Kim started the topic Cuffs are tight in the forum oliver + s: library 5 years ago
I made 4 dresses from 21 wale Kaufman corduroy and the cuffs are small on all 4 dresses. I had no problem attaching them. I rechecked and I cut the right size. Should I remove the cuffs, recut them from the corduroy, use less than the 1/2″ seam allowance and stretch the sleeve fabric to fit or switch to a quilting cotton for the cuffs? Would…[Read more]
Kim replied to the topic 1/2" Buttons in the forum oliver + s: library 5 years ago
Thank you I used the buttons and they seem fine.
Kim started the topic 1/2" Buttons in the forum oliver + s: library 5 years ago
I’m sewing 4 Library Dresses, in 21 wale Kaufman corduroy, for my granddaughters for Christmas. The sizes are 12/18 mo, 6, 7 and 12. The pattern calls for 1/2″ buttons. I ordered the buttons and they measure 1/2″ but they look small. Will they really hold the back of the dresses closed?
Kim replied to the topic How to prevent top of dress bodice from curling forward in the forum off topic 5 years ago
Thank you I will try your suggestions on the bodice.
Kim started the topic How to prevent top of dress bodice from curling forward in the forum off topic 5 years ago
When I sew a girls dress with a woven cotton fabric sometimes the top of the lined bodice curls forward it does not stand up straight. It happened with a dress with a v notch at the top of the bodice. I cut down into the v of notch, trimmed the sides of the v then turned and press well after sewing. I am making a dress with a heart shape at the…[Read more]
Kim replied to the topic Add cotton lace trim to hem and sleeves in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 8 years ago
Thank you for your help. I want to sew the trim on the fancier way because the inside of the hems are visible at times.
Kim started the topic Add cotton lace trim to hem and sleeves in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 8 years ago
Is there a tutorial that shows the best way to add cotton lace trim to the hem of the Swingset Skirt and to the sleeves of the Butterfly Blouse? Thank you for your help.
Kim replied to the topic Serger Problems in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I had a problem like this too and brought it to my dealer. On mine there’s a switch, in the area below the knife blade, that moves up and down to move a finger underneath the needle. If it’s down by accident it breaks my needles.
Kim replied to the topic Serger Problems in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I had a problem like this too and brought it to my dealer. On mine here is a switch, in the area below the knife blade that moves up and down and moves a finger underneath the needle. If it’s down by accident it breaks my needles.
Kim replied to the topic New Checklist in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 8 years ago
The checklist above is the current one. I intended to make the updated list a while ago but I have an issue from transferring between different versions of the software. I will make the list as soon as I get the new software.
Kim and
thejennigirl are now friends 9 years ago
Kim replied to the topic How to cut faux fur to trim hood in the forum oliver + s: school days 9 years ago
yes it has a pile but it’s a short white pile. I will cut it, as you suggest, so when I fold it in half and sew it along the edge of the hood it doesn’t stretch. I’m going to cut it vertical, thank you for your help.
Kim started the topic How to cut faux fur to trim hood in the forum oliver + s: school days 9 years ago
In which direction would I cut a 4″x 28″ piece of faux fur, to be folded in half, that will make it 2″ wide. The faux fur I have has a stretch from salvage to salvage. Would I cut it 28″ horizontal from salvage to salvage or 28″ vertical with the grain? Thank you
Kim replied to the topic Sewing for a plus size tween in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thank you for your help I did what you suggested and went with the chest measurement. I cut a 12/14 bodice out and put a pin at the intersection of the underarm and side seam allowance and pivoted it out to a 1X. Then cut the waistband out for a 1X. It seemed to work, I’m waiting to hear if it fits. Fingers crossed.
Kim replied to the topic your wish list in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 9 years ago
Someone may have already suggested this but I would love a Moto type jacket for girls that might also work for boys.
Kim started the topic Sewing for a plus size tween in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I have to sew a dress for a tween, going into 7th grade, to wear to a wedding. She chose the Sis Boom Jamie dress pattern it’s here in the Oliver & S shop. I met her yesterday and took her measurements chest 38, waist 38 and hips 42. She’s about 5’3″. It has a fitted waist so I thought it would draw the eye in to look like she has a waist instead…[Read more]
Kim started the topic Sewing for a plus size tween in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I have to sew a dress for a tween, going into 7th grade, to wear to a wedding. She chose the Sis Boom Jamie dress pattern it’s here in the Oliver & S shop. I met her yesterday and took her measurements chest 38, waist 38 and hips 42. She’s about 5’3″. It has a fitted waist so I thought it would draw the eye in to like she has a waist instead of…[Read more]
Kim replied to the topic Center front shoulder straps in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thank you for your suggestions. I decided to sew straps in the usual place instead of the center front. They do tie in the back on each side. I interfaced the bodice for support.
Kim started the topic Center front shoulder straps in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I’m sewing a sundress with a straight rectangle front and shirred back. I want to try 1″ shoulder straps that start in the center front, sewing them overlapped at the center, in a v, on the wrong side of the center front bodice that is interfaced. They will go over the shoulders and tie at the sides in the back about 3″ from the center on each…[Read more]
Kim started the topic Destash fabric and yarn sale this weekend in the forum off topic 9 years ago
In an earlier post someone wrote about a big sale of sewing and knitting items in their city. If anyone lives in New England there is a destash fabric and yarn sale, this weekend, at White River Yarns in White River Junction, VT. The Amtrak train station is across the street from the sale.
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