Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    Down to just the hand stitching on the Niblet’s coat! Hooray! Next up should be my skirt or Husband’s pants, but I have been itching to get my hands into the Sunday Brunch jacket, so I’m pretty sure that’ll be it. Ordered some funky orange/yellow/purple shoes too so I think this will be a Christmas gift set from Mommy. Since ‘Santa’ has chosen what he’ll be delivering for the Niblet too I’ll be making some accessories for her kitchen and I’m looking forward to that as well.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Still poking away at my School Photo dresses x3, just the sleeves to do now.

    I have finished all the costumes that I had to make, and the teachers were pleased. However, this time when they commented that they knew I would ‘whip’ them up , I replied that the ‘whipping’ took over 20 odd hours! You should have seen the look on their faces! Honestly, if people don’t sew they have no idea how long it takes , not to mention the thread , pellon, trims and bits one ends up purchasing for the costumes.

    I’m sure they think I am a bit of a cow, but for 7 years I have been sewing costumes for the school and have never heard a dicky bird!

    After my comment , Small Ones teacher sent me a nice little card, which was lovely!

    Cutting out the Swing Set outfit for Small One this afternoon out of Ice Cream Shop and Urban Grid in blue ( City Weekend ). Goodness, I love this collection!

    What are you sewing at present?……

    Nicole @motherof5

    PS, Can’t wait to see the shoes Mel, I looove shoes , not that you would notice!!!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    FROWN. I have a pile of stuff to hem/repair and strict instructions from self not to cut out a single other thing until everything else is sorted. BORING.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    ps I already tried to psych myself out by saying ‘I LOVE hemming!’ out loud, it didn’t work. Anybody have any great tricks for making it more fun, chime in!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Glass of wine and a DVD?

    Justine J @justmejay

    Ditto on the wine – maybe add in some chocolate??!!

    The only thing I’ve sewn in over a week now is a shopping bag as a xmas present for Harry’s teacher (she’s taken lsl for the rest of the year and therefore had to be given her present early!) – the rest of my time has been taken up with – housework!!!! Oh so boring but now everything is shining (it did need more than the cursory cleaning I’ve been doing lately!) I can (hopefully) do some real sewing next week (oh yeah, am finally getting my sewing room/study sorted out properly too!!! Started stripping the nursery border today)

    Anonymous @

    Sarvi, Try to think of how smart, talented, and frugal you are to be able to repair your own things! That helps me.

    Anonymous @

    Finally back to sewing again! Today I traced and cut out 2 pair of sandbox pants and 2 nature walk pullovers – all for Oliver. Well, I guess I’m still not back to actual SEWING, but I’ve got them all cut out and ready to go. : )

    Emily @Emily

    I hear you, Sandi. I’ve just dropped my last Thanksgiving guest off at the airport (for a 6:00 am flight – I’m glad we’re only 25 minutes from the airport!!) and as glad as I am to see friends and family over the holidays, I’m really glad to be able to have some of my free time back to myself for sewing. It’s mostly sewing for others, mind you, but it will be nice to have a return to a bit of routine. I’m working on Christmas PJs for Eleanor in a lovely flannel with mittens on it and a quilt that’s a gift for my mother. I also have a Playdate cut out that I’m itching to finish, and a special holiday dress to think about. Now, however, I’m going back to bed after a 4:15 alarm to get to the airport on time. Oooof.

    Anonymous @

    Ooof is right! Get some zzzz’s and then you can stitch away!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Note to self: leave a candy dish and wineglass near the sewing. Managed to hem two pairs of pants and sew on three of four snaps/buttons. I know, who sews three buttons and leaves the fourth and last one till tomorrow.

    I did leave aside a little time for knitting, though, which I enjoy, and haven’t done for a while, and today my mom gave me an old jacket from Japan with fabric that will look great with the sweater I’m knitting. Nice!

    Anonymous @

    I only finished one nature walk pullover all weekend! It took me all day yesterday. It’s not difficult, but I guess I just kept getting interrupted. Little people. Well, maybe I can sew the matching pants today, at least.

    Liesl Gibson

    I spent a little time this weekend finishing up some projects that have been languishing for months now. Nearly at the bottom of my pile! I’ve promised myself no fun sewing (i.e. new projects that aren’t specifically business-related) until I finish absolutely everything. Except the two quilt tops that I’ve slowly been chipping away at for about four years, that is. Can’t wait!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I got an odd amount of faces too when I told everyone over Thanksgiving how long it’d really taken me to complete the Niblet’s coat, Nicole. (Husband brought it inside to brag, giving I think the wrong impression.) You’re exactly right, non-sewers are really a bit clueless. The note was a nice gesture.

    Yuck, Sarvi. Hemming? Yawn. The only time I can really get stoked about that is when it means I’m near a completed garment, not a mended one.

    Seems I’m a dolt and bought too little of my Sunday Brunch fabric. Grrr. Heading back out this afternoon to clear that bit up and pick up a little something else for a holiday dress. Started on nephew’s Nature Walk pullover in the meantime. I forgot how much I like putting this item together.

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