. Of course I’m completely overdoing it with lots of additional applique, but it is another of those projects that make you want to keep sitting back, looking at it, and declaring how “awesome it’s gonna be!”

    I can’t wait to see those quilts justsewit.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Lightning McStitch I’m afraid I am dragging my feet! I’ve just been thawted with THE worst migraine and only now am starting to feel normal again – I have lost a few hours today and really do not know where they have gone. I have one strip on the outer edge, had a crisis of confidence moment over how the border should go then fell flat with the migraine. Now that is over with though I can kick the other child off my chair and sew the other three strips – oh wait no kicking needed she’s left anyway!

    I’m going to see if N will go with dad again tomorrow and make time then to pin but for now it is just getting on with the thing itself the migraine has knocked me for six so I doubt I’ll go at the usual pace.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Happy birthday, Sharon! 30 is flirty! Hope you had a fantastic time.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Sharon!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Only the button to go on my prototype Harry Potter Robe! and the photos for the group. I must see if i can find a child’s hanger as I think it would hang better.

    Glad your feeling better from that migraine Justsewit.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks Heidi, I don’t usually get them that bad. It really was something I don’t want again in a hurry.

    I’m only just back in here for the first time today – had some serious cleaning up to do thanks to my destructive children. I didn’t get to do the back of N’s quilt yesterday – I just didn’t have the energy. But of course that is on the list as is prepping and cutting the fabic for the next one which is the same design but in pink. I will shortcut a few things this time now that I know that I need to join things etc so hopefully it will be a little more speedy in the putting together process.

    Then while the children are at school and both quilt fronts and backs are completed I’ll lay them out and pin both at the same time – to save on my supposedly “spoiling” the children’s weekend by making them clean and having to listen to the complaints – honestly they don’t know how tough life could be!

    I’m hoping to have this quilt done and out of the way up to quilting stage by the end of next week and that is allowing for various little interruptions along the way. The plan is to have both absolutely completed by the end of November and so far I think we’ll make it.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Tonight’s window box vegetation applique was greatly assisted by a couple of glasses of a 1985 Cabernet Merlot from Western Australia.


    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Just posted pics of my first completed Book Report dress – 2nd one nearly finished. http://www.flickr.com/photos/87355413@N02. It’s a size 3 made from a japanese slub fabric from Spotlight, and the contrast fabric is a reproduction quilting fabric from Judie Rothermel’s Lancaster range – purchased some years ago. In general, I found the pattern very easy to make up; however, I wrestled with setting the sleeves initially because of the thickness of fabrics on the yokes. Eventually, I pinned from the yoke side rather than from the sleeve side, basted it, and machined it, and finished beautifully. I have included pics of the inside of the dress because I added facings to the skirt back and front. It wasn’t too difficult to hem the front facing because the lowered seam line for the pockets enabled me to hold the pockets open while as I sewed. I top-stitched the yokes, sleeves, and back seam in yellow to secure them (rather than edge-stitching) and to highlight the yellow contrast. I’m very pleased with the result, and really the nearly 4 yr old will also like it. I’m confident that the pockets will be a hit.

    I’m really looking fwd to seeing pictures of the Puppet Theatres that forum members have been discussing recently.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Happy Birthday Sharon! I remember 30, it was a good year. 35 on the other hand, and the one after that, not so much fun. So enjoy!

    meleliza @meleliza

    So I’m putting the final stitches into a really special Fiary Tale dress and a tiny AG sized replica of it. It’s of an out of print Anna Maria Horner voile and lined in ballet pink silk/cotton satin, with the sash in pink. Tomorrow morning, I will deliver it to my first little client! I’m both excited and nervous. I can’t wait to share pictures!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well breaking news! …. The front and back of one quilt is complete. Now to the next one.

    Just going through the reading card with N this one is on Cities from around the World – he joyously exclaimed that Beijing was in Colorado and Tokyo was in New Zealand! I think we need some Geography lessons!

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