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What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Finished Elsa’s dress as my brother arrived to collect the Twins for their city holiday.

    Next up a sweet little vintage blouse for Liddy and some CC trousers. I thought Hugo was next but he is next next!

    Tamara,Spotlight had some very pretty denim last time I was in.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Are you talking dress 30 tamara? Beachmum made it for her daughter http://siestasandsewing.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/you-dont-know-youre-beautiful.html

    It looks lovely.

    Looking forward to seeing E dress, i hope they enjoy their holiday. Liddy’s sound lovely.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    There it is on flicker Nicole! It went up between me writing the first post and going back to look! It looks lovely. Grey, stripes and pink! Very “in”.

    Masha Richart

    So Kids Clothing Week begins again tomorrow. Who is in, and what do you have on deck? This will be my third KCW(C) and I usually have everything ready to go ahead of time. Not so now, of course. Too much to do, plus my husband’s birthday is tomorrow and we are having a party this afternoon. In the past I have done much more than the requisite hour-per-day, but this time I think I will be lucky to get 60 uninterrupted minutes for seven days straight. So I’m aiming low – two Lazy Days skirts for my girls (though I am scratching my head over something fun to do at the hem, not having good ribbon to match the fabrics they chose). If I finish those I would like to sew them each a cotton nightgown for summer. I have some lovely Valori Wells voile that would be perfect.

    What about you?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes that’s the one, sulka in 158cm and yes it may be a little big this season but net year should fit beautifully and I don’t mind a bit!

    Nicole, I don’t know what is up with my local Spotlight at the moment. Its all skewiff! I need some retail fabric shopping therapy when I go to the city next week – preferably without my mother or else I will never get what is required!! I will look out for denim especially. I did find a great wad of light indigo denim to do another pair of field trips. I’ll do drill ones in all sorts of colours also for Imogen, yet to pass the yellow under her nose for approval – the sales pitch? It will go with EVERYTHING!

    Hope the girls have an urban ball Nicole! The beauty of living way out in the sticks is that you can go to the city and then leave it behind when you get sick of it – but then I am guessing the girls are becoming less sick of the city?!

    I found a class picnic top I forgot to sew up so while I have pink on the machines I’ll quick whip that up and then tomorrow I will drown in field trip pant sewing!!

    Round the world girl, I haven’t “registered” but will play along “on mute”. I guess you could count today (sunday) as my day one!

    Happy sewing ladies!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    KCWC week is already here?! Where have I been? I have more than enough to sew the kiddos I just need to finish the band on my chevron skirt today. With J’s schooling I wasn’t able to get a stitch of sewing done during the entire week so I spent all of yesterday sewing my second skirt.

    First up will be a pattern from the Sew Beautiful magazine this month for Sarah, it’s a vintage style romper. I have to make this next! I also have two sets of pj’s to finish for her as well and have two pairs of sketchbook shorts cut out for baby C. I am wanting to make him a pair of denim “Max” (Max and Ruby) overalls with the Tea Party play suit pattern. I am wanting to get more fabric pleated up for the baby too. I want to make a shirt too but I haven’t found a yellow and red stripped knit fabric yet. If I finish all this I will be so happy! Summer vacation where are you?!?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’ve joined KCW for the first time. I’m going to work on pants. I’ve got two pair of After School pants in size 2 cut out for A, one pair of Field Trip cargo pants size 5 for P, and one pair of mystery motherof5 red pants in size 5. It’s a pattern-less, instruction-less adventure. It’ll be funny to see if she can recognise what I end up with!

    meleliza @meleliza

    I have a couples of things for baby girl cut and ready, but I’m not in. I finally found some silk lining that arrived yesterday just in the nick of time. In between finishing up my AG sized fairy tale communion dress today, I will be washing and cutting the silk lining so I can furiously sew up my dress this week. This is a bust time of year and I find it hard to get a lot of sewing done in spring when we all want to be out as much as we can. There’s lots of cleaning to do, lots of school activities, lots of festivals and events around the city and lots of great ways to enjoy the weather.

    Next week I plan to start on her stuff. I picked up a really interesting cotton voile at Joann, of all places! This spring they really seem to be making an effort to offer a bigger selection of decent stuff. This one is covered in butterflies and is destined to be a roller skate dress. I think the colors make it 3 season.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Finally completed the lone pink class picnic top – lots of unpicking thanks to thoughtess decision making!

    Now I am sewing denim field trip pants size 10! To replace the torn ones and they are strictly for good!

    Robin @Robin

    After I finish a project for a friend this week, I’m going to sew some grocery bags, and then all of the odds and sods of bags are going out of my house. Found some clearance cotton drill and some fun quilting cotton to line them with.

    Sophie wore her Heather Ross snails 2+2 blouse and lime green skirt with electric blue yoga pants underneath today and fuchsia running shoes. Sometimes I wish I could still dress her. Really, I’m just happy she wore the blouse and skirt.

    Tamara @justsewit

    So glad she wore the outfit because it looks very cute on her and handmade by you – two irresistible benefits!

    Finished the field trip denim pants last night – two items in one day and good going. The power went out this morning so I will have to either wait for it to return or try out the suggested alternative techniques from the last time we had this happen.

    I want to cut out two pairs at least of after school pants, one yellow and one pink and I will attempt to get a pair out of the remaining light indigo denim in the hopes she will wear them – will get her to wear leggings under them or something to reduce the “itchiness” and because they are without a zip it shouldn’t be so restricted around her belly. She has plenty of corduroy pants from last year – funnily they are mostly shades of purple, so drill and denim will add a change a bit and give her some variety. I want these ones to have the frills as I think they aren’t just for little girls and then she can use them as her going out pants.

    So trusting the power will come on again by lunchtime (optimistic me!) I plan on sewing at least two of them to finished state by midnight tonight.

    Masha Richart

    Robin, my kids are styling themselves now too (2.5 and 3.5yo). I just got sick of fighting about it and gave in this week. They look like gypsies!

    So I got a little over an hour of sewing in yesterday – in short increments. It was something like, spend five minutes measuring and cutting, then 49 minutes getting snacks, wiping spills and mediating arguments. Ten more minutes sewing and setting seams, then an hour and a half nursing, getting lunch for the toddlers and changing diapers. Etc. I got the side seams sewn on both Lazy Days skirts, and the waistbands ironed over. Today I sewed the casings and went to get the elastic … only to find that I am clean out of 3/4″ elastic. Ugh. I am sure I can find some here but I’ve yet to locate any sewing supply shops. And it is a windy day (we live on a hill in an already very windy city), too windy to go outside, so I had already promised the girls they could watch a movie this morning. We can’t venture out this afternoon because my older girl has ballet class. So the skirts will have to sit at least until tomorrow.


    KCW may be even less productive than I had anticipated!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh round the world girl! I can relate, even now! All I can say is slow but steady wins the race and I applaud the very thought of you, a mum of toddlers and a newborn, are actually sewing! Well done! What a hero!

    Today we had no power for about two hours and my dh didn’t bother telling me it was back on so here I was until lunch time cutting out and not sewing thinking the iron was off limits. I cut two pairs of After school pants, pink drill and denim. I was planning a yellow pair but there wasn’t quite enough fabric. I am hoping to use the field trip pattern for that instead.

    Already, going through a few boo boos! I did the side seams and totally forgot the frills that were supposed to be attached. The pocket frills were also sewn on back to front so consequently were unpicked and re sewn the correct way. I suppose that is was you get when you have been living and breathing sewing for the past few weeks. I simply have no choice! The kids haven’t got anything to wear that fits other than what I have recently made them! I will endeavour to not slow down but I have to put sewing for me on the back burner because of delays.

    Robin @Robin

    It is amazing how much you can accomplish in 10 or 15 minutes of work. Some of my projects are constructed that way. Usually it’s more like 30 minutes at a time. I did sew with my daughter is a sling when she was a new born. Made for some horrible posture but it was the only way I could make it work.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well I have finished one pair of the After school pants I cut out yesterday – the denim ones. I topstitched in pink to make them more attractive to my pink loving girl. The pink ones I will get on with tomorrow along with another pair of field trip pants for Noah.

    In the meanwhile, I really want to make me something!

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