miss_sonja replied to the topic Pattern layout in the forum oliver + s: sunny day shorts 8 years ago
The layout diagram should tell you which way, but usually, fold right sides together, thus lay pattern pieces right side up on the wrong side of the fabric.
I’ve got a pair of these ready to sew, waiting by my machine.
miss_sonja replied to the topic Lisette B6244 Coat Sew Along in the forum
Sew Alongs 9 years ago
I know this pattern specifies wool, but is anyone trying it with fleece? I just picked up the pattern today.
miss_sonja replied to the topic crooked fabric in the forum off topic 9 years ago
If the fabric is defective, you could return it. I think Cotton + Steel would stand behind their fabric.
miss_sonja replied to the topic Elastic how long for size 7? in the forum oliver + s: sunny day shorts 9 years ago
Thanks, Lightning. I’ve always had the child in front of me for the elastic-never referenced those measurements for that purpose so it didn’t occur to me.
miss_sonja started the topic Elastic how long for size 7? in the forum oliver + s: sunny day shorts 9 years ago
Has anyone made a size 7 and can tell me how long to cut the elastic? These are for a surprise gift.
miss_sonja replied to the topic ISO Sailboat *paper pattern* in size 4-8…any suggestions? in the forum oliver + s: sailboat 9 years ago
I finally found a paper Bedtime Story pj pattern on eBay. I set up a search so it would send me an email when one was posted. Finally snagged one.
good luck!
miss_sonja replied to the topic anyone want to hold a sample sale? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I suspect the forums would buy a lot of those samples! I know I’d love any size 3T or 4T boy items:-).
What about doing group shots and using one of the forum groups for the sale? Sort of like a very casual online garage sale?
miss_sonja replied to the topic Unwanted Fabric. What to do? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Most thrift stores accept fabric. Just bag it up. Also, some towns have craft collectives–we have one in our neighborhood where they accept all used/new unwanted craft supplies and re-sell them at very low prices.
Other ideas…classrooms for art projects, preschools, chuch groups, quilt guilds.
Or ask us here in the forums–one sewer’s trash…[Read more]
miss_sonja replied to the topic What to do with 1/2 yard cuts of Liberty in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 9 years ago
Bucket hat?
miss_sonja replied to the topic Yoke not wide enough in the forum oliver + s: after-school 9 years ago
After looking at your pictures, I think I put the yoke on upside down.
I did finish them up. They’llbr grubbies for gardening!
miss_sonja replied to the topic Yoke not wide enough in the forum oliver + s: after-school 9 years ago
Here’s a picture of the yoke and of my seams (at the leg, where the side piece joins the bigger leg pieces). The pieces I had to add to make it long enough are much longer than even an error between 1/4″ seam and 1/2″ seam would cause.
Also, the rear pockets are REALLY low, comically so.
I made size 2T.
I’ll try this again in a lighter…[Read more]
miss_sonja started the topic Yoke not wide enough in the forum oliver + s: after-school 9 years ago
This is the first O&S pattern I’ve had quite a lot of trouble with.
I got the leg pieces sewn together; but when I went to match up the yoke with each leg, I found that the yoke pieces were too short by almost 2 inches. I do tend to use narrower seams than are stated in the pattern–due to my quilting background, I lean naturally toward a 1/4″…[Read more]
miss_sonja replied to the topic Stupid things I've done while sewing O&S patterns in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 9 years ago
Carefully pinned the yokes on the legs of a pair of after school pants and stitched them only to realize I had sewn right to wrong rather than right to right. Gavk!
miss_sonja started the topic Butterick on sale at Pattern Review… in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I’ve discovered Pattern Review and love it. The reviews are super helpful.
They have Butterick on sale through midnight tonight (well, I think it’s midnight Eastern U.S.).
I just re-bought the Lisette Butterick patterns….bought the wrong size at the Jo-Ann’s sale a couple of months ago:-(. Figured that out just the other week.
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Mostly boys-it’s Marvel fabric I found at Jo An. Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine. I know there is a fabric featuring the DC female superheroes- Wonder Woman, Supergirl, but my DD isn’t that into DC comics. I got it mostly done, just need to sew top and bottom together.
I also had a pair of Bedtime pjs cut out and ready to sew. Got the…[Read more]
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Mostly boys-it’s Marvel fabric I found at Jo An. Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine. I know there is a fabric featuring the DC female superheroes- Wonder Woman, Supergirl, but my DD isn’t that into DC comics. I got it mostly done, just need to sew top and bottom together.
I also had a pair of Bedtime pjs cut out and ready to sew. Got the…[Read more]
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Finished the Sunny Day shorts yesterday. Used a cute train print and the beach bum pocket hack as DS likes his pockets. DS put them on right away!
Finished my Metro tee this morning. Kaufman Laguna in black. Very comfy.
Now, working on a duvet cover in superhero print for eldest DD.
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Finished the Sunny Day shorts yesterday. Used a cute train print and the beach bum pocket hack as DS likes his pockets. DS put them on right away!
Finished my Metro tee this morning. Kaufman Laguna in black. Very comfy.
Now, working on a duvet cover in superhero print for eldest DD.
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Just cut out a pair of Sunny Day shorts for DS and a metro tee for me.
miss_sonja replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Just cut out a pair of Sunny Day shorts for DS and a metro tee for me.
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