Random fun question
13 years ago LINK
meleliza @meleliza
What music do you like to sew to? Wouldn’t it be super cool if there were an Oliver and S playlist on iTunes?
13 years ago LINKjuliamom2009 @juliamom2009
I listen to either blues or funk – our Directv has channels for both, and if I play either, my daughter will play and dance and give me time to sew! I also do a lot of sewing while listening to episodes of Peppa Pig; for the same reason…
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Music can be really distracting in my sewing area – spent my sewing time yesterday ripping all my old cd’s into itunes so I could actually listen to them. Or then a favourite song comes on and I’m either dancing or singing or both and not sewing.
I have all sorts but mostly pop, rock, bit of Michael Buble and a bit of country. I listen to what drives my mood and if I don’t feel like listening to music I will listen to an audible story instead. When that is the case I get to bond with Jane Austen.
13 years ago LINKAdrienne @Adrienne
Hmmm….great random question! I love listening to Pandora (internet radio) either on the computer or my iPhone. I can type my favorite song at the moment, and it will create a playlist of songs just like the one that I typed in. (or you can type in the name of an artist/band that you like and it’ll do the same) I tend to listen to a lot of Maroon 5 or John Mayer when sewing…..very easy to listen to and calming…with some upbeat stuff too! But at times I do add some Cyndi Lauper from the 80’s and Andrea Boccelli! Really, it just depends on my mood and what I am sewing! : )
13 years ago LINKbren5kids @bren5kids
Sewing is my time to “read”, in the form of audio books. If I don’t have any great ones from the library on hand I listen to stories on librivox.org. If you like to read as much as I do, and like the old classics such as Austen, Dickens, the Bronte sisters and even great childrens classics, then you must check out librivox.org. It is all books in the public domain, and read by anyone who wants to volunteer; so sometimes the readers are awesome and sometimes not-so-awesome. The only time I listen to music while sewing is if my children are being too noisy and I can’t concentrate on a story.
13 years ago LINKdare moi @dare moi
I think it changes depending what i am doing.
Mondo Cane by Mike Patton, The Avalanches, Fight Club Soundtrack, Gotye, old school prince-( who could go past raspberry beret & doves cry), trashy 80’s music. Anything that makes your heart sing!
xoxx s
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I listen to movies that I pick up cheap on ebay. Torchwood was a favourite but I just listened to Prime Suspect,a bit grim,so I am switching to Jane Austin for a change.
13 years ago LINKsadies closet @sadies closet
I usually listen to whatever movie my kiddoes are watching (my sewing room is in the basement next to the TV room.) That keeps them occupied so that I can sew. I finished Sleepover pajamas to The Return of the King and cut out some things last night to Veggie Tales. Otherwise, I sew late at night and welcome the rare quiet moments. Love your ideas though and may have to put on a favorite movie to listen to while I sew. Pride and Prejudice could keep me occupied for 6 pleasant hours…
13 years ago LINKscgoble @scgoble
I don’t have a set playlist for sewing, but lately I can’t enough of The Vaccines. I am a little obsessed!
13 years ago LINKI need to look up some of this music! Never heard of the Vaccines, Mike Patton, the Avalanches… I’d better get myself up to speed!
13 years ago LINKdare moi @dare moi
Yes, I am bit of a Mr Patton junkie! Apart from the prolific music, he’s very nice to look at. If any of you peeps are in Sydney (Aust) tonight, he’s doing a free show in ‘The Domain’. Heads up- it’s 1950’s & 60’s ITALIAN music. If you lucky, and can stand the possible saturday line up – there is also the Picasso exhibition at the Art Gallery (right next door) to make the trip into the CBD more worth while!!
xoxx s
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Oh, I wouldn’t have thought of audio books — maybe I can use sewing time to catch up on podcasts?
13 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Absolutely, Sarvi. Great time for me to catch up on missed Radio Lab or This American Life episodes.
13 years ago LINKmle bb @mle bb
I also listen to podcasts most of the time when I am sewing, I LOOOOOOOVE Radio Lab, This American Life, DNTO, The Moth, and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. I also listen to Pandora or just anything off of my iTunes or a movie my friend wanted to watch and the occasional hulu session, I really just love something in the back ground and it depends on my mood that day on what I put on. Are there any suggestions for podcasts to listen to that are preferably free? I am an NPR member so I don’t feel too guilty getting some free stuff from them!
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