Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Justine J @justmejay

    I wish I was kidding! And there is no way it could have been a mistake! The doll cut out had also been removed from the packet – my guess is that someone bought it and returned it for a refund – they had glued the flap closed. As soon as I picked it up I knew something was wrong – no doll, very tatty ansd certainly not thick enough. I was truly floored that someone would even think to do something like that!

    The good news is that when I got home this afternoon, the replacement pattern was in my letterbox! (to give fabric.com credit, they did replace it at no extra cost to me!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thats the problem with the big stores, I got several O+S patterns from them that were very tatty, thats when I started cutting up the packet and laminating it!

    I am glad you got another, I have started mine, its sewing up really well!

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    I’m up very late sewing dance costumes (a paid gig — hurray!) and swapping posts with Oz, the patternmaker, as some of you may have noticed. I have taken a long break from sewing anything for my 22 month old daughter because she has decided she hates clothes. All day long she says “go outside naked” and sometimes I can hardly get a diaper on her, let alone anything I’ve sewn. Somebody, please tell me this is a phase. I don’t know what I’ll do with all the lovely O + S fabric and patterns in my stash if this doesn’t end!!!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    The “nekked” kid is a phase, but some kids just feel better that way. I’d take full advantage, let her run around naked, and potty train at the same time! (I know my neighbors love me- all of my kids have run naked around my neighborhood, one even used the storm drain as a potty. ) Oh, and I love explaining the mosquito bites in strange places to the pediatrician. We did institute a rule that they had to be clothed to be in the car. 🙂

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    Hi JohannaO, well, I wish I could let her go outside naked, but it’s near freezing here these days, and it would look a little strange. I do have hopes for potty training, though, because at least she tells me what’s on the floor after the fact. The fact that you are still sewing for your kids gives me hope, though!

    Nicole @motherof5

    No bare bums on furniture ! Thats our rule, and I try to keep knickers on them!

    I am trying to picture your neighbors faces with little ones piddling in the street, at least we only offend sheep!

    I like a good debate , SITC!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh Johanna, you’ve just made me think of Christmas Vacation! Hilarious. (of course, when Eddie’s evacuating the RV drain)

    Nicole, you make me giggle too. I think I secretly hoped the Niblet would be a girl, just so I wouldn’t have to fight off 2 males (other than the bulls!) using the pasture as a restroom! (Husband would D-I-E if he read this! 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    You guys are cracking me up! I love this age when they’re so unselfconscious.

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    Motherof5, I’m not sure if you are referring to the Oz vs. O + S debate, but I like a good debate too. The ultimate irony is that I’m making the patterns for these post-modern (I’m not sure what it means, either) dance costumes and I’m stymied by my own designs. So when I need a breather, I come look here. I had to rip some seams last night, so the forum was a good break. If you mean debating with my daughter, well, guess who always wins that one.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    SITC, do you post your O+S items in the pool? Also, I would love to see what a ‘post modern’ dance costume looks like.

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    Hi Maraya, I do, as justswatchme. You’ll see I haven’t posted anything recently. I’d like to see how my costumes turn out, too!! 🙂

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Hello strangers! Although I have been stalking the forums I have been to ashamed by lack of completed projects to say hi! Even though I am very busy at work at the moment I always manage to fit in a quick read of your latest posts and a look at what lovely goodies are on the Flikr pool.

    Well, I have completed the “draft” pair of shorts for my guy (what is the sewing term for that?) in a horrid fabric I am not sure why I bought. @#$% – that is a swear word there – the pattern I downloaded off the BurdaStyle website had such insanely bad instructions and confusing, sparse and small drawings – most of my sewing time (SO VERY RARE) was spent trying to understand the @#$%@ instructions rather than actually sewing!!! You know me – I am not afraid of a difficult pattern – I can follow instructions – right? Humph, anyway, I figured everything out in the end EXCEPT the zip. The instructions pretty much said “sew the zip in” – really. The resulting fly front is so dodgy it gapes open to reveal the zipper and draws a large amount of attention to the groin area which is really hilarious. Obviously they will not be worn!

    Anyway – I have decided I am allowed to sew an O&S pattern (as therapy) before I take on the proper pair of shorts. I have just traced a size 3 in the School Photo dress for my 2 y/o for winter in 6 months. I have a wide 1m remnant of lovely dark brown wool/cashmere fabric that seems not too thick for a dress just waiting to be cut tonight. VERY EXCITED!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Excellent to hear from you Miranda!

    Will you be posting a photo of said shorts modeled? I am sure we all would like to see that…

    I know Burda…. Make a placket. Okay umm how?

    You will love the School Photo Dress so satisfying to make, I cannot wait to make a wool one.

    I will be watching out for yours!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Hehehe – perhaps I can trick him into wearing them again to get a photo! School photo fabric is cut – yesss! Still getting used to rotary cutter tho…

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’m having option paralysis! Don’t know what to make next.

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 6,027 total)

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