Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Ronie Saake @roniesaake

    I have completed two Sketchbook Shorts and a Book Report Dress for the grandkids back to school wardrobes.

    Tamara @justsewit

    What great value @reeni.

    I am onto about my fifth muslin for the ginger jeans – finally caved on that pattern. I think I know what to adjust where in order to get them perfect. Then I can make a cone denim pair and a black pair. The black ones are intended as a show entry but, I think I have just discovered a case of hand foot and mouth disease in the household so I think I have to kiss entering things in the show for this year goodbye (because I cannot get them delivered in time and they need to be 450km away by Wednesday 6pm).

    Harmony @Harmony

    I completed a Field Trip tee for the younger girl – my first ever tee success for her!

    I also completed an SBCC Tonic 2 tee for the older one – she’s sized out of O&S lengthwise but she’s such a slender little thing she needs the petite proportions of SBCC.

    Finally, I’m working on a Liesl & Co. Gallery Tunic for myself. In white linen. Under the close, personal scrutiny of a black dog and a gray cat.

    Tamara @justsewit

    @Harmony you have creative pets too? I wish mine would know that black is out of sitting bounds – no matter the project is it’s black…

    Which leaves me doomed because I have the black denim laid out to cut a real pair of ginger jeans. I had a 40inch remnant and a 1.5 yard piece of cone indigo denim that I was really wanting to use but with all my length alterations… Being tall is very overrated sometimes.

    I will sew the black pair and fingers crossed the cone denim I have just ordered will get here soon – like by this time next week!

    And in the meantime I can stick the new Cashmerette Harrison shirt pattern together and get going on that.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Ah, yes, Tamara, the perils of the lengthy adjustment and recommended fabric requirements or even, I want to use this from my stash, no too short 🙁
    I’m in the process of adding 4″ to the length of Jalie 3243, pull on non stretch woven pants!
    Please let us know about how the Harrison works, it’s on my to buy/make list. I’ve been hoping Cashmerette would bring out a fifteen shirt and here it is 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Perils of height, I traced off my pants went to place them on fabric, the 3 pieces of bottom weight I was considering were ALL too short! 🙁 Didn’t help that 2 of them were lovely 90cm width micro corduroy.
    I found something but it will end up as pajamas if they work, but I can test the pattern. I don’t think I can get away with Winnie the Pooh pants at work! I need to get some pant lengths of fabric, 3m 110cm widths or 2m 150cm widths.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I will Heidi! Double princess seams is non existent in my pattern stash until now.

    I have a few fabrics to choose from but they will team better with indigo denim rather than black.

    Black jeans I hope to crack on with today – when I was supposed to take my things to Perth today but I have a child with a contagious disease so I don’t think they’d be too impressed.

    I love the idea of Winnie the pooh pj pants btw.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Wow it’s been a long time since I last posted! Not sewing anything at the moment as my basement (where my sewing area is) is currently drying out. Last weekend my hot water heater decided to finish completely rusting out and flooded the basement carpet. Fortunately discovered it fairly quickly so we were able to clean up as it leaked. Praying no mold. The real challenge was talking my landlord into paying for a new water heater to be installed (there was no way this one could be repaired), and tho he finally reluctantly agreed I am hoping he doesn’t try to pin some of the cost on me because it certainly doesn’t fall under my responsibilities as a tenant! I have two jumprope dresses 3/4 done, and am in love with that pattern. After those are done I have an onbuhimo to sew for a friend (it’s a type of baby carrier) and then some baby things. While I’m waiting for my basement to dry and resume sewing, I have been busy knitting a bunch of sweet baby things. Because I am 36 weeks pregnant and just hoping and praying this baby holds on til Ben comes home to be born :P. He is currently deployed for a year but managed to arrange to come home around my due date as he does not want to miss another birth, it was very hard on him missing Olivia’s birth. So as long as I stay pregnant for at least 17 more days, all will be well!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @vothgirl with your knitting, they have been pieces haven’t they? So if they have (I know you had at least one) in essence, technically speaking you HAVE been sewing – just with wool and knitting and not in the conventional sense.

    Thrilled to hear Ben is coming home – praying he gets home in time. It makes it all the more special for all of you. I never had trouble holding on as intervention took over but I can understand this is very important to you so fingers crossed.

    I had to call the Royak Ag society today and break the news regarding my sewing being entered – or rather being withdrawn. I was actually really excited at some of the classes this year but now I am even more disappointed at not being able to enter my things as the head stewardess told me that there wasn’t alot and she told me to not get too excited about them! Oh dear why does it always have to be a spanner that drives the final decision?

    Anyway she has asked me to write some suggestions down as they are in need of a complete class overhaul – she says the whole section needs a facelift as it is too old fashioned. I kind of agree.

    So, I put it to you dear forum friends, if you were to enter something in your local Agricultural show/ fair (what ever the term is in your part of the world), what sort of classes would you be most interested in entering and what would you want to see? Would you want to see something for the beginner sewist? How many pieces would you want to enter in one class? What ages groups would you sew garments for? And would you want to sew items, such as bags and hats?

    I am interested in what you think because even though we are a much wider community, we are all sewers and somewhere in our sewing lives we will show off our things.

    This year they had a “Design challenge” in the form of a tailored shirt. I know there are just two entries and none have arrived. But I will be wearing my tailored shirt and my jeans (which were also an entry) to the show and I will make sure to submit my thoughts to the committee so that it can help just a little bit to give the Creative crafts a facelift of sorts.

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I’m not sewing anything at the moment, as I’m washing winter blankets at the laundromat. It’s very peaceful and quiet here, and I’m very excited about getting the blankets so clean – our washer at home is too small to do a good job. Either that or our blankets are too big. I’ve been taking a class this month so when I get home, I’m going to baste together my sloper. I’m excited about that too. I’m going to have a sloper! Also, the teacher has been so amazing and patient. Traffic was bad last week and I showed up to class completely frazzled, and she just calmly explained everything to me as many times as I needed without batting an eye. And it was a lot of times. I cannot say enough good things.

    Being so close to having a sloper is making me consider copying a gorgeous dress I’ve been looking at on a designer’s website. It’s beautifully cut, and if I had one, I would wear it all the time. It would be great for work.


    I’m starting my very first Oliver + S pattern (After School Shirt and Pants) for my grand-daughter (12-18 mos size). Am making two pairs of corduroy pants to coordinate with one top. I’m going to try to add piping between the yoke and blouse and I’ll see what else I might do to the shirt to make it stand out a bit more. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    Liesl Gibson

    That will be cute, @crb73! Are you familiar with the piping tutorial for that pattern? It’s right here:

    customizing with oliver + s: after-school shirt with piping


    Whoops- well, yes, I had seen that tutorial a couple of weeks ago, just forgot about it! (I saw your reply AFTER practicing with piping and then attaching it.) At least I got to try out my stitch-in-the-ditch foot for the first time- what a great little tool for stitching close to the piping! I’ll have to bookmark that tutorial so I refer to it before I make her next little top. Thanks for the reminder!

    Liesl Gibson

    I hope it helps! Glad you’re here.

    Also, can I just say how astonishing it is that we’re on page 400 of this thread, with nearly 6,000 comments? How wonderful that this community is so active!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have finally finished my Ginger jeans and have cut out an Appleton top to hopefully wear tomorrow to try it out.

    I am hoping the cone denim is in the mail tomorrow so I can get going on my second pair.

    If not oh well it is a project for the weekend as term is ending and I have an extended school run to conduct on Friday.

    I might, all things holding up well, make another Appleton top tomorrow.

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