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What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Just got to try my prototype Harry Pottter robe on one of the kids, it looks AMAZING! Right length, Right sleeves (including length), hood, all just right!

    Now to make it in the correct colourway!

    I hope you are not so sick this winter Meleliza!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Being sick so long … perish that thought! Think wellness!

    I have just come back from going to and fro shifting blokes and lifting motorbike holders on the back of utes and now I’m going to sew – the quilt blocks still!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Im hoping that when the boys are in the same school next year, things won’t be so bad. It started last year when #1 started kindergarten and #2 started preschool. It was awful and I very nearly pulled the boys out of school altogether. But we have spots secured in good schools for all the kids and if I gave them up, I may not be able to find another if homeschool didn’t work out. There aren’t enough schools spots to go around here, so that is a real fear. Still, I can’t survive another winter like that. I’ll try homeopathy this year.

    Hubby just yelled at me for not resting. I’m in bed with a cup of medicinal tea reading patterns. How is that not resting? πŸ™‚

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am stuck. :(. I have patterns, I have fabric, I can’t decide what to do next and with which fabric. Sigh….

    Tamara @justsewit

    I hope homeopathy works for you and helps keep it away Meleliza. I remember just how much of a trial it was for you last year and I know you don’t want a repeat. Will hubby let you take hand sewing to your rest as well? Or maybe a good book if you can’t sleep it away? Wouldn’t it be great if those “howlers” from Harry Potter were real – you could send one to hubby telling him you need this and that and that you are so resting!

    Cybele do you have a to do list to pinpoint a possible next project?

    I am hoping to go no where until this afternoon. Yesterday I only managed to sew the squares into rows and press them after running around after kids and men. I was wanting to be a little further down the track with this project AND was hoping to make a rash top for me because it was so hot the other day! Not to be. Today though I am camping in the sewing room and having a good ol’ time getting on with this project before the alarm goes off and I have to swing back into action again!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I think I am going to do the after school shirt. My problem is pants. I need to go get pant fabric and frankly I can’t find any I like to go with the shirt. I need some pinwale solids.

    I think I need to do some Internet seat hint for pinwale. Maybe that will solve the sewist’s block!

    Tamara @justsewit

    http://www.fabric.com and http://www.farmhousfabrics.com.

    They have Kaufman plain and printed pinwale corduroy in all sorts of beautiful colours.



    cybele727 @cybele727

    Ha! Great minds. I have been taking occasional peeps between mommy demands! πŸ™‚

    cybele727 @cybele727

    One thing I like about fabric.com is that they participate with either fatwallet. com or ebates.com. So you get some money back. :$

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have squares! yay! In two hours I have done 25 pinwheel blocks and unpicked and resewed two! I don’t know if this is fast or slow – who cares – I have squares!

    Cybele I wil have to check out fatwallet and ebates – are they for U.S only?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    How exciting Tamara! I can’t wait too see them. πŸ™‚ I am wanting to make my kiddos quilts but I am not sure if I “time” to.

    Right now I am working on a red ridinghood cape. As I have cut it out Sweet pea has “ordered” yet more things. I think I have a little fasion monster on my hands now. I have three dresses in mine for her, two skirts and want to make more of thte Music class blouses. I think after Ifinish this cape I will make a Family reuion dress then maybe a few pairs of pants for the baby.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I don’t know if it is US only. But maybe there are equivalents elsewhere??? πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just wondered about that because you some online places will do things for local customers and not the international ones.

    Sharon, it is kind of exciting to think that in a couple of days I can lay them both out and get them into sandwich formation. It might actually give me the motivation to pull the quilt I made for Murray out and redo to quilting side of things which was absolutely soo … ugly! I promised that for his birthday four years ago. This is all part of the plan to spruce up the house a bit and have something lighter to sleep under AND to get rid of a few unfinished projects.

    I just need this weekend to get this quilt front and back made and then I can get back to sewing clothes I between the hullabaloo of harvest and running off to the shops to get thread.

    The cape sounds like fun! I was actually surprised it fit my daughter when I made it – another thing I have to take a picture of.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I do find taking pictures easy, but getting them up I find a little time consuming so I tend to do a batch at a time.

    I have just made 2 lion hoods. I got a “help, the kids need to be lions this afternoon for gym!”. So I got out the bear hood from LTTS, modified the ears and added a mane in front of the ears. I just made them in time. My husband was cutting the manes into strips in the car on the way to drop them off (being careful not to cut off any ears, or his fingers in the car!). We made it with about 30sec to spare! They looked amazing on the kids.

    About 2hrs from phone call to drop off.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Lions for gym? *This afternoon*?!! Um, what exactly do they do in gym class? But nice work getting it done on time.

    This resting in bed and no sewing is dangerous and expensive. I just ordered a bundle of

    Liberty fabric *from London* because I found the most absolutly perfect print for baby girls Christmas dress and it was the only seller I could find. Then, because they had flat rate shipping, I ordered a few more meters. If i were busy sewing I wouldn’t have this much time to track down obscure expensive stuff. I told hubby the only thing that might make me feel better is pretty fabric. πŸ™‚

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