Oliver + S

Add cotton lace trim to hem and sleeves

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    Kim @kmac0107

    Is there a tutorial that shows the best way to add cotton lace trim to the hem of the Swingset Skirt and to the sleeves of the Butterfly Blouse? Thank you for your help.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    @kmac0107 Kim, do you mind if the trim shows on the reverse side?
    If you don’t then it would be as simple as turning up the hem allowance, pinning the trim to the underside then stitching it on while stitching the hem.
    If you want to go fancier…. You could try the following:
    Trim off any hem allowance in excess of a 1/2 seam allowance. Line up the lace trim with the 1/2″ seam allowance, right sides facing and raw edges together (ie lacy edge towards top of skirt). Baste.
    Then sew single fold bias binding around the hem at 1/2″, press to inside then edgestitch or hand stitch the bias binding to finish the hem.
    Does that make sense? The lace trim would be between the skirt and the bias binding. It would be lovely and neat.
    In fact I’m very tempted to do it now 🙂

    Kim @kmac0107

    Thank you for your help. I want to sew the trim on the fancier way because the inside of the hems are visible at times.

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