What are you sewing now?
14 years ago LINK
Nicole @motherof5
Sailboat pants finished , worn , washed and back in the ironing. We received lots of lovely comments. I went with bone topstitching on one twin’s pair and navy on the other, I’m hard pushed to know which I like better.
The Brunch Jackets are partially made, and I have drafted and cut out Small Ones Brunch Jacket & Skirt, one pink&brown floral the other lilac.
I now have to draft the 12-18 month skirt for little one, the 6-12 mnth jacket still fits nicely, but the skirt struggles to go over her nappy(diaper, to you chaps). Fabric choice still up in the air !
What are you sewing?
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Sahm, I have not forgotten about the photo, just need Son&Heirs help to do it.
14 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
I’ve just about finished a sketchbook shirt for my son to wear to his first birthday party in three months. Loving it! I keep going back into the sewing room (well, dining room) to gaze at it.
I also need to finish a Sunday Brunch jacket that I consigned to the ‘too hard’ pile after making a very poor fabric choice. Oops. Will get onto it this weekend though, I’m full of enthusiasm again after sewing the Sketchbook shirt.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I started on a 2 + 2 blouse (size 8) last night for my big girl and I used some pink and white gingham I found in my stash with a coordinating lilac-pink broadcloth.
I looked at the gingham and saw that it was a bit creased from being folded and I debated ironing it once more (I ironed it before I put it in the stash) but decided not to.
Gah! Boy was I wrong. I haven’t had a sewing experience quite like that in a while. Nothing matched up and the pieces (of course) grew as I ironed the seams. Sigh. I think I can salvage it, but the worst part?
There was a long bleached stroke all the way across my front piece where the fabric had been folded and exposed to the sun (I guess).
But I’ll keep going and treat it as a toile unless it works out along the way. Once I have it put together maybe the bleached part won’t show? Right? Anyone? 😉
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Oh no, how awful ! Perhaps if you wash it and hang in the sun for a few days the colour may even out.
How brave to own up, hopefully you will save someone else the same frustration.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
@motherof5 – yes, I’ll wash it after I finish it and see what happens. The sun has taken out lots of stains on my kids’ clothes before. I’m sure it will even out a little bit.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Hah – just my luck lately … the blouse I made that I messed up somehow? I managed to salvage it and it’s actually looking pretty good.
Too bad a first try-on (without sleeves set in or sideseams made) indicate that .. you guessed it. Too small in the chest.
*rips hair out*
I have finished it now. I just need to hem it, which I don’t intend to do before I try it on for real. But since it’s 11:50 pm I think it will have to wait until tomorrow.
I did start the 2 + 2 pleated skirt and it’s moving along nicely and looking very good so all is not lost.
Fingers crossed for me, please?
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Fingers and toes !
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
It fit!!
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
You beauty, I’m so pleased!
14 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
Just finished my first Sunday Brunch Jacket and Skirt in a size 18-24months and will post photos onto Flikr hopefully in the next half hour. I am ridiculously pleased with them, although I had a few skipped stitches along the way which confused me – would that be sewing with a walking foot or the multiple layers of home dec fabric or a poorly wound bobbin or all of the above? I had no trouble with laminate and thick wool using the walking foot so I’m a bit confused – checked the machine was threaded properly so I don’t think it is that…
What next? I’m thinking perhaps a puppet show blouse and shorts for next summer – a pattern I have owned for a while but not tried yet. Those shorts look so great and I have a bit of linen in the stash looking for a home.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
The 2 + 2 skirt and blouse turned out great in the end. The big girl wished to wear them to Mother’s Day celebration today (yes, today, in Sweden) at grandma’s. She looked lovely.
Watching her move in it I will try to widen the chest/yoke a little next time.
The skirt was excellent, it gave her a lot of room for movement. The Music skirt I made her the other week looks gorgeous, but it’s a bit slim on a 5-yo.
Tonight I hope to get started on a pair of Puppet Show shorts for the little girl. I love the look of them and I also have a bit of linen in the stash, looking to be used.
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I’m spending time alone with the girls tonight since the husband is out of town. Looking forward to start tracing the Ice cream dress after the little ones are in bed. I have some lovely Anna Maria Horner and Heather Bailey fabric that needs a good home.
What better use for that?
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Just finished the twins Sunday Brunch jackets , the dark denim turned out so well ! I went with little navy velvet buttons as metal ones looked too heavy.
Good luck with the drafting ,lattemama,
I’m off to bed, I have been up since 6, and it’s nearly 11:30, but I just had to have a peek at the forum!
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Just wanted to let you all know that I’ve succumb to the peer pressure and ordered the sailboat pants pattern. I’m going to make them for Fall with a full length leg for C. She has too many summer clothes already! Already have the fabric chosen from my stash – baby blue cross-hatch twill and Heidi Grace print for a coordinating 2+2 blouse to go with. Now to finally finish off the last 2 pairs of Storytime PJs for O…
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