Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hope you were able to get the additional fabric, Tamara!
    I’m feeling much better today after a couple of really bad days. I’m making Jalie sweat pants into side opening pants for my niece who will be in bilateral leg casts for a few weeks. I made some last year and they made getting her dressed a much easier task. It’s a benefit having made the modifications before and having last years to go by. I like sewing with fleece, so quick 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I hope so too Heidi! Tomorrow will tell.

    I made a “muslin” of a Stylearc shirt but ran out of fabric to “muslin” the sleeve. I think I made it too long so it’s back to the drawing board and having a think.

    I am now soldiering on with an already cut out “tailored shirt” to audition this instead. It’s playing it safe but it just might save time to do so.

    My cone denim arrived today along with the very slow fabric.com package containing hatchi knit and more laguna knit for t shirts – for me! The denim is earmarked for jeans for me. I am just not sure if I want another very stretchy pair of jilly jeans so have to find the time to auditon the sandra pattern instead.

    I really don’t have much time to audition anything but oh well. It will have to be done if I want the better quality fabrics for my show exhibits.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well the fabric shopping is done and I bought an extra 2 m of the sateen I want to use for my fit and flare dress as an entry for this year’s royal show. I also bought some of another print as inspiration hit me whilst watching “zumbo” and seeing Rachel’s dress. The plan is to use the Upton dress pattern and to use Rachel’s dress as inspiration for it – print skirt and block colour top half. I think it will look quite fun.

    The print I had bought earlier for the same pattern was there too but it didn’t have enough on the bolt to give much extra so I passed on that one and if it comes to the crunch it can just be a skirt too.

    So when I grab a moment this evening I can do a few seams on the “alternative tailored shirt pattern” and get something finally happening.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I finished a Cashmerette Appleton for my friend but I didn’t check the stretch requirements so it’s too tight through the back and bicep 🙁 I’m going to remove the sleeves and hopefully save the dress.
    I also upcycled a friend’s t-shirt for his boy. I added a crossover yoke, inspired by the Hopscotch top as there wasn’t enough fabric. I really like the crossover yoke for a boy on a plain t-shirt.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I love the hopscotch variation, it looks great.

    I’ve just started doing some sewing for me. I started softly with a willow tank top and dress. I am so proud if myself! I want to make more for myself but I’m struggling with what I like v what might actually suit me. I don’t want to invest time in something which I then won’t wear. I’m not sure what to do about this really, so any advice is welcomed!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I totally lost my mojo. School starts tomorrow and as we were preparing for it this weekend- doing laundry, checking for fit, cleaning, etc. My daughter and I were discussing first day outfits. Because first day!

    She said she wanted to wear a dress that I had made. I promptly vetoed that because it was the dress I made for her last year and she wore first day for K. Now in first grade. At 8 pm last night, I got mojo- I sort of had to find it. LOL.

    I am using a Gertie border fabric for a music box. It is going to be lovely. It frays easily so I french seamed it. There will be zero exposed seams in this lovely frock. It is coming together beautifully.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Having serious social media withdrawal here – my Ipad is in Ipad icu!

    I have almost finished two Jumprope dresses. I have failed three times on making a tailored shirt – fabric mismatched, wonkiness in seams something else went totally askew – I will try again and this time IT. WILL. WORK!!

    I have rediscovered why I don’t sew with rayon!

    Liesl Gibson

    Who’s got back-to-school photos to share? I wanna see! Here is S wearing her Music Class Blouse this morning on her first day of 6th grade:

    Gah, how did she grow up so quickly! Next year I’m sure I won’t be allowed to take a First Day photo.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    @liesl I tagged mine in the flickr group #firstdayofschool2016.

    I still haven’t figured out how to successfully add a photo here! LOL

    Liesl Gibson

    Ooh, I’ll go look, @cybele727! I posted my Instagram photo by copying the link on my laptop and pasting it into the text. Magic! But I’m not sure how to do it on my phone or iPad…

    Reeni @Reeni

    Oh me @liesl! first day

    on him: Khaki Sketchbook Shorts with zip fly and buttonhole elastic; on her: modified 2+2 skirt in regulation plaid.

    Liesl Gibson

    @reeni, so cute! Your daughter looks excited, while your son looks a little less thrilled to leave summer behind. I’m totally on his side.

    Wow, you can buy regulation fabric to do your own uniform sewing? That’s neat!

    María @mariajsanroman

    Not sewn by mum… but so handsome and happy!

    Liesl Gibson

    So sweet, @mariajsanroman! I hope he had a good first day.

    Reeni @Reeni

    Haha @liesl, 7th grade boys are apparently too cool to smile anymore… he was however, looking forward to being with his friends every day!
    AK Fabrics on 39th Street (in between Vardhman and Beckenstein/Fabric Czar) has been my source for this plaid since dd started at this school! I went berserk looking for it online and whatever, but of course they had it right there for a great price… and so much better quality (a washable wool/poly blend) than what the uniform companies make theirs from. I can get 4 skirts from 2 yards because it’s 60″!

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Reeni.
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