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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    You certainly work miracles Heidi! I thought a weeks notice was bad enough but 2 hours?!

    Meleliza are you feeling much better then? That’s incredible! What’s the exchange rate like? Hope it gets to you in good time.

    I went to work on the quilt yesterday when I thought the kids were doing their own thing. I WAS SPRUNG! My ten year old came in and asked straight out what I was making and who it was for as it was “girlie and awesome!”. I didn’t know what to say and just slapped the book shut and walked out of the room. She was sticking her nose right into the book so she saw the layout and everything. Really disappointed about not being able to get away with this one but will still finish it because she hasn’t seen it all together, just the separate blocks. I may even make her second one too yet and wrap that one instead just to make it a surprise.

    I can hear kids awake and it isn’t yet 6am so better go and catch up on what I was wanting to do yesterday.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    The Lions were for the end of year presentation/concert thing that they have for gymnastics, it reminds me of the end of year dance concerts. A week would have been nice but I think it still would have been done last minute as it was a very busy week, and it has been a very stressful time for my friends so I wasn’t surprised by the call. But I made one of them a monkey suit 2 years ago for the same event (more like 6 weeks notice that time) and he was able to wear it again this year as a lion!

    Now to make cake, put on a crockpot and maybe start a HP robe this afternoon!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Tamara, I’m actually not feeling too much better.:( called the doctor again and everything, but they said its going to take a while. But I really should feel better by the time the fabric gets here. It will probably take two weeks. The exchange rate is a little steep, but its really the shipping that is expensive. I probably shouldn’t enable everyone here, but there is a store in London called Shakaut that sells an enourmous selection of Linerty at super great prices. So even with shipping, it’s an equal or better price than I can get here. In the summer, I shipped it to my MIL and she brought it with her when she came to visit.

    Heidi, I get it. Gymnastics class. Gym class in the US is physical education that kids get in school once a week. Think all those classic climbing the rope scenes in American movies. Or dodgeball. I never really thought about it before, but I suppose it’s called “gym” because it’s held in the gymnasium.

    Now I have two weeks to decide on a pattern. Obviously the fairy tale dress is a contender, but I have made it three times already!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    We call your “gym” classes sport or P.E. (Physical Education) classes. They’re normally done outside all year round (unless it’s raining). I didn’t even have a gymnasium at school until I went to high school! The things we learn about culture here!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Right, that’s what the English call it too. Our school is so small we have a cafegymtorium = cafeteria, gymnasium and auditorium all in one room. Plus, the kindergarten class “room” is just the partitioned off end of that. They also get gym class on the roof. Come to think of it, though, my suburban elementary schools had gym and auditorium combined in one space, but it was a much bigger space. I think there was a stage.

    Now, which pattern for that Liberty Christmas dress?

    cybele727 @cybele727


    The family reunion! 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Didn’t you say you had the Fairy Tale dress in mind Meleliza? What about the apple picking dress or the School photo dress? And aren’t supposed to be resting?

    Yes we call Gym class Phys Ed or the same as Heidi said it depends on what stat you are in I think – virtually the same. Some of the bigger high schools in the city have actual Gyms with weights and things. We don’t have a gymnasium as phys ed is conducted outside or under the “under cover area” which is where they sit to eat lunch – no cafeterias here only canteens providing the food and the seating area is the ground. We don’t even have picnic benches to sit on just the ground and some benches on the perimeter of the area and certainly not enough for every one.

    I had a day of no interruptions yesterday which was great as I got a fair bit accomplished. I’ve started assembling the quilt top with the sashings and it is looking really great with the hopscotch print going up and across meeting in the middle with the pink floral. Except my designated bottom half block managed to “promote” itself to the other side of the row so it’ll have to be unpicked and put back into its spot or else I’ll have upside down little girls and banners – and we can’t have that!

    Today, after I have been to town and “helped” in N’s class I’ll continue on and hopefully will have it completed and the final border on the back as we’ll before the children get off the bus – no piano today as the teacher is driving the bus to support the normal driver who has a family matter to attend to – she used to drive the bus anyway.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I just finished my first pair of afterschool pants. I am assembling another pair soon. I bought the pattern for the shirt, which I haven’t yet made, and thought, look at those little parts and those pockets… too much work… feeling lazy. Now having put together a pair, not too much work, so worth it, another pattern that comes together beautifully!

    And they turned out super cute (at least I think they did)! 🙂

    Once I do that, I will cut out two tops. Crazily I thought I would have them done before Thanksgiving, as we are going away, but nope, won’t have those tops done. Just pants.


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    i am working on two pairs of pants for baby prince C. The first is the Ben & Mia pants with some mods and then onto an afterschool pants. He is four months old but the 6-12 month size is snug on him right now so I think I will try the 12m size with the 6-12 length. I have a sketchbook shirt and a sail boat shirt already done to go with both pairs of pants. Now just to get some time to work on them!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Yes, I am resting, thanks! Just planning. So that I’m ready to go as soon as I’m better. Would you believe that I’ve got a sinus infection now?

    I am still considering the fairy tale dress. I want to go whole hog with the crinoline, though I may skip the sash because she’s so little. Also, it really eats fabric and this is expensive enough already. And it will get all crushed in the car seat. However, I did sort of want the heirloom look of buttons at the back.

    Tamara @justsewit

    It sounds well worth the expense of the fabric to me! I just love the idea of a Liberty Fairy Tale dress.

    I was hoping to finish the top of this quilt yesterday but didn’t get to. I got up to pinning the rows together with the sashing inbetween. I was doing this last night while the tv was on in our room last night and the kids were in bed, I thought they were asleep, when the ten year old came out to once again sticky beak. I quick hid it this time.

    I’ll finish the top and put the last row on the back today and then I can get on with the quilting bit which can be dragged out a little and done a bit at a time – but during school. They both have to be finished by the 14th December which is the Friday before school breaks for the holidays. But before that I am hoping to sew other things also so it requires extreme time management ingenuity!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Hi Meleliza, sorry to hear you are so ill, and sinus infections to the head bending associated with sewing/cutting out. I don’t know how old your little girl is but what the Birthday Party dress? The Liberty fabric would crease beautifully for the centre pleats, and there are buttons down the back.

    After ripping along with my sewing, things slowed down on weekend. Beautiful mild weather and lots of sunlight in my south facing unit saw sorting thru quilting stash for the fabric bought with God knows what in mind, but when viewed thru the dressmaking lens, take on new potential. Very exhausting but rewarding process, and usually results in resorting and refolding, but not much sewing. Finished two music boxes to button/buttonhole stage but need plenty of time and quiet for that, and I’ve decided on some trim for them.

    Tonight planning to cut out first Ice Cream dress; bright owl print on choc. backgrnd for mid section, and co-ordinating stripe for top and bottom panels in size 3. Little girl is b/n sizes but taking the forum’s oft repeated advice abt going bigger for the future. Just hope it doesn’t swim too much. Good luck everyone else with your sewing schedules, and Happy Thanksgiving to those concerned – you know who you are!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I hope you get to feeling better very soon Meleliza!!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Get well soon Meleliza. I’ve finally got over a head cold turned sinusitis which had me feeling like pulling my own top teeth out to relieve the pressure. Yuck.

    I’ve got soooo many ideas at the moment and I really don’t know if I’ll get them all done. I’ve cut out a sketchbook shirt and shorts for P (pattern bust) and now, most of a penguin backpack and a large messenger bag. I’m running out of time for the stupidly elaborate hand quilt and still need to make the mattress and fitted sheet/pillow case (no idea quite how I’ll do that yet).

    I might be petitioning for Christmas to come a week later this year!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have now stopped putting together the pink quilt top because I didn’t have enough fabric to finish the last strip of the last bit of border!The only reason the other one was finished was because of heaps of fabric. Have ordered more and it will hopefully get her within the specified 5 days and in the meantime I can quilt N’s and have it bound and ready to go.

    So I hope you are sitting comfortably and resting whilst reading our posts Meleliza, to have sinusitis on top of the other ailments is like the cherry on the top of the cake – a pain! Get well soon so you can start making that pretty dress for baby girl – can’t wait to see it.

    Lightning do you agree that the months start ticking doubly fast starting in October? Something happens to the clock I am so sure of it.

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