Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Yes please, Nannies for all!

    (I was a Nanny for several years, some of ‘my’ babies have had babies)!

    I have cut Elsa’s dress, she choose a sage green dupion silk base (lined with bemsilk) with a navy lace bodice over lay and green chiffon over skirt. All the fabric is from the stash as she is broke!

    The pattern is a very simple 70’s style sun dress so the challenge will purely be in the fabric handling.

    Zara is wondering about black velvet (please please no)……

    That lush, thick stuff that requires hand basting first. I didn’t hide it deep enough.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Does Zara know about the velvet industry? The dreadful way those poor little velvets are raised, the appalling conditions, the painful death so as not to ruin their pelts?….

    Surely you can talk her out of it! 😉

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh the horror! Zara no! Try something simpler for mum to handle. As much as it would look fab its not the right time – try again next year (check with mum of course) so mum has the chance to really get her sewing legs back.

    I never got to nanny, only getting as far as long day care but did apply to go to Sweden in an effort to fly the nest.

    My day was a wash with other things unfortunately so even though the sewing room door is open, I haven’t ventured inside. Maybe having a little break isn’t such a bad idea? The week has left me rather fatigued.

    Harmony @Harmony

    If I ever needed another reason to avoid velvet, I’ve just found it. I had no idea. 🙂

    I heartily endorse the idea of nannies for all, and my kids are school age.

    I am a waistband, cuffs, buttons, and buttonholes away from completing my first set of Sleepover pajamas! The facing around the back of the neck got a bit wonky on me, but I’ll do better next time.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I also feel I always have to tug a bit at that part, but after a wash and press the neck lies (lays?) so nicely.

    Robin @Robin

    It’s been a whole month since I’ve sewn anything. I’ve been sitting on my bum and knitting socks. My friend signed me up for a quilting course on Saturday. Should be sewing furiously. Sophie is wearing size 12 so I think this is my last chance to work with O+S patterns.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    OOH sadness. Tell Sophie to stop growing! Tell her I said so!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    That’s sad that she’s nearly out of Oliver and S 🙁

    I’ve traced off the class picnic shorts in size 7 & 8 and I’ve added length to the 8’s because I want to make them for a boy (at his request) but I think slightly longer will be better. Then I’m thinking of making the ruffled version!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Its the unstoppable force called growing up! I feel your pain I have one outgrown so I have to size up and one in a size 12 but that is even erring on the side of sizing up and then this little one yet to arrive will have the joy of experiencing all sizes for a good many years (I hope).

    I say take the chance and run with it Robin.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Ha ha ha Shelley, I was reading thinking ‘Wha…. oh, okay, it’s a joke’

    Zara thinks you are awesome.

    Harmony, cotton velvet is fine. This is the plush acetone stuff. Slippery like a fox!

    I have the bodice and lining made of Elsa’s dress and all the fittings done. It looks amazing even if I do say so myself!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Too funny Shelley!

    So do you know what the baby is yet Tamara?

    Well the past two days I sewn up a explorer vest and bucket hat in Go, Go Diego style for my nephew’s 4th birthday. It came out so cute! Caspian now wants the be Diego for Halloween so I am going to whip him one up as well. It’s already cut out and ready to go. I figure that I can make black Field trip cargos to go with his costume as well.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well we were given a little tutorial in why the radiologist thought baby is a girl despite the verbal disclaimer. With Noah it was bleeding obvious but with this bundle we couldn’t see anything to warrant saying boy. That isn’t to say it might turn out that way but we were shown on screen evidence in the girl’s favour – three lines and by 21 weeks the necessary pieces are fully developed to the point of no confusion. So I am taking it as read that its a girl! A shy one – no flashing at all! That’s the way to have a little dignity from the start isn’t it?!

    Should I need another scan for any reason we will be able to gain extra confirmation but my hunch is its a girl, the radiologist is cautious but says she thinks its a girl. I will make some neutral things just in case but I have had the feeling this one is a girl all the way along.

    Today, should I not be too delayed checking out the new rams, I want to get started (finally) on the baby things. Wish me luck!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Wow, I missed looking at this thread for one day and look what happened!

    Good luck Tamara!

    Nicole – Make that velvet disappear! Hide it – burn it! There is no WAY you want to be sewing that stuff for next week. That’s what I used for Audrey’s overdress for the Fifties Fair, and I had to sew the whole bodice by hand. Even hand basting wasn’t enough to hold it together with the lining.

    I’ve nearly finished the embroidery/applique for the front pocket of the pinny, I still need to do the back piece, but that isn’t nearly as complicated. It’s just the wolf and a few flowers, not Little Red herself like on the front. I’d like to get the pinny finished to take with us to Brisbane on Thursday, but we’ll see how ambitious that is…

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have been dreaming of all things applique and embroidery just lately Jay so I am looking forward to seeing your end result completed and gone on your trip with you!

    Ok, done all the morning trudging, feeding, measuring and noting that is (hopefully) needed. So now I am going to take my ipad and cuppa with me to the sewing room, listen to Outlander and sew!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Yay for baby girls! I would love to have a boy too (if I can talk my husband into another baby), but there’s just something about little girls…

    Tamara, Outlander the book or the tv show? We will have to wait for the show to come out on DVD as we don’t get that channel as part of our cable tv package. I’m #45 or something in the queue to get the first book from my library. I’m currently finishing up a book on the history of coffee, it’s been really interesting and I’m viewing the coffee aisle at the grocery store with a whole new perspective…

    Today I drafted a pattern to make a fleece-lined sunbonnet to go with the layette I sewed in August. I also taped together the PDF for Thread Theory’s new Finlayson sweater pattern. I’ll trace Ben’s size tomorrow and then I have to wait for the knits I ordered to ship. I hope he likes it…

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