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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Just finished the Roller skate dress! Fastest dress imaginable – too, just three hours to sew up. Now I’m off to slumber!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Doing lots of cutting out today! Cant use the iron as the little tiny bit of rain we had shorted our power and we have the “jennie” (generator) on. So lots of Roller skate tops and dresses and I want to cut out the pinwheel pattern also – I tried a muslin on her and it has room for a shirt underneath – very excited about that!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve made my first penguin back pack for a birthday present, It was a lot easier than I expected. I have one bit to go back and fix. Yesterday I cut out and sewed up a tea party sundress for stress relief, it only needs the hem facing and buttons/snaps. I cut the hemfacitng out of some shinny synthetic, that i also used for the lining, but I think the bias stretched, so I’ll cut the next one out of cotton. And it was all stash projects!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Did the penguin backpack turn out a good size Heidi? I haven’t made one yet but was thinking of including this in my nephew’s birthday parcel.

    Power is still out and I haven’t cut anything yet. Will in a moment though. Power is supposed to come on at 5.30 so hopefully they keep to their word! Luckily it is cooler today but I really need the power to sew!

    At least the cutting out will give me something to sew once it does come back! I want hand sewing to do for Wednesday while to kids are at piano.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Steadily sewing Elsa’s blazer. I had forgotten how long it takes to sew a lined jacket. The pattern is not bad but an O+S version would be soooo much better.

    Hint hint hint……

    I am pre-soaking some black linen in salt water to get the colour to set so I can make binding for Liddy’s PinWheel dress.

    Must make Tilly a backpack,I bought her a cheapy in case Kindy didn’t work out but she is happy and the bag is dying so a penguin might be in order.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Can’t have a dead bag! Its so good that she is enjoying kindy though – a good excuse to make a school bag.

    Going through all the patterns to fish out what would be good to make with a view of some hand sewing to do this week – forgot about the swimming carnival. I have just been informed that the music class blouse is unsuitable due to the buttons and that she would rather a top that “slips on”. Sigh! It is my all time favourite and the current ones still fit but I have this really beautiful fabric that is perfect for that pattern. Sigh!

    Oh well, maybe she will like it if I did it slightly differently – another hybrid I suspect will cure this.

    There are always the sketchbook shirts for N to have on hand.

    Power has been restored but I am still cutting out – one class picnic and one roller skate tunic from the same delicious Kate Spain pink and orange Honey Honey – at least they are “slip on” tops. Maybe she just said that to get rid of me and my pestering her to try on the ones I have already made?! Oh! Get over it Tamara!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Tamara, the bag looks just the right size for the 2 year old I planned it for. It’s about the size of a A4 sheet of paper with rounded corners and about 5″ deep. I think the sizing would be fine for my friends nearly 5 year old as well. If all you wanted it for was a small carry on bag they could carrythemselves it would be fine for an older kid (maybe up to 7 ish), but proably way to small for school at that point.

    Nicole, I can so imagine Tilly running off to school with the wings of the penguin flying!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes it looks small in the photo so hence the reason for my question. My nephew is turning four next month so, basically same age as Tilly. It would be a good bag to take a few toys and books to places, ie church, oma’s and as a toy carry bag for trips. He has a school bag already – kids carry bags that are almost bigger than they are these days!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    The bag is designed to fit smaller kids and is the perfect size for them. I made A and my nephew each one last year and they fit them both perfectly. Each of them carries their bags often, loaded with library books, toys, snacks, etc.

    Make the bag. I don’t think you or the receipient will be disappointed.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am wanting to make my little girl one too but just have not yet. I think she would love it.

    I cut out two long sleeve Sketchbook shirts today. The middle boys wanted short sleeves but some how my traced short sleeve pattern was messed up and it is way easier to make the long sleeve version. ; ) Wjhat a pitty. I hope to stay up late tonight and have all three shirts sewn up tonight. I still have to buy the buttons for these too. I some how forgot all about buttons while I was at the store.

    I was thinking about adding Welt pockets to all three pairs of sketchbook pants for the boys. I know they would not use them but I am wanting to try these out. I htink it would make the pants look nice. Maybe I’ll add the zipper to oldest pair too. I have to have these done by Wednesday this week then onto baby boy’s Easter outfit.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have an unwell child at home today so it will be much of the same as yesterday although I do hope to get the machines into action.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I hope they feel better soon!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Now that the communion dress is out of the way, mostly anyway, just some hand finishing to do, I’m full speed ahead on Easter dresses. A birthday party one for baby girl and a Colette Crepe for me. Baby girl wanted yellow and simply adores fabric I’ve had in my stash designated for Crepe for a couple of years now. I couldnt part with the idea of using this fabric for Crepe, though so we’re both getting new Easater dresses. That Crepe is a fabric hog, so I need to cut them at the same time and eek out every inch. Hopefully we won’t look too silly wearing the same thing. 🙂

    But my new patterns arrived unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon so I simply couldn’t help whipping up a Roller skate dress. I finished this afternoon and little K positively squealed when she saw it, grabbed the dress and hugged it tight. The dress is simply divine! So so so very easy to make but with wonderful results. I took a little extra care to match stripes and to finsih the skirts with French seams. Even with that, it is a very quick sew. I’ll get pictures tomorrow to share. What a great way to end the weekend and a stressful week.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    My daughter (2 years) LOVES her penguin backpack, and while it’s quite big on her it’s not ridiculous. I’ve made this one and both sizes of the Messenger Bag and I think the Penguin Backpack actually holds more than the small Messenger Bag. The larger Messenger Bag is quite an adult size though. Perhaps I need to make a 3/4 size….

    I have just made a 2/3rds size version of a Japanese tote bag which will co-ordinate with the ludicrous outfit that I’m making for my daughter. Just the pants to go, and I need the postman to bring my small Sketchbook pattern for that to happen. Of course he will also be bringing a small School Photo and both the Pinwheel and Roller Skate patterns. Silly to pay for just one pattern to be posted. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes I quite agree, but having said that I made a pact with myself to upgrade my current sketchbook pattern to a brand spanking new one – and forgot all about it when I ordered the new patterns! I will just have to find an excuse to look at what I haven’t got – the bag pattern I think and then go from there – ya know, make it up, wing it, whatever!

    Anyway, the outfit sounds great Lightning and I am getting confused about the bit that is ludicrous but I’m sure that once it is done it will be just plan old fantastic!

    All I have done today is iron two bits of fabric and dump a whole lot more in the wash, then hung them out. And now whilst swinging furiously away from the whinging feline in an attempt to avoid him jumping on my lap claws and all and typing furiously at the same time whilst listening to kids get passionate playing Rabbids go home, I am in the middle of laying out the pinwheel tunic and possibly the dress also onto one long piece of fabric. Don’t know if it will hold it all but willing to try and if it doesn’t then just the tunic or dress will give me enough space for at least a roller skate tunic as well. I think the print lends itself well to both but is so not Autumnal! Not many of my fabrics are!

    Whoops! The cat won! I’m off to finish the job!

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