2016 goals and plans

Happy new year, friends! I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing, and inspiring holiday. We really enjoyed taking a little time off. Our trip to Portugal was a lot of fun and so, so beautiful! Unfortunately, Todd and S were both battling nasty colds, so we didn’t do as much as we had hoped. But we still managed to do and see a lot. I also had an opportunity to meet a lovely group of Portuguese bloggers who were so generous with their time. I thought we were meeting for lunch, but instead they took me to all the stores they thought I would enjoy. And they were right! I’m not usually much of a shopper when I’m on vacation, but the shops we visited were absolutely irresistible. We ate delicious ice cream, visited several fabric and trim shops, and made a stop at a shop that specializes in beautiful woven and felted Portuguese wool. I came back with this lovely wool blanket with the most intriguing woven pattern, as well as a few other treasures. Isn’t it pretty?


In any case, we’re back in the studio again, inspired and refreshed to begin a new year. And as part of the new year we’re busy planning lots of fun and exciting posts and projects for you in 2016! I can hardly wait.

Do you make new year’s resolutions? I generally don’t, but last year I assembled a Pinterest board that detailed my hopes and dreams for 2015. It’s a private board that I haven’t shared with anyone, but I revisited it periodically throughout the year. It included both personal and business goals for the year, and I was pleased to review it again last week and realize that I accomplished most of those goals. Some of my goals included moving to a new country, writing a second book, designing a new fabric collection, and writing more tutorials and inspirational posts for you right here. A few of my goals are still in progress and will be completed in 2016, but it was really helpful to assemble all of those goals in one place so I could keep track of them and stay focused on them during the year. Have you ever considered doing anything like this? On one of the business groups I’m a part of, each member is choosing a word for the year to set the theme and focus for 2016. Another friend has publicly listed her goals on Facebook–which goes back to that idea of publicly holding yourself accountable that I mentioned in a weekend links post a few weeks ago. In any case, this week I’ll be assembling a new Pinterest goal board for the new year. I hope that in 2016 we can continue to teach and inspire you here. If you have sewing goals or topics you’d like us to cover this year, please feel free to suggest them and I’ll see what I can do to fulfill your goals, too! Leave a comment with any requests or ideas, will you?

It’s going to be a great year for all of us. I can just feel it.




  1. I’d love to see some patterns for tweens! My daughter was too old (and tall) by the time I learned to sew, to actually sew any of your cute patterns. I’m sure you would come up with some great patterns…or just sizing up some of your tween appropriate patterns would be great too.

    1. That is a suggestion that is definitely working its way to the top of my list, Brenda! Thanks for mentioning it, and I agree that it is a good idea.

    2. I would welcome patterns for tweens! My kids are 8 and 9 but their taste in clothing has certainly evolved from when they were little. In particular, there is an absolute dearth of patterns for older boys, though I did buy the parachute pants pattern for when my son grows out of his track pants and needs more.

      My daughter (the 8yo) doesn’t like dresses, skirts, or anything particularly frilly. She has a piano recital coming up in February and asked me to make her something nice for it. We looked through my pile of Oliver & S patterns and she chose the Sailboat Top and some crepe-backed satin with silver buttons for the shoulders. It’s going to be very fancy!

      I think one big reason there aren’t nearly as many sewing (or knitting) patterns for older kids is that they are frankly less likely to wear them. I’m determined to try, though.

  2. I am so glad you accomplished most of your 2015 goals. Very satisfying. I try to do something similar, but focusing on a six month period, think it is easier ;).
    As Brenda commented earlier, sewing patterns for teens or upgrading some of the existing ones will be definitely something I would be happy with, you know Miss I. is growing out most of my favorite sewing patterns. A coat or jacket pattern would also be interesting. And I also dream of male sewing patterns from you, with accurate instructions, perfect tiling and fit. The mens metro t-shirt is a good example.
    See you soon!

  3. How about more patterns for boys? I LOVE your little girls’ patterns. My almost 3 yr old daughter has an ever growing wardrobe of hand made items. But she has 3 older brothers (ages 7, 11, & 13) that don’t get the same consideration. Boys’ patterns are a little harder to come by….;)

  4. Helena

    I’m not normally one for resolutions, however i have made two personal ones and a professional one this year. As a personal one I’m just going to try and sew some more. I often struggle to tear myself away from the TV as I’m so exhausted, but I’m going to force myself to once every two weeks or more. Happy New Year.

    1. Good for you, Helena! Keep us posted on your progress, will you? I somehow feel rejuvenated when I start to sew. Not always, but sometimes…

  5. Cheryl

    Thank you so much for your beautiful, instructive patterns, your online inspiration, and the supportive, encouraging community you have fostered! I’m sure there is a smaller market for boys’ patterns, and I think you have a solid selection that offers a lot of opportunity for me with my 11yo. I really enjoy when you post an image of a commercial outfit (by J Crew for example) and suggest a pattern that could be used to create something similar. I don’t have your eye for structure and construction, so this helps me tremendously. It gave me courage this Christmas to sew a dress for my daughter that was inspired by a Catimini dress she coveted. Perhaps doing more of the same with images of boy and tween clothes would help inspire us to use the existing O & S patterns for these other groups!

    1. This is a great idea, Cheryl. I’ll absolutely put this on our To Do list. Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. Liz

    My personal sewing goal for 2016 is to sew clothes for myself continuing to work on my capsule wardrobe (inspired by posts here and on Colletterie with Wardrobe Architect). While sewing for myself I hope to learn more about fitting. So in 2016 I would be grateful for any tutorials on fitting for women. I am secretly hoping your second book is about sewing for adults…

    As for the children, I have two boys so am always keen to see new patterns for boys but I am aware that there are only so many silhouettes for boys. I would love a pattern for boxer shorts for boys (or could that be just a clever hack for the Sunny Day shorts?). As mentioned above I would also love to see more patterns for men. Maybe pyjamas for men following your lovely women pjs? And boxer shorts for men would also be on my wish list for 2016.

    Many many thanks!

  7. Y

    Your new wool blanket looks amazing! I have a simple goal to try to sew more this year and use up more fabric that’s been in storage only because I’m a fabric hoarder. Time to make the fabric more useful!! Love your stuff! 😀 Happy New Year!!

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