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    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    Anyone sewn a raincoat? My 19yo daughter put it on her Christmas wish list and I am tempted. I know she would get a lot of use out of it with our summer rain and hiking between classes at uni. So any tips or things I should know?

    Nicole @motherof5

    There have been some really lovely raincoats made, I know @beachmom made a very professional one, as did @katybellabug.

    I made one, for my son, using oilskin/dryzabone fabric. I couldn’t iron the seams so I used a tongue depresser and a bit of brute strength to ‘press’ the seams open.

    Someone, recently commented that they wished they put a draw string in the hood for a snug fit.

    I think quality hardware and lots of topstitching adds to the look too.

    Just a few quick ideas….

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    Thanks Nicole!

    I did put a drawstring in my hood, and am so thankful. I can walk into the wind and rain and that hood doesn’t budge! I can cinch the drawstring in with a toggle and it holds it nice and tight.

    I wish I had put an internal pocket in mine as I am always a bit worried about my phone getting wet.

    I agree about the topstitching and good hardware, it makes the coat look more professional.

    Fabric can be pricey, but I did spot on someone’s blog that they had used a new shower curtain and cut it up!

    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    Thanks ladies. Katybellabug do you hace a pattern you particularly like for making a raincoat? Nicole I think I remember seeing that coat, did you blog it? (one night some of the kids and I read a heap of your posts accompanied by lots of appreciative comments!). Does the top stitching effect its waterproofness. Or did you use something else to seal the seams as well. I am thinking of using the Amy Butler pattern unless anyone has a better idea. And I did think of using some black builders plastic for a muslin cause we have some and it is stable.

    PS. How do you make those linky things in people’s names.

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    Well I wouldn’t use the pattern I did! I managed it but it was a chore. Here it is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/64920483@N03/15280869470/

    I would like to see how the Amy Butler one works out, the style is lovely.

    beachmom @beachmom

    I didn’t seal the seams in the raincoats I made and there was plenty of topstitching. I didn’t have any issues with water seeping in. Granted the raincoats are not worn for long out in the rain. Usually just to/from the bus stop.;)

    Here’s a good post with some helpful links: http://sewnbyangela.blogspot.com/2012/03/minoru-done.html?m=1

    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    Thank you for all your tips. We have decided on the Amy Butler pattern and have ordered the fabric. Now the big wait until it all gets here.

    Nicole @motherof5

    @Kerrilyn, that was before I was blogging, but thank you!

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