Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    This morning I started out progressing a little further on the quilting of this quilt I pieced back in November. I did a block in an hour and a half of a free motion design “bed of roses” which I think is a record as it is usually done in 2 hours.

    Then because of the weather and time marching on (early close day for school today) I decided to get these school pants underway. So I cut out and was sewing up to the waistband and cuffs within two hours of starting. I have another pair to do tonight so the kids have a fresh pair to wear tomorrow (yes sewing on the run!)

    Tomorrow, I want to have some hand stitching at the ready whilst the afternoon activities are on but during the day I plan to spend a bit more time working on that quilt. Just getting to the point of needing it to be out of the way as I have another waiting to be quilted plus more in the works. They take alot of space in the sewing cupboard which I would rather fill with fabrics.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Today I got a wild and crazy idea to do something completely ridiculous for my 2 year old with the popover pattern. It’s ludicrous and completely impractical, but I am absolutely cuffed and seriously annoyed that it’s supposed to be rainy tomorrow. I want some good pictures to share.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Chuffed. I meant chuffed. Stupid iPad auto correct.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hehehehehehe! Take it off! You are so doing my trick!

    The evening sewing plans went seriously askew thanks to kids with “listening ears” on mute! We had HEAPS of rain so the sewing plans were also thrown out of kilter thanks to a run down the road to deliver meals – actually we all “ate out” – best restaurant in town, called “on the side of the road”.

    So today I have four hours to kill NOT doing housework and will crack on with the school pants and if I am lucky get onto something else also.

    Meleliza, I inadvertently worked out the caps lock the other day – shouting is not my strong point but.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oooh, I love a wild, crazy, completely ridiculous sewing idea. looking forward to your photos Meleliza.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Well, the rain seems to have cleared for now. If it stays that way for school pickup, I might be able to get pics after all. I need a prop or two, though. 🙂

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    It’s starting to get hot, so I need to make new pairs of shorts—both puppet show and picnic, another swingset top and try my hand at the badminton set.

    Tamara @justsewit

    The weather here has been colder and wet (37mm in the home gauge) which is great but apparently we will have 27 degrees c next week (like fun! In May!) so I am busy trying (the word has great emphasis) to get winter school pants sorted. One pair has just the cuffs to do and elastic the others, just pipe dreams for now.

    I have turned my attention to finding something for Imogen to wear that will match the purple shoes we bought for winter good shoes. So today it is all about tracing cutting and sewing the sulka dress she wants in the rainbow knit which is rather fabulous and I am hoping to have enough left to pair with a solid for either a book report or even a hopscotch dress. All for the sake of having the shoes match! Golly gee! Really birthday parties are fun to prepare for even when they aren’t your own!

    And then it is back to black school pants.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am only dreaming of sewing…..and living vicariously through you lovely ladies.

    Too many on farm jobs and my workmen are back at school.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well I had high hopes of a completed rainbow dress this afternoon. To no avail unfortunately. The machine loves to eat knits even with the accufeed food and proper needle. I just have to start a little ways in to get it to not eat but sew. The one thing I do not like about these instructions is that they tell you to cut a 3.5cm wide piece for the neck binding but they dont give the length measurements so consequently I did one based on a t shirt pattern and it puckered the front badly so I had to unpick it and start again, making a small hole in the neckline along the way. Nothing that cant be fixed but it isnt turning into the dream run I had hoped it would be.

    meleliza @meleliza
    Robin @Robin

    Tres chic! Might I suggest a pearl choker to go with? Thank you for a great chuckle. And your daughter does look very elegant.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Good gracious hasnt she grown! The dress is very cute and suits her to a T!

    Fixed the neckline of this rainbow dress and will continue sewing to finish it tonight.

    Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks Tamara! of course she can barely walk in the thing, but it was such a lark to do.

    Is it Mother’s Day in Australia too? England has it in March. So hard to sed Mother’s Day cards when they don’t even sell them in the US until April. I had to start stock piling them a year in advance for my MIL! Ow I send her flowers for both English and American Mother’s Day, to her work so she can show them off to her co workers. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes it is Mothers day in Oz today. We have just come home from a tenth birthday celebration (I nearly got lost again!) and Imogen wore her rainbow Sulka dress. The little girl received a motorbike for her birthday amd was showing us her skills – she has no fear which is quite scary! But ten is a good age to have one and she was having heaps of fun.

    Yes I dont know what that would e like to have to try and find a card for something that our country doesnt celebrate at that particular time. On the other hand though, when it is Mothers day (or Fathers day) you would probably buy a card ahead of time so you at least feel prepared!

    It is down to me to get these things sorted especially now my Mil is no longer around. Breakfast in bed is always rushed and my poor IG this morning was told off for even suggesting the idea of pancakes! I think Australia should change it to August! nothing happens in August and most farming mums can have their pancakes then! It was the thought that counted anyway!

    Farm duties await – meal run and vehicle shifting. The fun never ends!

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