Oliver + S


easter outfits sewn by you

You’ve been busy whipping up beautiful Oliver + S Easter wear for your little ones, and we thought it’d be fun to feature some of your hard work today.

jeans from oliver + s patterns

Yes, you can sew jeans using Oliver + S pants patterns! Shelley has gathered many fantastic examples to prove it to you.

spring dress inspiration

Here are over a dozen dress ideas to inspire you to sew some Oliver + S spring frocks. We hope this gives you the little kick you need to get creative!

2015 photo mosaics

See all of the fantastic Oliver + S sewing everyone did in 2015! Here are three 2015 mosaics by Oliver + S sewists.

2016 goals and plans

Happy 2016! Do you make goals for the new year? We’re busy planning new projects to inspire you this year. Let us know what you’d like to see from us in the new year, will you?

christmas dress tradition

Shea from Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio is visiting today, sharing her Oliver + S Christmas dress tradition.

what to make with it: rose quartz and serenity

It’s twins! Pantone color experts delivered double the dose of excitement. For 2016 there are two colors of the year: Rose Quartz and Serenity. See how these colors work wonderfully on Oliver + S patterns.

fabric ideas for holiday sewing

Fabric inspiration to sew fun and festive holiday clothes and pajamas for your little one using Oliver + S patterns.