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What are you sewing now?

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Working on a pair of Field Trip cargo pants in the wicking fabric shown on the Outdoor Sewing tutorials on the blog. Everything has been fantastic (and what a totally fun sew) until for who knows what reason the blasted topstitching thread started breaking, repeatedly. I turned the machine off and walked away, then broke everything down and started over — new needle, rethreaded everything including taking out the bobbin and case and cleaning everything (again, did all this before I started also). It worked again a little then started getting gross again. It’s all double topstitched in rainbow variegated thread, I can’t very well stop now! Any idea what could be wrong?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh you poor thing Sarvi! Sorry to be of absolteuly no help but all I could suggest (here’s the no help part) is to not use topstitching thread. My machine does a huge tantrum if I even suggest the idea! Is there a way to have variagated thread in the normal sewing thread variety in the same colours and do a triple stitch?

    Currently sitting in the doctor’s waiting room and considering getting that kit with wonky smocking out to pass the time.mapparently this guy is notorious for being behind time! I could have an hour up my sleeve yet.

    We t and bought some hot pink drill. I intend to use it to make my new baby a pair of cargo pants – i had official confirmation! No more mystery baby!

    Sarvi @Sarvi


    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Don’t really know Sarvi but maybe try (on some scrap fabric) with the needle thread tension reduced a bit. Either that or red wine…

    has anyone ever sewn a straw hat?

    Next Tuesday is Italian Day at P’s school and he mentioned a costume. Got me thinking… He has the striped shirt and trousers to go as a gondolier (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=gondolieri&biw=1920&bih=963&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=DytHVIPWLNTi8AX4yoHoCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCMQsAQ) he just needs a straw boater hat.

    Fedoras ad trilbies are all the fashion for kids and you can not buy a boater ANYWHERE (unless it’s vintage on ebay for $150!). I’ve ordered some 10mm wide wheat straw braid and I’m planning on just stitching it together until I get a hat shape. Lady at the millinery supplies shop thought I was insane. I told her that’s what the lady at the beading supplies shop thought too (and I won a blue ribbon for that effort).

    OK, so I’m probably way over confident, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?!

    I have until Tuesday, or it will be a last minute cardboard hat.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Brief as on my phone

    Sarvi , try moving your thread away from your machine to adjust tension

    Can you pop an eyelet through a timber and thread it through that?

    My semi industrial machine has a thread holder away

    From the machine for certain types of thread

    Nicole @motherof5

    I will

    Fix that post later x n

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Sorry Tamara, I haven’t gotten the photos up yet! Hopefully tomorrow 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I will be looki forward to seeing them Heidi!

    After I deal with finding “lady” (my train loving son wants a few friends on his trainz simulator) and put the dinner on, I hope to have time inbetween cooking and eating to finally pleat that botched bishop to the point of satisfaction.

    Tomorrow I hope to do a lot of cutting out! By the way people were talking today, this baby could be here in 6-8 weeks! So it is all systems go at the machine from here on in.

    Hopefully the overnight postage from Queensland proves to be dinkum and they don’t use the camels! I ordered some poppers from Green beans for the layette outfits – they are extremely rare over this end of the country!

    Yes I find that I like using my thread holder for normal sewing now – it can tend to give a better result somehow.

    Hey, lightning I really don’t think hats are extremely difficult to make – and they only think that because they “think” they know more! If you can make a pill box hat out of an icecream container, you can jolly well do a great job with sewing raffia braid together into a boater! It’s called creativity people!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    congratulations Tamara!!!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I wonder if it’s a local thing, McStitch, I searched for ‘straw boater hat’ and it looks like loads of them came up, but if you need it soon that might be of no use. These folks were the cheapest, $22 or so: http://www.beltoutlet.com/

    Thank you so much, folks. I have tried:

    Adjusting tension up

    Adjusting tension down

    Fresh needle

    Everything taken out, cleaned, and put back

    Variegated thread on second spool holder

    Variegated thread on primary spool holder

    Variegated thread + regular thread, one on each holder

    Variegated thread + regular thread wound together on a bobbin, put that in primary spool holder

    When I stitch on a scrap the confounded thing works perfectly well. It seems not to like the thicker seams, is the only thing I can think of. Now that I’m farther along, there are more seams meeting other seams and it all gets a bit lumpy. I’m going to try a different brand of thread tomorrow or give up and double stitch each seam with a different color. It had to be the rainbow variegated thread, didn’t it.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    Sarvi, what size needle are you using for your topstitching? If you’re not using a topstitching needle, you may want to switch it out so you have the larger size eye in the needle. Here are some links.

    This one gives an example of the difference of a topstitching needle vs. regular universal needle: http://www.pinkchalkstudio.com/blog/2008/04/15/why-use-a-topstitching-needle/

    This link takes you to the Schmetz Needle site, giving you information on how to choose your needle, based on your thread: http://www.schmetzneedles.com/schmetz-needle-primer/#sthash.D7PNrXAT.dpbs

    Here’s a great Thread’s article, on Topstitching http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/26461/tips-for-better-topstitching/page/all .

    The fact you get it working perfectly, until you get to the thicker seams tells me, it’s either the ‘machine’ not liking the thicker seams, you need a different type needle or your machine doesn’t like the thread.

    If you have been using a universal needle, it might be worth switching it out for a double denim (hemstitch) or double embroidery needle. Test your fabric, in the same manor you will be sewing your seams. In other words, with your scraps, create a bulky seams to practice on. 🙂 You may need to lengthen your stitch and possibly loosen your tension.

    I hope you have success, it sounds like a great project.


    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    McStitch, I have only recently taken my first, official millinery class, and loved it! I enjoy hats and wear them all the time. 😉 I’m intrigued with what you are going to do. Are you planning to stitch, in the round, the braid, making a capline, then block it? Or are you going to place your braid on a shape, then pin/glue stitch it to the shape? Since this is for a costume, I might be tempted to make my shape, (probably out of corrugated cardboard and masking tape) then start putting my braid around it, pin/glue…then stitch, a few rows at a time. I suspect you will need to size (stiffen) the straw in order to keep its shape and some wire, too. That will happen after you stitch it up. Sounds like a great project and I’m looking forward to seeing what you produce. Australia has some great millinery shops. Surely they can give you some good tips/advice? If you need any close up pictures ,for inspiration/dissection, just let me know. I have a couple of boater hats. 😉 I live near Canada’s largest, outdoor living museum.


    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    Happy pink baby sewing to you, Tamara, ENJOY! 🙂

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Sarvi, let me know what kind of solution you work out. I really really really regret buying my Janome Magnolia. I dust out my bobbin holder, replace needles, use stablizers to fix problems and use regular thread (not top stitching), test out on scrap, etc, but whenever I have to topstitch for pocket flap detail, etc my machine feed dogs don’t feed the fabric through. It has been suggested that I don’t start so close to the top edge of the fabric but when that fabric is showing you can hardly topstitch an inch in. I start a quarter of an inch in. It just goes up and down making a big knot.

    I also can’t seem to do button holes on my machine properly, especially with the family reunion dress. It is too sensitive.

    Justsewit- oooh baby girls are so much fun to sew for.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Will do. Yes, that’s exactly the sort of frustration I’m having. I’m almost thinking of taking the walking foot off and just pulling it through free-motion-quilting style.

    My concern about swapping out the needle (I’m using a sharp/microtex needle) is that I’m sewing a performance fabric, extremely finely woven. I’d worry about a heavier needle punching great holes in it. Thanks so much everyone for chiming in. Maybe it’s just not meant to be.

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