Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    The new school year just began here so lots of bugs are already being passed. I’m waiting for my turn as most of the folks I work with have school aged children! Feel better!! x

    Nicole @motherof5

    Trying to juggle the Jumprope Dress sew-a-long with wedding outfits .

    Small One tried on her Puppet Show Dress to show Nan, and to my horror she has shot up ! again! So much so , it barely covers her bottom !

    Luckily , I have just enough of the purple silk left to make a pair of Puppet Show Shorts to wear under it, Thank goodness we tried it on.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Motherof5- oh my goodness- it wasn’t that long ago that you finished that dress!!! What a crazy growth spurt!! I look forward to seeing the whole family in their wedding outfits!!

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    Since fall is upon us, I’m attempting to make Puppet Show pants. I just finished a muslin and it looks pretty good. I’ll post pics of the results as soon as I have them. (Nicole, I’m looking forward to seeing the wedding outfits, too!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thanks girls!, I know, and I haven’t washed it , so it is not shrinkage, you can imagine the panic !

    So, S I T C, have you made the shorts into pants? I would really like to see that !

    Craftalittle , how is that beautiful baby ? cluck,cluck,cluck

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Would love to see your puppet show pants too, as I was thinking of trying that myself. Seems like it shouldn’t be that difficult.

    Just finished another sailboat top. I have fabrics cut for a jump rope dress to start tomorrow evening (hopefully) and another piece to get washed up. I’d really like to get 2 made during the sew along. Getting ready to order my new patterns so those are up next after the jump ropes!

    Nicole, can’t believe she’s grown out of it already! Best let her get all the wear out of it now then. It’s too beautiful to just hang up!

    Nicole @motherof5

    The Jumprope is perfect timing , isn’t it ? It is giving me something to do while waiting for the new patterns.

    The problem is Mel, it’s not really a play dress and it is still too cold to wear it to Mass!

    At least it still fits around, just too short .Thankyou for your compliments !

    sayiamyou @maraya

    NO! Definitely not for farming, but for dancing around the house?! Check. 🙂 Maybe a warm wool skirt would compliment it for Mass?

    I can’t believe it’ll take 3 weeks for you to receive your patterns. This is probably the first time I have ever hoped the mail might run a little slow. I know I’ll be distracted when the new patterns arrive, so hopefully the Niblet will have good, restful nights so I can finish the Jump Ropes for her double quick!

    Justine J @justmejay

    What a pity about small’s one’s wedding dress, Nicole! If only they’d all stay the sizes they are now (ages too!! – they seem to grow up way too quickly :(). I’m trying to clear my backlog of sewing so I can really get started on the jump rope dresses. Need to hem 1 sketchbook shirt/do buttonholes, add hem band to Rosie’s ice cream dress, and hopefully make another shirt for Harry! We’re going away just after sewalong finishes, so fingers crossed! Lots of late nights 🙂

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Nicole- Baby is fabulous- thanks for asking! 🙂 I will admit that she is keeping me from the sewing machine- not a surprise, I am sure! I am quickly being reminded how much more work a newborn is than a toddler! And how much more time they take up! I am cherishing the moments- and I am even reminding myself to cherish the ones in the middle of the night.

    So- since I am not really sewing right now, I am going to answer what I am knitting instead (since I can knit while snuggling my little one). I am knitting slippers for my toddler- pink and black- to match mommy’s, per her request. And I am planning what pj’s (bedtime story and nightgown from hopscotch dress) I am going to make her to match! After those, I will be knitting a sweater for my new neice (born Saturday!!)and slippers for my husband.

    Hopefully I will be able to find time this weekend to catch up on the Jump Rope Sew along. I am pretty sure that I will get nothing done on it until then!


    Nicole @motherof5

    You are clever to knit , Rebecca. I don’t , but wish I did !

    How lovely for two little cousins to be born so close together.

    Fingers crossed Justine!

    It may not take 3 weeks , I have already had an email to say they have been sent. Australia has quite a slow country service, but sometimes they surprise you .

    Emily @Emily

    I’ve just made up the School Picture dress in blue corduroy, the Hopscotch skirt in red corduroy, and the Nature Walk pullover in pink fleece with pink strips and pants with purple jersey. My machine has been busy, but now I’m putting it away for a week to head off on vacation. I’m looking forward to seeing photos of all the new fall patterns in the flickr group when I come back!

    sewinginthecity @sewinginthecity

    I just finished my first pair of Puppet Show Pants (on flickr under “justswatchme”). Since I haven’t even made the shorts yet, I was tickled by how fun they were to sew and that it only took an hour. I’m going to make at least two more to get my little peanut through fall.

    (Emily, we can’t wait to see your pictures!)

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Just finished one dress for the Jump Rope sew along and getting fabric prepped for a second. Thought I would get my new patterns in the mail this weekend, but alas… Probably best as I have a couple more fabrics to wash and would like to not be distracted from my planned Jump Ropes. However, I did get a pattern today…the Sugar City Village Frock! Finally found a copy and snatched it up! My local shop has a pumpkin colored shot cotton that I think will be lovely for this pattern and time of year.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Just bought the School Photo and Music Box, and ordered fabric for a School Days. I haven’t had time to sew for ages, it seems, and don’t actually have time now, but my eyes are bigger than my stomach. What I really need to do is make some kind of stash-busting mega-quilt or picnic blanket.

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