Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    honeymadeit @honeymadeit

    That sounds so good. I don’t make much of anything fancy. My daughter used to work at a gourmet cookie bakery and they made white chocolate cranberry that was to die for but alas I don’t have access anymore. Grandson’s birthday is Saturday and he has asked for a pumpkin pie so I will be making that too. Enjoy your trip into the city and be careful.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I miss Aussie vernacular. And (tho this is also partially the Canadian in me) I still call my mother my mum. And ‘colour’ looks SO much better with the “u”!

    I just sewed the back panel on an everyday skirt I’m making out of Charlie Harper for Birch Organics interlock. It is absolutely the most wonderful knit I’ve ever felt – so soft and has a wonderful heft. But that substantialness means that some of the seams are quite thick, especially the front waistband. I double-interfaced it due to advice in one of the pattern discussion threads, and had to take some of it out bc my machine couldn’t handle the thickness. It kept skipping stitches so I had to go back over it several times. The edgestitching on the front waistband is downright ugly. Oh well – I am likely the only person who will ever notice, and the knit is so darn comfy that I won’t ever want to take the skirt off! I just ordered some more from the same line to make a long-sleeve bento (tho I don’t have that pattern yet) – the fabric is 20% off currently and it’s not exactly cheap, so it was too good to pass up, and with this knit you get what you pay for. I likely won’t sew it for a while as I have sooo much other sewing to get done before Christmas!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I don’t know if I will get to sew today. We are shearing (again) and there are little kiddos down the shed that I have been to,d to expect to trot up to the house – they seem to be surviving pretty well after three hours already but it isn’t deterring the son of mine from asking if they will ever get bored and come up – he needs to go down there I think!

    Anyway, I am about to hang a sign up at the kitchen saying something along the lines of it being clean and do not enter!

    If I were going to get into the sewing room today though, I would be working on the puppet short tunic that seems to be taking a long time to be constructed (and that I keep missing things to make it with. I found out I needed to cut bias for the hem?) thankfully I think I have enough of the scraps left to do it. The aim would of coyrse to get this one finished today.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Slowly plodding through this puppet show tunic. I had to do some unpicking thanks to pieces getting caught when they shouldn’t have. I am up to sleeves. Hopefully I can finish it today despite being dog tired and flat out at the same time.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I cut out three pairs of Jedediah (Thread Theory) shorts, for Hugo.

    They had best fit!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Attempting to make shorts for myself! I’m making my first muslin of the Lisette souvenir shorts. The sewing is lovley and the pattern is going together well but I’m not looking forward to the fitting.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I actually need to get the smaller size in that pattern so I can use it for Imogen. I am wondering if they would be easy to make them bump worthy but at the moment time keeps running short so it will have to be,put aside until I can catch my breath again.

    No sewing today – we had a birthday to celebrate and family over from the east. But I did manage to purchase some linen, in light pink to hopefully team with some check linen of the same pink (I hope) and white that Imogen has bagged for something. I also got some linen in a magenta type colour for myself – probably for post bump but we shall see.

    At the moment I am still stumbling through the little tunic. It isn’t hard I just don’t have the time to sit for hours and work on it at the moment. I am hoping to have it finished before the next wave of visitors arrive (and with a bit of luck I can get two pairs of sunny days shorts with mods done for the kids also). Then it will be my turn – decisions yet to be made and then baby sewing with great flurry. I have four items made all of which need finishing off in little ways and the fifth is the tunic but I need to do better than that to make the mark.

    I am hoping this term will be a less demanding one on my time so that I can actually chain myself to the sewing room for a little longer than of late.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    We had to clean our house up on Thursday for photographs, as our landlord is selling the house. With the sewing area finally tidy, I promised that I wouldn’t start anything new until I finished the mending and hemming.

    On Friday I managed to replace the elastic in a cloth nappy, hand sew Audrey’s magic wand’s flower back on, fix the zip in Chris’ shorts, and resew the side seam on Josephine’s new top that was obviously not right when I bought it. I still have a pair of Chris’ jeans to hem (need to try them on first) and I have a dress that is nearly finished from two years ago that I need to hem and make a belt for. I also pulled the elastic out of a second nappy, so I need to replace that too now 🙂

    Then maybe I can start on the shirred tops for feeding…

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Now there’s a sewing job I’m glad I’ll never have to do again. I replaced all the elastic in about 24 nappies three times over to get both kids through. Hands down the most tedious sewing job ever. Still beats disposables….

    Nicole @motherof5

    See, there is something good about fold your own squares

    The pre folds do look great though, I just have dozens of terry ones.

    Tilly just got a new wardrobe of o+s hand me downs from Liddy , swopped a few buttons and loosened some elastic and it’s all done.

    That counts as sewing, right?

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I finally finished my coat! Never have I been so glad to see the back of a project. The end result looks great but the construction was a nightmare. I will get hubby to take some photos tomorrow.

    Boo has been asking me for a new dolls dress. So the next project will be a dolls Tea Party dress. Today however is a work day for me. Off I go…..

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Oh, I would love to see Tilly in her “new” clothes. It totally counts as sewing.

    My shorts didn’t really fit 🙁 Too small despite 4″ of ease. And I’ve run out of trace and toil so I can’t easily trace off more sizes/patterns. So I made a denim look Mabel 🙂

    I’m thinking about my summer wardrobe. I’m trying to work out what I’m going to wear this summer especially for work. I’ve worn leggings and skirts all winter but I think summer will be to hot for them. I suspect shorts aren’t really appropriate but I’m not sure I want to just wear skirts and I don’t have a TNT shorts/pants pattern. And I’m trying to work out what shirts I need too! I think I need to sit down and make a plan 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Made a pair of sunny days shorts for Noah – with mods. I have to make more mods, not entirely happy with them.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I started Hugo’s Jedediah shorts. Three pairs, which I am sewing production line. It actually is not so bad as I am pretty tired and at least I don’t have to think too much.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Ooooh. Can’t wait to see those. They’re on my must sew list. The zip fly instructions look superb in that one.

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