Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    My boy needs a new crop of little buttondown (or is it buttonup?) shirts. But, I’m lacking motivation for things that aren’t girly. A boy after my own heart he keeps insisting “shirts with buttons” when getting dressed. As many of those blooming things as i feel like I have made…I can never seem to find a clean one. I’m not sure if his anti-tshirt stance is that our weather has been 90F+ and humid or that his 96% head size makes it an uncomfortable squeeze into half the things in his drawer.

    School ends in 4 days, and I hope my girl has enough to rotate through her closet to keep her happy for a while once the uniforms go in the closet for good.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Mcholley, I have the same problem, I long to sew dresses but the baby needs some things first. I do love to sew for the baby it is just Sarah is the first girl I have had to sew for and I do love sewing girly things! Plus she is demanding that I sew her more Fairy tale dresses. She calls them her princess dresses. : ) I still have yet to finish her pink and white one that she can not understand why on earth I have not had this done a week ago. Now she has even brought me more fabric for two more. Although I can’t lie I love every minute of this!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I have made a good start on the field trip cargos 🙂 They are very cute in 2 colours. I spent an hour or so with the kids but also did a couple of hours sewing too.

    Masha Richart

    I cut out the Seashore dress yesterday and was looking forward to getting started today … but my kids had other plans. Lots of crying around here today. Some by me.

    So I am sitting here holding the baby and browsing Bubble dresses on Flickr.

    Oh well, tomorrow will be better.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh Sweetheart, you poor thing.

    A little cry does no harm, mothers and babies included.

    I have finished the outer and lining of Elsa’s coat, now to put the two together!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Is that baby #2? They are the hardest. Much crying was involved here too the whole first year of baby #2. The first year with 2 babies is all about survival.

    I’m throwing together an easy top for myself and just about deciding what to do with that scant yard of Heather Ross frogs. At least I hope too, it’s playgroup morning, so I don’t always get much done.

    Masha Richart

    Baby #3, actually. #2 was my easy one! Just had a playdate with new friends though and that was a shot in the arm for us all. The husband will be home soon and maybe I will get in some sewing after all 🙂

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Woke up this morning with this idea; what about a thread to discuss sewing that isn’t O + S within this forum? I know that seems an odd suggestion but reading this forum for quite a while now has shown me how many people who love sewing/creating enjoy branching out from O + S patterns to other designers, or returning to the skills/crafts they practiced before they discovered these wonderful patterns. This forum is so supportive and friendly of the members’ work (and their lives) that ‘apologising’ for discussing their creativity in non-O+S areas seems increasingly silly.

    I suggest this in the same spirit that Mother of 5 introduced the “News and Current Affairs” thread; a way of keeping our chat better directed for forum members who read it for specifically O+S related material, and for those who have more eclectic tastes, a way of going directly to a thread that discusses other sewing: eg. other patterns/quilting etc etc.

    What do people think?

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I don’t think all sewing talk (or indeed even crafting talk — I also knit and embroider a tiny a bit) has to be about specific O+S patterns, and indeed there is already a whole subforum for sewing not relating to any particular pattern, so that could be used for general thoughts about fabric selection, fitting, needles, etc. I think that if you wanted to start a thread on Victory or any of the other patterns sold through O+S, that seems like a logical place to put them. For me, personally, it would feel a little bit funny to make a special thread explicitly for chatting about ‘competitors’ — but I’m using the term very loosely as I know there are many great friendships in the world of independent design. I am speaking only for myself, though, and others may feel differently.

    What is it that you want to talk about that you feel constrained discussing in the News/Current Affairs thread?

    meleliza @meleliza

    I would love to hear any feedback about Victory patterns. They’re really lovely, but I’d like to know more about how they fit before plunging in.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I think Nicole recently made up the Satsuki, I’m sure she has invaluable comments on it.

    Needlewoman, I started a new thread on general crafts and hobbies, hope that is useful!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I will look that up! I’m suffering from over- thinking and under-sewing. Today I vow to just get on with it!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    My Pink and purple cargos are nearly done. Just the elastic, front top stitching and two belt loops to sew down. And a little hand sewing to take up the 4″ cuff added to the bottom for growth.

    Maggie @Maggie

    I made something for me! I made my very first t- shirt, and it fits! I used an old shirt as the pattern. I’m so excited.

    I sewed and unpicked the neck band twice before finally using ribbing instead of the main fabric. Rookie mistake–I should have cut the neck band first, but I didn’t. I didn’t have enough crosswise fabric and there wasn’t lengthwise stretch. Lesson learned.

    But it still looks good. And did I mention that it fits? 🙂 A whole new world of sewing is opening.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you Sarvi. Congratulations, Maggie!! Such a great feeling when something you have to work hard on really works. Looking fwd to seeing those cargo pants in Flickr, Heidi. Haven’t tried that pattern but it certainly seems popular. I’m about 2/3 through a Music Box in the View B version. Have had a few problems fitting the skirt to the yoke which I didn’t experience when I made up View A last year. I think putting the flaps on reduces the “give” in the skirt. So I’ve clipped the skirt but the yoke is still a little puffy looking. On reflection, I think I should have refolded the centre pleat to give a little more ease. Unfortunately, the denim fabric I’m using keeps it marks so was reluctant to give myself more grief. But as Maggie says, lesson learned. Looking forward to tackling first Music class blouse next (in pinks and creams to go with pinny for Miss 5 (nearly 6). Hope the weekend brings some easier times for sewing, rthewgirl.

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