Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    Hooray, was able to cut out a Sunday Brunch jacket last night (in between running back and forth to sing “ei ei ooo” and playing with ladybugs) so looks like I’ll be heading out Friday evening for some sewing time! Now, cut and ready for when I find a few minutes: Ruffle Halter, Swing Set tunic, Ice Cream blouse. I have finally had to give in and tuck the sewing machine away so it didn’t taunt me. (T-minus 6 weeks until the semester is over! Shouldn’t really rush it though, I have a paper to write and loads of reading to do between now and then!)

    TriMama @TriMama

    I’m working on a jumprope dress that I’ve modified into a shirt dress. The placket runs all the way down so the dress will completely open in the front. Hopefully, that will keep Marvelous Miss M happy since she doesn’t like having fitted clothes pulled over her head.

    I also have a School Days raincoat cut out that I really need to get sewn up. Miss M’s current RTW raincoat is way too small and it rains every day here.

    After that ruffle halter and some Lisette things for me.


    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    Thanks everyone! I will definitely try your suggestions.

    I drafted the Bubble Dress yesterday and am washing the fabric now.

    icicle @icicle

    Some unsolicited appreciation for those of us that sew clothing …


    Nicole @motherof5

    I love it Icicle!

    Finally finished the white Hopscotch tops for the Twins and to my horror I have found another 5 charcoal and black ones cut out!

    They are in heaven,I am thinking it is time for a few tailored and girly pieces to ‘ground’ them(the tops).

    Nearly finished my Portfolio Tunic,just the neck to go …. and I cut out my coveted denim look linen today into a Portfolio Dress. I will admit to being a little disappointed in the linen,it looks a lot like ,well,denim!

    So far the only big difference is $30 a metre!(and it creases)!

    What are you sewing?

    lattemama @lattemama

    I’m waiting to go to the fabric store to get buttons for my Jump Rope Dresses (I had exactly 10 buttons and I broke one when I tried to sew it in with my machine so I’ll have to get new ones for at least one dress)

    Instead I tried my hand at making some Nature Walk Pants. I had them cut out and sewed up a pair for Isabel. Of course I stuck a pin in my finger and managed to bleed all over the yoke of the pant just as I finished them.

    And even though I added an inch to the length they are too short for my beanstalk of a girl. (I added 1″ to the bodice and 1,5″ to the skirt for her Jump Rope Dress and it’s definitely not too long for her.) So we’re thinking ribbed cuffs for her would be the solution. I just couldn’t find them.

    The other pair for Sofia is sewn up but needs to be hemmed (she still hasn’t tried them on, but she always fit in the size 6).

    I love that pattern! So incredibly easy to get a pair of pants done and Isabel really liked them when she tried them on.

    I had some sweatshirt fabric at home that I had bought when Isabel was a baby. One taupe and one orange with a fuzzy inside. I had originally intended to make yoga pants and a hoodie for her from it, but never got around to it.

    What’s next? I’m thinking a Playdate dress for Sofia cause the one I made with elephants “isn’t pretty mommy” Gah!

    And I’m waiting for my Lisette patterns, I have fabric picked out I just need to make a toile or two to make sure the tunic will fit.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    What?! The elephant Playdate is beautiful! I would buy that one in a shop. Likely, I’d be forced, as Niblet loves to march like elephants these days. (Husband introduced her to The Jungle Book)

    Argh, I hate when I bleed on a near finished piece of work!!

    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    I was having a hard time deciding on the lining for the Bubble Dress so I put it aside for a few days and picked up a knit sailboat top. I’ll finish that up today and then I’ll have to get back to the dress because I’d like for Anna to wear it this weekend to my sister-in-law’s birthday party.

    On a side note… I tried blowing out my bobbin case area but was still having trouble. So, I decided to take the whole face off of the machine and take a look-see. WOW. What a collection of dust bunnies I had in there!!! I brushed it all out and all seems to be working well for now. Here’s to hoping it was that easy! 🙂

    lattemama @lattemama

    Maraya: Thank you! I love that dress too and she’s so cute in it, but she won’t wear it. I’ll keep suggesting it, but she’s not interested. I think it’s not pink enough. She wasn’t even swayed by the pink butterfly buttons.

    On a side note – I finished her Nature Walk Pants and I love them. The orange is so pretty and so not what I would normally make for her. I showed them to her before she went to sleep but she was already in bed so she never tried them on. Pics to come I’m sure.

    Right now I’m putting all other projects on the back burner to make myself a T.A.R.D.I.S-purse. (Along the lines of this amazing bag: http://www.geeksaresexy.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/tardis-purse.jpg ) Wish me luck!

    Justine J @justmejay

    Wow! Now that’s a cool bag Lotta!

    I’m making good progress on my sewing list – finished a 2+2 blouse for Lucy yesterday, and have cut out some Sandbox pants – and drafted the Nature Walk!

    All on hold though – right now I’m making a convict costume for Harry for school! hahaha!

    Mandy – I used plain white muslin for lining the bubble dress (so it would be cool enough to wear here in summer) – it doesn’t look so pretty when it’s off, but you can’t see it once it’s being worn!

    (& bugger re the linen Nicole!)

    homefire @homefire

    Let’s see… I’m almost done with my Sandbox marathon and next up is bathing suits for my girls. Yes, the Easter dresses are STILL haunting me….

    Nicole @motherof5

    How cute Lotta,I love Dr Who and David Tennant is dishy! Did you see his version of Casanova?

    Thanks Justine,hopefully it will look more elegant on!

    lattemama @lattemama

    Nicole: Dishy is the correct term for him, definitely. I have Casanova on the computer but I’ve only watched one episode so far.

    We are both sold on Doctor Who. I asked my mom if they aired Doctor Who in Sweden in the 70s-80s but she didn’t recall it at all. I have never seen it so I missed the new series when it started in 2005, but now we’re about to start on season 4 (last Tennant-season *weep*) as soon as we finish Torchwood season 2. They interlace so we’re watching them in air date order. So much fun!

    janimal @janimal

    I am ALMOST finished with my Puppet Show Dress – turned into a Snow White Dress for my little one to wear in DisneyWorld in May. It just needs a hem and the buttons. I have a feeling once D sees it she will insist on wearing it all the time. The kid has quite a thing for the Disney Princesses these days.

    Next? I really want to sew a Lisette pattern. Dunno which one though….

    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    Sounds like everyone happily busy, busy, busy! 🙂

    Homefire – do you use a pattern for your swimsuits? If so, which one and do you like it?

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