Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Sorry to hear that Elsa didn’t get the part she wanted. 🙁

    I have two pairs of baby boy pants I am dieing to make but first must come some house cleaning! I am backed up a bit on some cleaning after sewing the kids halloween costumes. I am hoping to get to Prince C’s Ben and Mia pants to night. (So much for a break but I can’t seam to get these pants out fo my mind!)

    Then onto two 2+2 skirts. I have had the black one cut out for three months now and would love to see it finished before she out grows out it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I didn’t get a stitch done yesterday as I had to be on standby for shifting machinery to the next paddock. Unfortunately they had to come home as the header (harvester) broke down yet again and they had to order parts. My plan flew out the window as N had gone for a ride with dad and I was taking the opportunity to clean up the living area. So I muddled about all day doing a bit of laundry but no sewing as I had intended. Maybe I just needed a lazy day instead.

    Today though I will have to sew as tomorrow I plan to go to craft group and get going on the first of five quilts I plan to make for the beds. It will be a slow process but I want two of them to be under the tree Christmas morning!

    We shall see how this pans out.

    Tassiemum @Tassiemum

    I have just finished a ruffled halter. I am about to make a badminton top and puppet show shorts ( before the pattern doesn’t fit anymore), a sketchbook shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Now on 2 weeks holiday from work so hopefully will have lots of sewing time.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve been piecing a quilt for N in Children at Play fabric (and taking a break from clothes sewing) and it is taking much much longer than planned mind you I was distracted by watching the U.S elections – I found it very interesting and couldn’t go away! I normally “don’t do” politics. I now have 30 minutes to sew the pieces together for the half triangles before the kids get home.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve traced off the front and back yoke of the Nature walk pullover in all the larger sizing and have enlarged these pieces to a 14 and 16. I have also traced off the top sleeve piece in all the larger sizes, I just need to enlarge this piece to a 14 and 16. When I have done this I will be ready to begin using them as the basis for my Hogwarts robe pattern!

    Even though I don’t need all the sizes (only 5, 7, 8, 12 or 14) I find it’s often easier to just trace that piece off in all the sizes while the pattern sheet is out.

    Masha Richart

    Three of five stockings completed (though I’m no longer in love with the pattern; oh well, I will finish them anyway). Today I want to finish those and sew a nursing cover for a pregnant friend (and finish knitting a hat for her baby to go with the booties I already knit – luckily I’m taking my 3-yo to ballet class so that will offer some good knitting time). I also want to cut out the long-anticipated Playdate and wash the fabric I’ll use for the piping. We’re leaving on a road trip tomorrow morning so hopefully I will get this all done today.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Have finally finished all my cushion covers (I had to stop a couple of days ago, I ran out of white zips!).

    I am now trying to make up the pattern for my harrypotter robes. I have the front, back and in-seam pockets drafted for my size 5 (and they look good), but the hood is causing issues! How big?, other than very. I think I need to just make it big and see how it looks, as this is only the prototype.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m still trudging along with this quilt – lots of fiddly bits and cutting down of half traingle pieced bits which defeats the purpose of piecing in the first place I think. I had to unpick some of them because I mucked them up with the formation. Nearly finished the top, just have the sashings to connect everything and then the border and then I can get on with the pieced back. THEN tomorrow I might be able to start the whole thing again – in pink and purples this time (the one I’m on is red,white and blue!)

    The aim is to have two finished quilts by the end of November and so far I’m on track.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m impressed with your speed in pieceing justsewit!

    Starting to sew up my prototype robe and planning to use a different construction method to enable me to finish all the edges nicely and easily. See how it goes.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I forgot to tell you that this project has been in progress now for a number of months so the majority of the piecing of the windmill block type shape thingies were already done and that took about the longest time ever – probaby why I had to put the thing down in the first place.

    The sashing inbetween the blocks is pinned and ready to sew on one side of each strip and then I will have to pin again to actually join everything together. I’m hoping to get this done tonight and have the sashing and border on also – but don’t count your chickens (64 in the brooder box)!

    I’m in need of getting into sewing tonight – came home from swimming club after being told as I arrive that my son isn’t quite ready to join and with the darling preteen insisting on not going in it was all I needed for spending the time to get into town in the first place. I’ll just get in the water with him from here on in and make sure he doesn’t look like he’s impersonating a washing machine – so sewing will take the frustrations of the day away I am sure.

    Can’t wait to see the prototype and the real thing Heidi – sounds like a fun project!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    The prototypes looking great! I’m about 3/4’s of the way there. I have one sleeve on and one to go then attach the second main piece and topstitch. Provided my modified methodology works, otherwise there will be a LOT of unpicking, but I think it’s going to be OK.

    I’m stopping now, I can feel my head starting to get frustrated and it’s after 10pm. Supper and bedtime!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’m there too Heidi. I’m attaching window panes to my Puppet Theatre and my head’s starting to spin. G’night all!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    LightningMcStitch how is the puppet theatre so far to sew? I wanting to make one for Christmas for the kids but not sure if I should start it very soon or will I run out of time.

    I just finished a “Nicole” 2+2 skirt Sweet pea has wanted for ages. It came out very nice. Now back to two music class blouses the n onto some fun jacket sewing! I have had this in mind for a bit. Super fun weekend sewing for my birthday!!


    Tamara @justsewit

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON! (had to shout across the landmass and ocean so you could hear me!) Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thanks Tamara! 🙂

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