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What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5
    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Your hat looks great. Funny about Cindy’s comment on that photo as a Venetian gondolier is exactly what we’re aiming for, by Tuesday morning, for Italian day at school.

    It is taking much longer than I’d anticipated. There will be some laaaaate nights.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Wow. Everyone’s been BUSY! I finally set aside time to sew the jumprope I had cut out 3 weeks ago. I sit down and promptly spill a drink on table. I went to clean it up and do what I should have done and can’t find the table pads to protect the table. I open the front closet where I think they are, and an avalanche falls on me. I clean the dining room so I can sew. I clean the closet, so I can close the door.

    4 hours later I get to start sewing.

    In 3 hours, (taking my time since it was my first ever placket like this- and the fabric has lots of stretch and give), I finally have a collar prepped, the placket done and one pocket on. 🙂

    Tassiemum @Tassiemum

    I sewed up a lunchbox tee yesterday- a very quick sew. I want to get started on the cullottes today.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Well I feel like a rock star. I have a beautiful placket and collar for the jumprope.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Isn’t that so satisfying, cybele?

    I want so badly to be sewing that tee and culottes, Tassiemum.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just made the cutest Teaparty romper in Tula Pink! Working on a Cape Ann bodysuit but have the placket the wrong way round 🙁

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Cape Anne body suit sounds gerorgeous!

    After a roughish day at work I’m glad I’ve got another peppermint swirl skirt all ready to sew 🙂 I’m so looking forward to listening to the sound of the machine!

    Tamara @justsewit

    It will be once done – using the mums print. I am not happy with picking the wrong placket though, cutting it double on the fabric. It just means that the layette top with be facing the correct way. I have teaparty bloomers made in mauve solid but realised I made tham for Tula Pink but that isn’t a dress. Another excuse to cut into precious prints and use just a smidge!

    I hope to rev the machine up tonight after shifting other machines and putting kids into bed. Hopefully I will have the energy to do so also.

    cybele727 @cybele727


    It totally rang my bell! I can’t wait to finish the dress, and am looking forward to all the corduroy I purchased arriving so I can make 3 pairs of after school pants.

    The last pair of after school I made, I did a small alteration because she has a long rise in the back. Poor girly has NO waist or hips. She has a belly, so everything sits UNDER the belly, and then has to ride higher up the back so when she sits, bends, etc, there is no crack showing. They fit beautifully with the alteration, AND they meet her criteria of pockets, and no tags!

    So beautifully that a) she hates wearing any RTW pants- because she’s always tugging them up (and complaining about it), and b) my husband hates her wearing RTW because she’s always showing crack in them.

    So after the jumprope, it is 3 pairs of afterschool.

    Then, because I am stalking Heidi, I am going to buy that peppermint swirl pattern. I just want to know, Heidi, what fabric you find gives the best drape and “swirly” effect.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve mainly used stash fabric to make them! I’ve used cottons and polycottons including vintage and new sheets! Sheets are great especially solid coloured ones and if you don’t mind thrift stores you can often get lots of fabric quite cheaply. I was very fortunate that at the beginning of the year a colleague gave me two bright pink and two pale pink sheets. Both of the bright pink sheets have gone into making 4 of these skirts 🙂 I should put up the photos of the ones I Have made for me as well, I just realised they were missing 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hurrah Jenny, you are a rock star!

    Finally finished hugo’s shorts, thank goodness, and I cleaned my machine down and started my liesl+co tunic.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I finished up my third peppermint swirl skirt for the weekend last night 🙂 I tried getting pictures but they’re washed out so I need to wait for better light. Now I have some badminton shorts cut out with Puppet Show pockets to go on them. I’m planning on shirring the pockets rather than using bias binding.

    yousaysew @yousaysew

    I splurged on some Liberty of London for my 2 year old but not sure what pattern I’ll love it in most! I’m thinking an Ice Cream blouse. Thoughts?

    Tamara @justsewit

    The Icecream dress would be lovely in Liberty. It also is great with all the dresses so if you think Icecream, do it.

    I have to alter the field trip cargo pattern for this orientation camp next week. The list said they require long pants and sock savers (they are things that go around to cover your socks for those who are unaware). I am of the assumption this would be for the bush walking/ orienteering activities.

    Unfortunately, there is not enough pink drill so we will have to go for a “boring” colour of navy blue or something. I’ll make the sock savers in pink to compensate.

    I shall endeavour to get started on them today with the hope of knocking out a pair or two before the weekend is out.

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