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What are you sewing now?

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    Masha Richart

    I made a Sailboat dress in Modern Workshop knit (thanks, Fabric Stash!) for my 5-year-old. It looks kind of like a nightgown to me but she likes it. Then I cut out a Playtime dress in aqua corduroy with flame red accents, but I haven’t sewn it up yet. Our weather turned abruptly chilly last week and the boy really needs a few new Field Trip raglans, and the girls are both in dire need of warm pajamas! I have some cotton thermal knit I want to make those out of but I don’t seem to have any time to sew these days.

    Tamara @justsewit

    That cotton thermal knit sounds interesting Masha. I don’t get to use that sort of thing because our climate but I am intrigued as to how it will work out.

    Yes, Sharon there is one name we are stuck on but because she will most likely be the last babe she gets two middle names. I had names picked for the other two also well before birth but changed Noah’s at the last minute and Imogen was Isabella for about five seconds! So we will take a look at her to see if it really should be her name. Have to be careful because our surname starts with K so the initials have to not abbreviate any funny expressions.

    I have only a few things made up but nothing is totally complete and I am trying not to go too berserk on pink as much I love it on little girls. I had planned to do some solid sewing today but it seems that because something we were waiting for has turned up for the sheep I my be out in the yards administering it instead – dh doesn’t like me near the rams at this stage of the pregnancy so I may get away with a few hours of sewing and go and help do the ewes instead.

    I have visions of a teaparty romper or dress in left over Amy butler so I might cut that out today.

    I did think I would have to make a white long sleeved shirt and either a pair of black trousers or a skirt for Imogen’s formal band uniform but seeing as she takes a good while to settle down from an upset and has missed two rehearsals already, I don’t there is much point. I am quite relieved but disappointed at the same time.

    Over the weekend (yes Friday already) I want to start “adding texture” to the school days jacket I am prepping for the sew along. Now that was a difficult decision to make over fabrics. I nearly chose something I had set aside for the Sunday brunch and because we women are allowed to change our minds, I might still yet.

    The whole colour scheme of baby’s wardrobe is chosen but the styles have me thinking because there are just so many to choose from. But one thing is for certain I can start from the very beginning size and know it will fit – thank Heaven for that!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I got photos up of my Tea Party/Peppermint Swirl hack. It’s definitely growing on me, I like it much more this morning.


    No Tamara, there’s no cute 2 year old here πŸ™

    I think I’ll have to give it to the one at church. I’ve just realised that in my close friendship group the youngest are 3 years old! I’d better get on with the size 5 project πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well there must be a cute 2 year old at church even! Hugs to you Heidi! You do such beautiful sewing it is a dead cert that someone will admire and appreciate it.

    Ok, I think all the ag duties are out of the way for the day (I hope!) I have both kids at home πŸ™ but plugging on with the sewing regardless.

    The poppers arrived so I can actually finish some things – yay! Layette pattern is going to be used with in an inch of its life! And then if they work I can order more and get on with those nappies I have been planning (for some time)

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Funny you Should say that about the initials Tamara, mine are SAK, lol. We tried very hard to make sure none of out children had something like that as well. (Mine before I was married was SAD)

    I am working on a pair of sail boat pants for my middle son and then finally sewing together the smocked sail boat top for Caspian with a wineberry color corduroy after school pants to go with it. I have had the insert ready to go for over a month and need to finish it!

    Tamara @justsewit

    My lat sil was JFK! Murray is stuck on a CJ but I want to squeeze an I in there somewhere so prospective initials would be CJIK. At the moment I am having trouble thinking of the things she’d be teased for at school! But then my other two aren’t picked on for their initials.

    I cut out the skirt and shorts parts of the tea party pattern in a remnant of Amy Butler’s Love fabric – the navy blue with colourful bouquets. I plan to use different colours for the bodices and I want to use poppers at the crotch of the romper. I also cut the pants part of the romper in some Tula Pink and will use pink for the bodice of that one. I also cut two bodysuits and a pair of teaparty knickers. I plan to really work hard on these this weekend just to actually have something made and complete.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Children will tease, period. Kid at my school named Mike was called Mike the [obscenity]. So long as there isn’t an obvious corker there (I wouldn’t name a child Kick Me) then don’t worry too much about trying to outthink the eight year olds of the future. But! Do let us move this part of the conversation over to the news/chat thread so folks can find it, names are such a fun topic.

    Back in sewing chat mode, all these sweet projects for little ‘uns are giving me pangs. Happily it turns out that a local friend has a sister who has a newish baby girl, and I think they maybe don’t know anybody else who sews. They requested a little outfit (and my friend who is so appreciative of the work that goes into sewing offered to pay, but I’m at that weird point where I feel my work is not good enough to charge for and too good to offer to any old person) and were so pleased with it and so kind about my efforts that I threw in some extras and knitted a little sweater, which they had her wear for a family photoshoot. I was so honored, and hope this little girl will keep my smaller size patterns in use for some time to come.

    The cargo pants of doom are still giving me grief and I’m quite certain now that the culprit is the thread. I have read before that certain threads just don’t pair that well with certain machines. My machines likes the other threads from this brand just fine, but I guess each one is different.

    What I really wish I were sewing is a Bistro dress for me and a Lunch Box set for my girl. I snapped up a few mama-sized piece of Liberty in the Pink Chalk sale that I have set aside for full-bore matchy mother-daughter outfits. Oh how I sneered at the idea, once, and oh, how I am eating my words now.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    A Liberty Bistro sounds amazing. Got me thinking about Easter outfit planning…

    Nicole @motherof5

    I adore sewing Liberty, it presses up so well.

    I got an hours worth of sewing on the final pair of Jedediah shorts, nearly there.

    As the quote says http://www.pinterest.com/pin/329466528962959807/ , there are apples in the fruit bowl.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m planning on sewing myself another Peppermingt Swirl skirt. I have a knee length one I wear all the time but I’m making a tea/midi length one to wear to work as I am short on work appropriate summer clothes πŸ™‚

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    The peppermint swirl dress you made is absolutely gorgeous, it sounds like you are quite besotted with the peppermint pattern!

    As for matching Mum/child clothes, I too have been considering it, something I also never thought I would say! I know I will probably never get round to it, which I suspect is a good thing as my siblings would never stop teasing me about it! i’ve now got the option for Co ordinated childrens clothes, so i’m thinking of a carousel dress for lady e for Christmas with a layette set using some of the fabric from the carousel dress for the baby. I just need a break from the relentless breast feeding at some point to get on with it…dreaming of sewing in the middle of the night for some time to come me thinks.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I really like the peppermint swirl pattern. I’ve made 4 of the skirts now, including the Tea Party one, the new one for me is number 5! I love a very swirly skirt as do most of the girls I know πŸ™‚ Despite its looks the skirt goes together very easily, no ironing of seams! The cutting and hemming are the time consuming parts, Oh and choosing the fabric πŸ™‚

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Finished my skirt! And I’m cutting another baby one out of the leftovers πŸ™‚ But I think I’ve done to much pinning today my finger is sore πŸ™

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Hand sewing straw braid to make a boater hat. I have a 5cm disc so far and that much is looking promising….

    Nicole @motherof5

    How long did that take?

    I hope your fingers hold up okay. I did a raffia hat making course 20+ years ago and I remember getting very sore fingers.

    I cut out my Late Lunch tunic in the silvery/black linen. There was enough left to cut out Trixie a Bubble dress.

    Then I drafted off the 0-3 month Swing Set top and skirt and prepped the fabric but by then Trixie was a-calling!

    dubhels2003 I hear you!

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