Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Brittany, if you set your iron setting a bit lower it presses the crepe pretty well. It’s just trying to find the right setting. My iron would have not done this. Sarah even tried to talk me into having Caspian as Anna. Caspian is old enough now to protest! lol

    Robin @Robin

    Congratulations Sharon. That’s really cool. Always exciting to see people’s sewing in such a place of honor.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    thanks Robin! I is still hard to believe myself.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yay for Caspian! That sweet boy will sell a lot of patterns for sure!

    Tamara @justsewit

    The baby Elsa costume sounds amazing! And Caspian’s gorgeous little face on the cover of a pattern would melt anyone’s heart into pattern purchasing for sure (not to forget the adorable sweetpea also). To even have the honour to pattern test would be the ants pants.

    I am tossing up whether to take my latest smocking project to the pool with me today when one of the kids has lessons to become unstuck from stage two! The other one will just have a leisure swim and I can just sit there and stitch while the lesson is on. Seeing as the pool is a shallow one and they plan to include the super soaker in the fun.

    I could either do this or wait until we get home and then continue on with making the black and pink striped maxi dress – which is still on anyway but you know we have to fit lots in somehow. The handstitching pile is mounting up which gives me the perfect excuse to take along to the various summer sports and of course the doctors appointments etc.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Talking to myself? Oh well I always thought I was going mad!

    I took some smocking with me yesterday to the pool but only managed half a row. I have two rows left on the main colour before going on with the accent stitches and then that will be another dress for the “sew me up” pile. I hope to have this ready to sew today.

    Tomorrow I plan to go have this glucose test I am overdue for so will take something to stitch while I wait out the two hours before having some food and travelling home again ready for an afternoon stint at school in the Art class helping out. I will probably only get as far as stitching so the sewing machine will have to wait its turn until at least Tuesday when I hope to have the time to get these little items sorted.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I was never a big fan of the glucose test — good luck!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks Sarvi! I’m not looking forward to it either and if someone tells me I have a heightened chance of testing positive for GD “because of my age” I shall scream! Thankfully I will be armed with pins and needles hehe!

    I have finished all required smocking on this little dress and am waiting for various food items to defrost so that lunch can actually be put together. Then I think I will go and make that striped maxi and pleat another bishop angel top in preparation for tomorrow’s appointment. I aim to go slow with this one because I have appointments Wednesday also, so it can serve as the something to do whilst waiting then too.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making a 6-12m Music Class Skirt with 3 rows of top stitching, pink, purple and teal, for a baby shower for one of my work mates in the next couple of weeks. It’s great, I’ve been able to use up some grey wool left from sandbox pants a few years ago 🙂

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Heidi that sounds lovely.

    I just sewed a muslin of the Traveller dress. It seemed a bit billowy under the arms so I was playing around with moving and pivoting the bust darts. Finally realised the whole thing was close to perfect if I just hoicked it in on my shoulders by half an inch.

    So it would seem I just need to size down…

    I’m pleased I don’t need to do anything tricky but kind of peeved that a total size change means going back to retracing the pattern, recutting and starting over. Boring.

    Nicole @motherof5

    How cute, a tiny wee skirt!

    I finished one pair of Jedediah shorts for Hugo, ready for the hot weather, the other two pair are up to waistband sewing.

    Sharon, how very exciting!

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    Ah Lightning, I am there too! I just tried a wrap dress and despite measuring up accurately and despite it being a cup size specific pattern, I have just found out it is too big. So I need to retrace the smaller size. This selfish sewing is tricky!

    schor @schor

    I just cut out fabric to make 4 of the art smocks from the Oliver + S book. That’s right, 4 art smocks – 2 cotton and 2 oil cloth ones (just the front panel).

    I have never seen anyone bring hand sewing projects with them anywhere. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone hand sewing anything, which is “sew” sad. I brought a hand quilting project while getting a pedicure once and I thought I was brilliant for thinking of it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Schor you do have such a fun sense of humour! As it so happens I took some smocking with me to my two hour test this morning but didn’t sew a stitch! I just wasn’t in the mood. I find it does help to pass the time when you don’t have anyone to chat with and it actually helps to get the little things done, like sewing on buttons etc. I used to take something with me when the kids had piano lessons but the teacher is having treatment for cancer right now so it has had to be halted.

    I plan to have something come with me tomorrow though if we happen to get to tennis.

    So I am rather exhausted from a day in the car travelling everywhere. I don’t think I have the energy to sew anything but because I am actually home tomorrow (yay!) I will grab the chance. I need a new preggie t shirt so that is on the list. I Might also grab the chance to trace a mini something for a pending baby boy due to appear “anyday now” – actually he is a mystery baby also – the parents won’t believe it until he arrives! And after three little girls I think they are far too excited to believe the possibility! So I am think a tiny tea party and bucket hat or maybe a sketchbook set for when he is bigger and older – maybe for the naming day (which isn’t yet known).

    I get confirmation of my own mystery baby this week – hopefully she will cooperate this time! And then I can work to get the pink frilly things finished.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Heidi, have you popped pictures of the tiny music class up yet? Would love to see.

    I did some smocking whilst the kids were having a tennis lesson – just a kit I had for ages but hope to make very good use of. It had two rows already worked in the colour I was using but I realised they were both completely off centre! But then again I did those lines ages ago and must have put it down meaning to unpick them. Instead I carried on! The rememdy is that I started a third row in the correct area so when I get to the incorrect ones again I will know what to do – and do it properly!

    I wanted to pleat another bishop angel top but I have to change needles – one was skipping a beat. Will try again later.

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