Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I finished Liddy’s blouse and some CC trousers,next two pairs if trousers for Hugo. Its a Vogue pattern which means the pieces fit well but the instructions can be a bit hinky.

    After that(and this is very exciting)Zara purchased the Victory Satsuki pattern for her self! I hope I can size it down enough.

    I can’t wait to see how it sews as Elsa would like a Victory Ava dress.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ooh, I know it’s asking a lot, but could you please blog it?

    KarenK @KarenK

    Pretty excited to see some Victory patterns sewn up.

    I am starting a couple of items for a friend’s adoption shower. She will be travelling to meet her toddler in Uganda in June. So exciting.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Absolutely Sarvi,it would be my pleasure.

    Karen,I can’t wait to ‘meet’ this precious baby.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Tuesday I finished a 2+2 blouse in some of last years Lisette lawn. I love how that pattern shows off her wonderfully belly! So baby girl liked it very much and positively insisted on a skirt to match. I whipped one up last night so she could wear it to her playgroup today. Such fun to be whipping anything up after working so hard on stuff for me.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Melanie,have you posted photos?

    I must go and have a look.

    I finished a pair of trousers for Hugo in pinwale cord for school,and goodness,they were a project and a half!

    (I snuck in some Japanese lawn for the pocket lining and fly shield,Hugo doesn’t mind)

    avashmava @avashmava

    I just finished the Music Class Blouse and Skirt I was working on a couple of weeks ago. I was able to take the blouse in and found that it didn’t need length added, after all. I think the extra width was just making it hang funny on her.

    Next up is a Sketchbook shirt, by special request, for my special 7 yr. old. In red, please.

    I have never heard of Victory patterns before, Nicole. I will have to go look them up.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Avashmava, they re in the shop section on this site.

    Sewing nothing right now but hope to get going again on the quilt that is half quilted. I will be working on those periodically for the next couple of months.

    School pants are in order so I will make some of those too, but not today.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Currently summoning the motivation to make school pants – we are in for a cold snap – and God willing a big lot of rain!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Trying to summon my motivation to return to sewing outfits already cut out; not that I don’t want to make them – just a bit short of the necessary energy to get cracking. So sympathise about school pants. Sorry to hear that your family got nasty lurgy, jsit; glad you didn’t get sick – yet!

    Robin @Robin

    Today is dedicated to all the sewing jobs I don’t want to do. Repairing a tear in a dress, binding “itching” armsyes in a princess dress and making a couple of pillow cases out of fabric that I did not pick. Let’s see if I can finish it all by lunch time. ; )

    meleliza @meleliza

    I did take some pictures of the 2+2 but I’m not sure I’ve got any good ones. I’ll have a look later. Meanwhile, I’ve adopted Nicole’s rotation idea. Since I did Kitty an entire outfit (there was even a hair bow to match) I feel justified working on a casual dress for me now, a Washi maxi in black challis. Then back to her for another roller skate dress I think. I might even it it out tonight to have it ready. I’m moving into summer sewing now. I finished a spiffy Vogue dress last week and need a few weeks of easy going, little at a time stuff. Somewhere in there I need to get some more pajamas for the boys.

    Tamara @justsewit

    So how did the dress go that your were making to wear to the communion ceremony Meleliza? My download has been slowed significantly (we are all download hogs in this house) so am unable to look at flickr for a week or so until it is renewed.

    So I suppose the bullet has been bitten and that the school pants need to be sewn within 48 hours as Wednesday the cold snap / significant drop in temps hits. I was thinking of doing some field trip pants in the fleece fabric I have – just to try – but without the side pockets as they are “not allowed”. They are for Noah and for miss Imogen who will have to et used to wearing thicking stocking for school in winter, I wwill take pity and make her some afterschool pants with a few pockets missing just so they “dont look the same as the casual ones”. I will mix it up amd do some of the free motion quilting on the quilt I started back in November. Really need to get that finished asap.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have cut out Hugo’s dress trousers and hope to get those to fitting stage today(they are the style were one finishes the back waist last thing)

    I have drafted Zara’s Victory Satsuki tunic,she is a little small for the 2 but I think with the flowly design it will still be fine.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I finished most of it, but I’ll admit there were some safety pins on the inside and the lining wasn’t hemmed. However, I actually got a ton of completely unsolicited compliments on it. A grandmother at the after party used to sew herself and instantly asked if I made it. I might have received as many compliments on my dress as on the communion dress. The little girls mom passed out my business cards, bless her. And the tiny AG replica dress was a big hit too. I have pics of that to share soon, but it may be a while until I have pics of my Vogue dress. I may wait until I get to my parents house this summer and have my dad do some professional shots of it. I plan to wear it for Mothers Day and. Abe out to dinner for my birthday or our anniversary. There’s also my middle sons pre school graduation in June if it’s not too hot.

    Yesterday I cut out a roller skate dress in a fabulous butterfly cotton voile I scored at Joann – yes, Joann! I’ll sew it up as soon as I finish my Washi dress.

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