Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    bren5kids @bren5kids

    thejennigirl, I would love to know how your drapes, shades, and duvet cover turn out. I just painted my girls bedroom and got rid of their crib and toddler bed and bought a “big girl” bed for them, now I’m in the process of redecorating. I just put the finishing touches on a pink toile roman blind, it’s my version of a balloon shade and I’m quite pleased with it 🙂 I have fabric to make sheers, and am planning to make one or two duvet covers as well.

    daisygirl, I recognize some of those patterns! My Mom has a few of them I think, and it’s what I would’ve worn as a young child in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

    beachmom, I wish my baby girl would do the same 😉

    I am about halfway done with a dress for myself, which my husband has already informed me he doesn’t like (he has very particular tastes when it comes to what I wear) so I’ve kinda lost my zeal for finishing it. I’m thinking a playdate dress for my 5 yr old in some beautiful, dk. blue “Seville” by Hoffman will be just the thing I need!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Well, I just about took over the front page of the flickr group, but I finally posted pictures of everything I just made on the O+s front.

    School photo dress, sketchbook shirt, 2 pairs of sailboat pants, Music class set, and Puppet show

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am plodding through 5 Jumprope dresses,2 view A,3 view B,in the second most horrible fabric known to man! Cotton-poor teeny tiny houndstooth navy and white school uniform fabric!

    I kid you not,I am getting electric shocks off this fabric!

    However,the pattern is keeping me in good spirits of sorts and I made the collars and the front plackets today so the fiddly bit is done!

    Me thinks I will need some City Weekend therapy when I have finished these!

    What are you sewing now ?

    lattemama @lattemama

    I started on the School Photo Dress last night. I had done almost all the cutting on Sunday evening (finished the very last cutting Monday morning before heading downstairs).

    Then last night Sofia was happy as a clam at her new desk, colouring and drawing. Isabel was in the bath and I was in the sewing room getting started on Isabel’s dress.

    I was laughing when I turned the dress right side out because it was so beautiful. I could not believe I had made it – I credit the wonderful instructions for about 90 % of the job – I’m pretty good at following directions.

    Tonight I’ll set in the sleeves and hem it and then it’s done! Pics to come later, I’m sure.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I started cutting out the kids’ Easter outfits today. A 2t Tea Party sunsuit for my sweet little boy, a size 5 (with added 3.5″ length) Tea Party sundress for my little girl, and a size 8 Sketchbook shirt for my sweet gentleman. I still have to get the other fabric on Friday before I can cut out the rest. My goal is to have them made by the end of the month so I’m not stressing myself as soon as the spring thaw sets in around here & my outdoor life picks up.

    Then it’s alternating that police officer I love’s summer weight uniforms, working on the drapes & shades for the master bedroom suite, sewing on my dress(es) and probably some more O+s projects. It just never ends!

    Nicole @motherof5

    It looks WONDERFUL Lotta-you clever thing!

    Still sewing uniforms!

    Collars on,buttonholes sewed and button sewn on! Getting there!

    PS Jenn,your children are adorable!

    Justine J @justmejay

    Lotta – I love your dress – need to move it up my to do list!!!!!!

    I’m a very lucky girl – guess where I went today? Calico & Ivy!!! It’s a really beautiful shop. Amy was there & it was lovely to have a chat and a cup of tea! Bought some lovely Kokka waffle – very 70s – in a purple colourway and an orange. Unsure what to use them for – will post some pics to see what you all think – maybe I might wait for the class picnic top/shorts!

    As for sewing – a slow week here – still plodding along with my Anna Tunic, and contemplating fabric combos for the girls’ Sunday Brunches!!!

    Anonymous @

    No sewing today. Was planning to bathe the dogs and clean house, but instead I am sick. So, no sewing and dirty dogs and house.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I’m working on another dress for charity, a ministry called, Destiny Dresses. You can see the first two I produced, here: http://stitchedbyhislove.blogspot.com/2011/02/destiny-dresses.html Once that is done, I will begin my work on the Ice Cream dress. I have made a muslin of the yoke to make sure it will fit properly. I also want to change the back opening, after having read the reviews. Eager to work on some Oliver + S dress patterns to add to the ministry. 🙂


    lattemama @lattemama

    Justine: You lucky duck! I read about Calico & Ivy on Amy’s blog and it sounds like a wonderful place. Too bad it’s halfway around the world.

    I finished up the School Photo Dress and took it with me to work to photograph it (it’s in the pool).

    Tonight my husband will be home late as he is on a business trip so I plan to start cutting a School Days Coat for Sofia. I’m making it out of a thick nylon we call beaver nylon (not sure if it’s called that elsewhere). It’s semi-water resistant so it will double as a rain coat for her. I plan to line it with a pinks strawberry patterned fleece but I need some advice.

    Can I line the sleeves with that too or is it better to top the lining with some acetate/rayon lining? I imagine the fleece will catch on her shirts and make it hard to put the coat on? An acetate lining is a lot more slippery and will glide better?

    Does it make much of a difference?

    And also – would you recommend quilting the acetate to the fleece (I still need fleece in the sleeves for warmth) before putting the lining in the coat?

    Justine J @justmejay

    Come for a holiday & I’ll take you there!!! Still haven’t posted a pic of my purchase.

    I haven’t made the coat Lotta, but I agree re the sleeve lining – there’s nothing worse than not being able to put on/take off a jacket/coat easily – my winter overcoat (like I need one in Sydney!) has ‘slippery’ sleeve lining.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Lotta, I think I agree about the sleeves. The fleece (while warm and cozy) might be catchy. I found the sleeves to be a little big on my daughter, but I lined with a quilting cotton. I’d personally try something more ‘slippery’. Flannel is thinner than fleece, would that work for you? Of course, it might catch as well. Good luck; can’t wait to see!

    Loralee @Loralee

    Justmejay, I’m so jealous! What fun. That store looks absolutely ‘to die for.’ Can’t wait to see what you do with the Kokka waffle.

    Today, I’m trying my hand at knits by starting the hopscotch top in a City Weekend turquoise dot. I bought a double needle for the hems. Just hope I don’t have too much puckering at the seams since I’m using a sewing machine not a serger. Slow going.

    Rpankow @excytin

    Loralee, You’re going to do just great! Nothing to be afraid of, just remember to lengthen your stitches and to practice on a scrap. I just let the fabric feed like normal.

    As for me, right now I’m working on the school days coat as well in a MM laminated dumb dots in brown and pink, with pink and white striped lining. I plan on making the insulated vest out of the same striped cotton and some fleece. For anyone who’s afraid of laminated cottons, they’re not so scary. I actually messed up on my velcro placement and the holes aren’t that noticable. I heated up the cotton from the wrong side a little bit and rubbed with my finger. Also, I’ve been using a “sharp microtex” needle from schmetz on the topstitching-looks great.

    It’s February in Iowa, and I can’t believe I have to hurry on this coat. They’re talking rain this week and record highs. So much for planning ahead! 🙂

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Loralee, that CW knit is good to work with. Let the fabric feed with a smidge of guidance from you and you’ll be fine. I’m working on one right now as a night gown for my daughter’s birthday gift. I think I’ll check into a double needle for the hemming!

    Excytin, I’m holding out for the new Modern Workshop laminate for a spring/summer rain coat for the girl! Thanks for the heads up about it, because I am a little nervous as I’ve never used laminate before!

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