Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I got a laught from N’s Geography.

    Not expecting may sewing but I amplanning on folding and sorting ALL my fabric this afternoon. I even fund the comic book boards to use as a storage system.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes an “expert” in everything at the tender age of 7! He’s not ready to be let loose in the world just yet that’s for sure or it would be “Where in the world is NK?” Not Carmen Sandiego!

    I noticed you could get the comic boards from Amazon of all places – they look interesting so can’t wait for you to let us know how they pan out – may even get some to glam up this cupboard a bit further.

    I am yet to take a wee jaunt out the paddock to deliver sustanance to the man and then hopefully after that I can sew. I had to make a quick journey into town thinking I had to sign a form for the kids to be in photos to promote the school – the child who had Mondayitis didn’t know it lasted only a day and so hence came with me this time dressed in school uniform – his teacher apparently doesn’t like him reading his own books from home as part of the reading program …. funny that I thought any reading helped (from my experience it does anyway).

    So my day of sewing has been whittled down to just a couple of hours – not as much fun! Oh the life we live hey?! Oh well it is forecast for 39 degrees c here today so a great excuse to take a dip in the pool! I have the air con going flat out already and it is barely 10am!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’ve finished my Puppet Theatre, but while I was making it I kept finding fabrics in the stash and having ideas, so I started a list. There are now 14 garments on my list! I can feel another pattern stash bust challenge coming on.

    But next I really must make the mattress and sheets for A’s doll cradle, then Christmas is sorted and I can play with outfits again.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Gosh that sounds just like what I would do Lightning McStitch! The puppet theatre sounds wonderful though.

    I managed to do all the half square things for the other quilt so tonight while taking in a bit of telly I’ll pin them together and sew them tomorrow when the children are at school. I’m hoping to end up with rows sewn together by the end of the day tomorrow and blocks by either Thursday or Friday considering the rash top emergency. I’m hoping to have the sashings done and ready to attach over the weekend and by this time next week a front and back ready to pin together – this will give me an excuse to get to the shop to pick up thread for the quilting bit.

    meleliza @meleliza

    The puppet theater sounds great, I can’t wait to see pictures!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    The comic book boards are looking great and I seem to be able to store almost a third more fabric in the shelves! Bonus. Even my husband has been getting in and wrapping some of the fabric during our big house clean up (and found and used the unpicker yesterday!). You might want to get them off amazon as I found they were more expensive than I was hoping at our local comic book store.

    Nicole @motherof5

    More Puffy shirts after a nice break making camp clothes.

    And after that….hopefully a new Portfolio tunic for Mummy!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Still putting together pink quilt blocks whilst listening to the girl doing maths homework! I don’t know if she’s clicked as to what I am making but I don’t mind because she won’t see the finished product until Christmas.

    I’m finding this one much faster to put together.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Just posted another Book Report Dress (size 2) for two yr old. I think the raspberry colours will suit her dark hair, and more olive-y complexion. http://www.flickr.com/photos/87355413@N02. Onward and upward with 2 music box dresses. Received my new patterns a couple of days ago, and can hardly wait to have willing victim for the Birthday Party. I think it’s such a clever design, and the answer to a sewist’s prayer when there is just not enuf fabric. Complementary fabrics for pleats, back panels will help me go thru stash.

    More puffy shirts mo5? how many people are in this play? Hope you enjoy making something for yourself, soon. Lightning, some of my best ideas for future projects usually happen when I’m working on something else – esp. quilts. Good luck with your new list of projects

    meleliza @meleliza

    No sewing, just resting. On top of bronchitis, I have a bad flu. 🙁 Dr said I should stay in bed for a week, but how am I supposed to work that out? On my floor where I left it when I got really sick yesterday is a sleeve muslin for the Washi dress. Black plaid shirting hanging washed and ready in my closet. That dress really wants to be made and I feel so bad letting it down. Doesn’t look like baby girl will get a new dress for thanksgiving.

    I have some lisette sateen in that lovely red from last fall that I want to use for a Christmas dress, but I can’t decide on the pattern.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Rest up Meleliza, your health is too important (I was threatened with hospitalisation when bronchitis turned into pneumonia) your sewing and your family will thank you for it. The dress does sound really beautiful though, maybe it is suitable for another holiday occasion? The red sounds lovely too. Hope you feel better soon.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Bronchitis is bad enough but getting flu on top is really bad Meleliza! I know it’s tempting to just keep sewing, but you don’t want to wreck your fabric because you were sick do you? Seriously rest. I also nearly ended up in Hospital with pneumonia at Easter.

    I’m making pillow slips at the moment, easy but I find cutting straight lines 65″ long quite difficult!

    Lightning that puppet theatre is amazing!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    meleliza I hope you get to feeling better soon! The sewing can wait although I find it so hard to put aside anything and get rest when I need it too.

    I am stumped as what to sew next. I have more I want to make it than I know what to do with. I want to make Sweet pea a LTTS cape but not sure of what fabric to use as the lining. I have some fun Santa fabric that would make a good tea party dress and great for her to wear now and I have a plaid 2+2 skirt I want to make as well. Oh and some more of the Music class blouses too. For the baby I need to make him two pairs of pants and have a third pair in mind with matching fabric for a top. But where to start??

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    May be the cape Mama_knowles, that way sweet pea can wear it if she needs something warmer while she’s still got the cast on?

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thank you! I am resting, actually. The black plaid for me can definitely wait. Since I’m stuck at home, I have no where to wear it anyway. Seriously, though, I’m trying to take this seriously. Last year it was like this from end of October until March. And I had another bad bout in May. This year, it all started in Septmber. A friend who has been learning about homeopathic medicine for 10 years just shared some of her favorite tips with me. After all, I’m the primary caregiver and I don’t get sick days, but I also can’t do my job when I’m this unwell.

    But I can rest in bed while I look through Flickr. Love the puppet theater! And the blue flowered puppet show dress and white collar. And the animal pajamas! Sharon, I vote for dresses next. But then I always vote for dresses.

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