Active 9 years ago-
Maggie replied to the topic Clipping into Staystitching? in the forum oliver + s: roller skate 6 years ago
Thank you for checking in, @motherof5 ! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to proceed yet. I’m a student and have a lot of homework, so my sewing has to happen in small increments on the weekends. Hopefully I can get a little more done this weekend, though! After this version for myself I’m planning a roller skate in lace for my best friend’s…[Read more]
Amy MacKay replied to the topic Ruffle picnic shorts in the forum oliver + s: class picnic 7 years ago
Thank you so much @beachmom and @motherof5– it is a great tutorial. I’m dreaming of summer and fun seeing for my girls and these will be perfect!!
Nicole replied to the topic Ruffle picnic shorts in the forum oliver + s: class picnic 7 years ago
@amybeth @beachmom has very kindly opened her blog for you to have a look
It is a great tutorial but you may want look at it promptly so Cindy can lock it up again.
Good luck!
Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 10 years ago
Thanks @beachmom.
@KarenK I had to be grateful also due to the realisation of my own mortality and fertility. No one wants to leave their babies behind and no one wants the decision to be made for them.
@cybele727 how did you work through it all? I mean I know that this nearly happened to me even though the doctor didn’t actually say but you can…[Read more]
Tamara replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 10 years ago
Thanks @beachmom.
@KarenK I had to be grateful also due to the realisation of my own mortality and fertility. No one wants to leave their babies behind and no one wants the decision to be made for them.
@cybele727 how did you work through it all? I mean I know that this nearly happened to me even though the doctor didn’t actually say but you can…[Read more]
Nicole replied to the topic 2014 Sewing Goals and Resolutions in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 10 years ago
Nicole replied to the topic Raincoat? in the forum off topic 10 years ago
There have been some really lovely raincoats made, I know @beachmom made a very professional one, as did @katybellabug.
I made one, for my son, using oilskin/dryzabone fabric. I couldn’t iron the seams so I used a tongue depresser and a bit of brute strength to ‘press’ the seams open.
Someone, recently commented that they wished they put a draw…[Read more]
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