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What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I have finally been able to sew today, Husband has been ill and Son&Heir is at camp, so very busy.

    Hopefully, I will finish the two little girls Jumprope dresses today, and then I need to complete a wearable toile of the School Photo dress to decide the best fit for the twins.

    This pattern has to be read to be believed, the instructions are the best I have ever followed.I honestly believe anyone could follow them, providing they had patience !

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I just sewed the last 2 buttons on my daughter’s jump rope dress. And I am trying to convince her to wear it tomorrow. 🙂 She is starting to get a little opinionated on her clothing choices! I tried to get her to try on the ice cream dress that I made and she says- “no- it’s not fun to wear it!” Really?? I guess I should stick with pink fabrics for her. I know she will wear pink- good thing I like pink too! Anyway, it is starting to get cold here, so I need to get her some tights so she can wear these dresses!

    I have started a school days rain jacket with some pink, green, and red polka dot laminated cotton that I found at my local fabric store. I am lining it in flannel for some added warmth and softness and I am really excited about it! I think that I didn’t need to be as intimidated by this pattern as I was. Similar to any O&S pattern- the directions will take you through it!!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Have just finished my first (of many!) Nature Walk pullover and have a work in progress Sailboat top on my table. Then, on to NW pants and Hopscotch pattern! Thinking I want to give the NW pullover another go in flannel too.

    Nicole, can’t wait to see your School Photo dresses!

    Emily @Emily

    I’m just getting started on a Sunday Brunch set in brown corduroy with pink dots. We also have some friends getting married in November, so I’m starting to think about a dressy version of … something. Not sure what yet. School Photo? Jump Rope? Ice Cream?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    All great choices Emily. I’ve recently been thinking of an Ice Cream dress in silk…maybe for Christmas!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Silk sews beautifully in this pattern , it works so well with french seams!

    I often use silk for my children, I wash it in Pantene shampoo and rinse with diluted conditioner .

    Not as good as dry cleaning , but much less expensive and no chemicals on little ones !

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh wow, thanks for that tip Nicole! I would never have thought of that, but I have been doing a little research on alternatives to dry cleaning! I have never sewn with silk. Any other suggestions or tips?

    Nicole @motherof5

    It frays, so try not to handle too much , french seams are great !

    The colour can run, so choose colours that can handle that , similar shades or brights and remove promptly from the machine. Dry inside not in a breeze, that can make the cloth ”rough”.

    A nice, new , fine needle for sewing and a good steamy iron not too hot.

    It really is not that scary and makes good sense to start with children’s clothes, it is a small piece of cloth!

    Can not wait to see what you make !

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Bummed! The wool I ordered for the baby’s coat seems not to be the same as the swatch, have to send it back. Won’t have time to make it, now. Dang it!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh no, Sarvi, that stinks! So sorry!

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    I’m debating a Bubble dress in silk. There is a dress very similar in the window of an extremly chi-chi French children’s shop near where DH works. DD#2 saw it and is coveting it. I have some green silk in my stash. There may not be enough for the whole dress, but I was thinking of doing the bodice in velvet (also in my stash.) That would be a great Christmas dress for her.

    Right now I have a Sunday brunch jacket cut out for DD#1, and a 2+2 blouse for DD#2 for a Christmas present. I just finished a white Music class blouse for DD#1. I’m waiting for the Hopscotch pattern to arrive, and the dress version of the top is next! I also have some fabric that may be either a Hopscotch skirt or a Sailboat top, depending on how much I have of it!

    Nicole @motherof5

    A silk Bubble dress sounds sublime ! A velvet bodice = perfection !

    If I may be so bold, consider sewing two rows of stitching on the side seams of the skirt as you need to trim that quite fine ( from memory ) and silk can fray.

    All the lovely patterns and not enough time !

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    Thanks, Nicole. The Bubble Skirt is lined, though, so I’m not too worried about fraying. Much more worried about what DD#2 can wallow in while wearing the dress!

    Nicole @motherof5

    He He!

    I was more worried about the seam splitting then it looking unsightly. Small One split the sleeve seam of her lined silk jacket at Mass on Sunday , when I unpicked it the fabric had frayed back to the stitch line! I was quite surprised as it is a loose jacket with little pressure on the seam.

    I would hate that to happen to someone else, it is a fairly loose weave thai silk.

    Anonymous @

    FINALLY got my new pattern out so I can actually sew. Shipped 48 copies yesterday : ) It will be nice to sew something that someone else has already figured out and explained for me! LOL.

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