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What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I was very lucky this last week and received the mother load of fabric gifted to me by my grandmother and a grandpa of Jacob’s friend at school. Lots of pretties I have been wanting so I can’t wait to dive into them!

    Sadly I have not sewn a stitch in over about a week now. I started Sarah’s princess dress last weekend and it’s been hanging up by my sewing machine. I am having withdraws now! I hate it when I am under the weather and can’t do much. IT seems to be happing more and more lately. I think I need a vacation by the beach and lots of sleep. : )

    Nicole @motherof5

    Poor darling you Sharon, you need a week at our beach cottage.

    I haven’t sewn for a few days but I have a nice little bundle ready to go.

    A Vogue shirt for Jed.

    A Deer and Doe Pavot jacket for Elsa.

    A Wren dress for Tilly

    And Portfolio dress for me (+ a Continental dress as a slip to go under it)

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Oh, exciting new to you fabric! That is an impressive list Nicole! The portfolio that needs a slip sounds lovely.

    Yesterday l shortened a Thobe (middle eastern dance costume) for my older niece. My four year old niece was sitting there intent on the sewing machine and asking all the questions about what the dials did!

    Tamara @justsewit

    You know Fiona I quite agree. I think it is because of the fact that sewing children’s clothes gives the satisfaction of faster production. But on the other hand ain’t it nice to change things up a little?

    Oh how frustrating for you Sharon! I can just imagine what fun you will have with the fabric though and I cant wait to see the princess dress.

    Robin @Robin

    I sewed for myself this weekend! I made the meringue skirt from Colette. It’s like Liesl’s scalloped skirt without the yoke, waistband and skort. I did a “full waist adjustment”. But I don’t know about it. It’s too big. I made it to my exact waist measurement. I took an inch out, but could probably take out another. Will wear it today and see what happens. I used Ana Maria Horner’s Field Study linen.

    It’s getting to be that time of year when sewing for teachers needs to start and I still have a birthday party dress to make from Wendy’s pattern stash.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    That sounds so lovely Nicole! I wish I could. : )

    After a lovely two days of much needed rest, thank you to my lovely hubby, I feel ready to sew! I have the fabric all pressed for Caspian’s knicker bubble ready to go and have a few fabrics getting stacked and ready to go for after miss Sarah’s princess dress is done. I am so inching to start on summer sewing!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    So glad to hear you’re feeling better, Sharon. I spent last weekend feeling rather seedy myself but much better today. Have finally finished the playsuit for friend’s baby who turned 1 on Sunday – and posted it on Flickr. Thrilled for those who have patterns/new material to work on – such an exciting feeling!!

    Did a bit more work on quilt blocks last night. I really enjoy making scrap quilts but they are a lot more work than deciding on a group of fabrics, and making the blocks all the same. Still, as you say, J it is therapeutic to change creative occupations every so often. I think I will stick with quilt til it’s done because then it can go to quilter while I work on Music Box in denim, and two (or one at least) Music Class blouse for same family as quilt is intended. It’s really starting to become cold at night, and crisp during the day here, and the leaves are nearly all off the trees – perfect for autumn sewing when the sun shines. So looking forward to seeing finished quilts, and other kids’ projects that forum members have spoken of.

    Good on you, Robin making something for yourself – always a challenge when other deadlines pressing.

    Tamara @justsewit

    So glad you got some much needed rest Sharon. Hopefully your sewing time wont be interrupted this week.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have started Elsa’s Deer&Doe Pavot coat.

    O+S it is not, but using the tips I have learnt from Liesl, it is sewing up nicely.

    The smallest size fits the twins and they are *just* out of the O+S size 12.

    Masha Richart

    Sewing has slowed down here as I have been setting up and tending a vegetable garden (my first ever)! We have been enjoying garden salads the last few days. In between planting and watering and weeding and mulching, I’ve been slowly working on some nightgowns for my daughters and niece, which I finished up yesterday, and some little baby hats and shoes for a friend who gave birth two days ago. I also have some doll diapers cut out and waiting to be added to my niece’s package.

    Last night I cut apart my Seashore Sundress pattern and began cutting fabric for it. It will be my first dress from the pattern and I already have to make the size 4! If I like it I guess I’ll need to buy the next size up.

    But what I really need to do is sew a few diapers for baby boy. At three months old he is 16 pounds and almost out of his smalls. I had hoped younger daughter would be out of the mediums (and into underwear) by now, but it was not to be.

    (Aside: One ironic thing about not having that much sewing time is that – I am actually taking my time more on my projects, rather than rushing to finish a garment by the end of the day. It’s nice.)

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Just checked out Deer and Doe website – the patterns look really interesting. Nice to know there some attractive things out there for teenagers.

    Your little man is 3 mths old already, rthewgirl, wow!! where does the time go?

    meleliza @meleliza

    Wow, thoe Deer and Doe patterns are absolutely smashing! But good grief, metric is such a pain. Let us know how they sew up for you, Nicole, so we can decide if that cuteness is worth the hassle.

    I squeezed another roller skate dress out of some scraps of lovely Mood fabric from one of my sundresses. It took some careful folding but I’m glad not to have wasted it. I cut a simple summer top for myself. I also spent the weekend washing and ironing so I’m really ready to go.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I straightened some of my hash tag blocks for this quilt and pressed them. I feel like a yo yo with a sore head!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was hoping to get back to the pink and purple cargos today but I maybe babysitting. Kids not quite well enough to be at school but their mum has a final essay due. I may still some sewing done as the cargos are for the little girl and she likes watching the sewing machine 🙂

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I made myself a dress from an Ottobre magazine that was gifted to me. I measured myself quite well I thought, but this thing was a sack! I’d sewed it with the overlocker so there’s no way I wa sunpickign and reattaching the sleeves so I just ran another seam about an inch and half in on each side. It’s wearable, but the neck and shoulders till gape a bit.

    Much more satisfyingly, I’m making a School Days Coat and that’s a pattern that always has me stopping and admiring how awesomely good handmade clothing can be.

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