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What are you sewing now?

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    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    It might be worth ‘playing’ and seeing if the larger needle works and then, how much of a ‘hole’ it does or does not leave. It’s been years since I have worked with performance fabrics, have you looked up how to seal the seams? Here’s one link you could look at: http://www.questoutfitters.com/tips_and_hints.htm#DO YOU NEED TO SEAL SEAMS? I know some fabrics can be ‘heat sealed’ in various ways. I value hearing what you find out, Sarvi!


    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thanks Carol, I was thinking that since a boater is all right angles I would create the lid, sides and brim separately then stitch each section together.

    I’m imagining spiralling the braid and hand sewing it to itself as I go. I’ve been told the wheat braid is quite brittle and I’ll have to wet it as I work with it.

    Hopefully that means it will be stiff enough when finished but I hear you on maybe needing sizing or wire.

    I guess I need a cardboard tube in the size of his head as a block to keep the circumference even…

    I’ll definitely document the process whether I’m successful or not.

    Thanks for your help.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1


    Any chance you have a jeans foot? It is foot # 8 on my bernina. http://www.bernina.com/en-US/Products-us/BERNINA-products/Accessories/Presser-feet/Jeans-foot-8-8D-us Though, my machine will chew through anything…it will sometimes want to skip stitches on thick seams or very thin fabrics. I find myself pulling out my #8 for those sorts of situations so much, that now I tend to use my #8 in place of my universal foot.

    I MUST get halloween sorted this week! I still owe my youngest a pair of navy cargos for his costume. Work, sick children, and broken Land Rovers are really putting wrinkle in my free time.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I will have a peek, thank you!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Sarvi, do you have a hump jumper or jean a ma jig or even an empty needle box? You use them to level out your foot sewing over seams. My sewing machine is not particularly sensitive but I need to use one with my cover stitch!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes levelling the foot might help. I have to do that sometimes. Are the seams bulky? Maybe tap them with a hammer on the wrong side to reduce them a bit.

    Thankyou ladies! I’m excited.

    Didn’t do the bishop last night – fatigue got the better of me!

    I hope to have some uninterrupted sewing time today and hoping to get that pleating right for blocking. The handsewing basket is rapidly filling up so I need to reduce it somewhat. Am hoping the green beans poppers turn up. Then more cutting out of bodysuits etc. Need to make a boy version for my neighbours any day now baby – who is technically still a mystery.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Tamara, here’s the baby music class skirt, it’s even cuter in real life 🙂

    I’m making another peppermint swirl skirt and I’m thinking of adding it to the Tea Party bodice. I’ll see how it goes.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sarvi, I have something similar to this http://www.threadstandhero.com/Thread_Stand_dual_thread.html at the back of the table that my machine is built into. When I am topstitching with decorative thread, I use this. Th increased distance seems to help with tension and breakage.

    I saw a chap make canvas sails on a traditional machine once and he put an eyelet in a timber beam above him, and ran the thread up through that and back to his machine.

    Shelly, could you buy a cheap hat and cover it with hairy string?

    Congratulations Tamara, I know you will enjoy her.

    I cut out a Liesl+Co tunic for me last night (Long Weekend)? in black ramie, next I plan to cut a Late Lunch tunic in a silvery sheen linen and then a tiny Swing Set for Trixie in black hailspot muslin.

    May as well get the dark stuff sewn up while the over locker is set with dark thread.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Do you know, I do have something a little like that which I haven’t yet tried. I switched threads and so far so good — not using the thin shiny kind anymore, but using two colors of ordinary poly thread. If it doesn’t work out I will give a whack at the eyelet/timber method. Fingers crossed!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi
    Tamara @justsewit

    Its gorgeous Heidi!

    Thanks Nicole! I cannot wait to have another wee one around.

    I have given up waiting for poppers and bought press studs instead for the lullaby top I have already made. I need to find my little basket to fill with handsewing – another period of waiting time in town today, this time prep for the band spectacular! So I have about two hours up my sleeve which I hope I can make headway with.

    Tomorrow, I plan to sort out the progress of the smocked things and see if I can actually complete something. But for now I have 2.5 hours to eat and then maybe fix up the botched bishop? I am hoping to find some energy for sewing tonight. There is just oodles to do.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I finish a second pair of Jedediah shorts for the ‘Go.

    Proper flash!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks Tamara! Well done, Nicole!

    I finished the Tea Party/peppermint swirl mash up dress. It’s cute but something is bugging me about it 🙁 Hopefully it’s just I’m tired with a cold. Or it could be that it’s lacking a cute 2 year old to wear it 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Good for you Nicole! Job well done I should say.

    Cute 2 year old? Is there one to model it Heidi?

    My sewing time today was a complete write off – I have entered the abyss of girls on the cusp of the teen years being nasty and as a result My daughter was in floods of tears and making rather rash decisions regarding her future in the band. All while we are prepping for a combined bands concert too! So instead I sat and consoled and tried (my hardest) to encourage her into her seat to play but….. I failed miserably!

    So now the handsewing is still sitting there. The bishop is ready to be blocked and another day has come and gone with absolutely nothing accomplished! I have decided that tomorrow I am sewing and stuff everything else!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I have just finished a sewing marathon so I am taking a wee break before I start on the next project. The great news is that the children’s costumes are all done and so is their Christmas outfits! I’ll be blogging about them very soon. The boys look so shape I think this year.

    Luck you Tamara to be able to sew for a new baby girl! I cannot wait to see all the things you have been sewing for her. Any names yet??

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