Oliver + S

your wish list

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    mrskanuckles @mrskanuckles

    Jane, Have you seen the lisette pattern 2063? It has such a nice jumper with a great fit!


    Jane @jesims


    Thanks. I don’t know how I have missed this one in my search for a jumper. Off to purchase one now! 😉


    G + G @kate_conley

    Not sure if this is the right spot for a Straight Stitch Society pattern request, but I would love to see a travel set in that line:

    * dopp case (toiletries bag) in small and large sizes

    * passport/boarding pass folio

    * travel size needle book

    * streamlined sling bag for keeping it all organized

    LucyM @LucyM

    A structured jacket with a notched collar would be an excellent addition to the O+S line. I have been unable to find one for my daughter. Jacket! Jacket! Jacket!

    meleliza @meleliza

    With summer here and my little one nearly out of diapers, it occurs to me that it would be nice if one of the new dress patterns included bloomers like Tea Party did. I made tons of those bloomers over the past two summers for her and they’re really great. It wouldn’t even need to be different in any way. It would just be nice if they went past size 5.

    I also wonder if it would be feasible to re-release some of the old popular patterns in the new extended size range. Sort of a Best of Oliver + S. I know grading and producing patterns isn’t all that simple. I’m just thinking how nice it would be to have bubble or puppet show past size 5, which my kid will be wearing by the time she’s 3.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I’ve really enjoyed reading these ideas and have spent a good 2 months thinking about what I would like. I’ve found that generally there is quite a ‘summery’ feel to the clothes, which is not always best for the often inglorious British weather. I know I can layer the clothes I’ve made, and often do, but this can affect the hang and sizing choice etc. I’ve also tried to think about unisex clothes. I think the frequent rain has affected my ideas!

    Like mentioned above I would love a simple jacket, single breasted with front pockets. In my mind it would be unlined with the seams bias bound, probably 3 buttons.

    On the coat front, I would also love a classic pea coat, and also a parka. The parka would have a removable fur trim on the hood, and also a removable quilted lining which buttons into the coat, making it a year round wear. This would be great for kids. I’ve also been thinking about a bomber jacket style that could be adapted to be one of those US style sports jackets that’s quite fashionable at the moment, but I’m not so keen on that idea.

    I absolutely adore dungarees and also boiler suits. What can I say, born in the 70s and growing up in the 80s I wore these all the time, and while not necessarily always practical for children (I am laughing at the thought of trying to help my daughter get out of a boiler suit in order to pee) they are great fun.

    I would also like to see a cardigan style that is made from simple knitted fabric, again this would be a unisex garment, and again a little bit 80s but would get worn a lot in this house.

    I know that are very simple to make, but having legging patterns with instructions would be good, possible with some varieties such as adding ruching at the sides, or some ruffles etc.

    I look forward to seeing whatever you come up with next!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Um, boiler suit? Can someone translate????

    Nicole @motherof5

    I would wonder if it was like a pair of combination overalls?


    I wear a pair on farm so I don’t have to change if it is a quick job.

    mkhs @mkhs

    I googled it, too– in the US we would call it a jumpsuit or coveralls.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Just asked hubby to translate. A boiler suit is to Brits what a sweat suit is to Yanks. The old fashioned kind that have been made obsolete by under armor. Dungarees are overalls. I’m not crazy about either. Overalls were cute on babies, but a real pain for diaper changes and completely impossible once they started dressing themselves. I can’t see making a sweat suit unless it’s a costume.

    But a classic Pea Coat I am completely on board with. Unisex and timeless. I plan to make my oldest one next fall.

    I feel for you on the Biritsh weather. my MIL lives in Eastbourne, so we’ve heard all about how cold it’s been. Still, I would rather be there than here for July and August.

    ETA: God help us, DH just found an article in the Guardian (UK newspaper) that Dungarees are back. Think Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Good grief, will we never see the end of the 80s?

    ETA: a quick google search tells me that hubby has no idea what he’s talking about. According to Wikipedia a boiler suit is the kind of coverall one piece that workman wear. Useful for painters or trash collectors, but I’m really confused about why a child would need one or want one or how said child would ever get in or out of one. I can’t help wondering how Liesl might make something like that cute and fashionable. Sounds like a Project Runway type challenge.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Hmmm. Sounds like we are all confused. 🙂 Dungarees = overalls, not plain jeans? Coveralls= overalls. Boiler suit is or isn’t a sweat suit/track suit or dungarees, or like painter’s coveralls ( a jumpsuit).

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’m definately confused, but if the UK press says overalls are coming back that might explain why teenagers in AUS are pinning fanny packs.

    We’re having a great laugh over here tonight thanks to all this. Sorry if I’m being too fresh, I had a rough bedtime with baby girl and am definately a bit rammy. And no, I’m not translating any of that.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Gosh, I meant to add a 🙂 to that so you know I’m just having fun.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I am going to try and either put pictures in my flickr feed and link to them here, or link to what I mean when I say dungarees, boiler suit, and just for the heck of it I’ll throw in jump suit too! I think it might be useful for others to put what they call them. You have to love the (English ;-)) language and all its quirks and variations!

    meleliza @meleliza

    It’s true that other languages don’t have the sheer vocabulary or usage variations that English does.

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