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What are you sewing now?

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    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Hmmm……..off to ponder.

    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    Yes, Nicole, I thought that writing my plans here would also keep me on track! Accountability is good. 🙂

    I’m sorry about your friend! Just because the baby is viable doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t “cook” every bit as long as possible. While they can live at this stage, their little lungs need longer to mature, not to mention all the other reasons a term birth is better. A nurse could probably spout off 15 more things off the top of her head. I know, I know, I’m preaching to the choir! 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thanks Mandy,its hard to explain that to someone who’s last baby was born at 41+ weeks.

    All my babies were induced prematurely,and the difference between 34 weeks(no sucking reflex,tube feeding,training with nipple shields,weaning off nipple shields,expressing milk to build up supply,etc) and 35 weeks(straight on the breast),is huge!

    I have a sneaky feeling while I am minding her child,she is home painting and gardening! Fingers crossed …

    You are so right about accountability,If I hadn’t mentioned the school uniform Jumprope dresses here in the forums I think I would have buried them in the garden by now!

    lattemama @lattemama

    Fingers crossed for your friend Nicole. I had my girls at 41w+7 and 39w+5 so it’s hard to imagine what it would be like with babied younger than that.

    My first ended up in NICU anyway because she had pooped in the water and they wanted to x-ray her lungs.

    I don’t think they had had such a large baby in there ever. She almost didn’t fit in the bed and they had to send for nappies her size from the maternity ward.

    As for accountability – I know what you mean. I need to start a list *and* follow it. The girls have requested doll’s clothes. Both from the O+S book and from some Modkid patterns that came in the mail this week.

    I think a blog post is in order…

    Justine J @justmejay

    Oh, yes, good idea Lotta! I shall make a list and blog it! That will get me going! I’m thinking of winter sewing, but there are still a couple of things I’d like to do for now first – a tea party dress and a music class blouse for each of the girls – don’t know if I should though!

    My fingers are crossed for your friend too, Nicole! My sister in law went into prem labour at 28 weeks, but luckily the hospital managed to stop it and she ended up carrying to full term.

    Nicole @motherof5

    My friend has been given the all clear,so my extra 2 year old has gone home and I HAVE FINISHED THE SCHOOL UNIFORMS!!! Did you hear me in the back? .. Oh,good.

    Now ,how to take an interesting snap of 5 Jumprope dresses? I will get back to you on that ….

    Next, to finish Sons Nature Walk top before he grows out of it!

    What are you sewing?

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Good News all the way around!!!!

    etc3 @etc3

    I think those uniforms are awesome, and I am in awe of you making 5 at once Nicole! Just saw your Nature Walk, LOVE it!

    I’m thinking winter sewing too Justine despite it being a rather hot week here (36 degrees!). I have cut out a Sunday Brunch Jacket and skirt, a couple of Sailboat skirts (love those over leggings), a Hopscotch skirt and a 2+2 blouse. My husband is away this week which means lots and lots of sewing! Despite my self imposed ban on pattern buying, I am expecting the Music Class and Nature Walk patterns this week and lets not talk Lisette. I have been BAD BAD BAD!

    lattemama @lattemama

    Amazing job Nicole! I can understand that you’re thrilled to be done.

    All my child-free weekend plans were shot when first Sofia got a tummy bug, then me, and finally husband last night. On top of that he also managed to throw his back out so he’s laid up and unable to move. Joy.

    And tomorrow’s Monday and I’m back to work.

    I hope to atleast manage a pair of mittens for my big girl. I think I’ll go do that now.

    Justine J @justmejay

    How rotten to have a weekend wasted by sickness, Lotta! Hope you all recover quickly!

    I’m still writing my winter sewing list in my head, Peta – but I’m getting excited just thinking about it! Am going to give myself some deadlines to get me moving – can’t seem to get into the flow of it at the moment. I’ve finally just ordered the Nature Walk pattern too! (not to metion my Lisette patterns!) – and there’s a huge new pile of fabric at my house too!

    Good news is – am just in the middle of making a Tea Party dress for Lucy! Hooray! Fianlly some sewing here!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I just can’t get on these forums (or my sewing machine) enough to keep up with you ladies! Oh well- these kids will grow up and there will be plenty of time for sewing when they are older!

    I did manage to cut fabric for a music class blouse and skirt and a (very loud) jump rope dress this weekend. Now to find time to sew them together… 🙂 I also have been doing some fabric organization and I found a puppet show tunic that is completely finished except for buttons and a pair of puppet show shorts that I cut but never finished. They are size 12-18 mo, I think. Had I finished them they would have been my 2nd and 3rd items that I made for my 3 year old!! That will teach me to start a pair of shorts at the end of a MN summer! At least I have another little girl to grow into them!


    lattemama @lattemama

    Yay for the Tea Party Dress Justine. I have the pattern, but alas, Sofia’s too large for the size 5 by now. I could use it to make a dress for their cousin though ..

    I’ll settle for the Tea Party dress for dolls from the book though. The girls both liked that one.

    As for child-free weekends, I’ll get this coming Saturday off if only my husband’s back is better. Maybe I can catch up a little then. I just need to trace a bunch of patterns so I have something to work on.

    Isabel was promised a Jump Rope Dress last night. Judging from the measurements on the pattern it should *just* fit her. So I plan to make a muslin for her – not only to try it on for size but to give me a dry run on that placket.

    I showed her the gorgeous CW I have ordered, but she “didn’t like fabric with plants on them” so for now that is off. Instead she requested some Patty Young fabric I have in my store. It would make the dress look similar to this (fabricwise): http://www.flickr.com/photos/isabeldecibel/4563557339/. I would be happy to make it out of the floral fabric up top, but she wouldn’t hear of it. So … I’m a nice mummy, I’ll comply, I think.

    Kim @kmac0107

    I am sewing three 2+2 tops one from the City Weekend in the blue Treetop. I ordered fabric for 2 Music Box jumpers, 2 Music Class blouses and 2 Sandbox pants. I only sew on the weekend a few hours on Saturday and Sunday. I have been sewing in x3’s but I am going to try in x2’s so I can finish each pattern on one weekend.

    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    Yesterday I finished Phase 1 on my Spring/Summer sewing syllabus – 3 pairs of Puppet Show shorts in navy, khaki and denim. They won’t win any awards for creativity but I didn’t want them to. I would rather they go with everything and I save the patterns and such for tops.

    Next up – 2 2+2 tops. One in knit with CW Park Ramble Pink and one in woven with a yellow cotton with raspberry flower buds all over from my stash.

    homefire @homefire

    Goodness you ladies have been busy! Mandy, I’m with you on the neutral bottoms. I’ve been having my fun with prints lately but I need to get busy on some solids. I have matching jumprope dresses in the works for my girlies (this is probably the last season the older one will WANT to be all matchy-matchy with Sister so I’m going to take advantage of it. I also have their Easter dresses cut and ready. I know its early but ever since I began sewing if I have a deadline I get it done at the last minute. If there’s no deadline I have no problem but there something about the definite time frame that makes me want to rebel and not do it lol.

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