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What are you sewing now?

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    lattemama @lattemama

    My sweet auntie (who is a very experienced tailor) designed and sewed my wedding dress for me, and Mum paid for the fabric. It was nice to get (almost) exactly what I wanted. My aunt convinced me to pick a beaded silk for the top but she regretted that later when she had to take out the beads in the seam allowances and then sew them back on.

    Still working on a tunic for my big girl using a McCall’s pattern I received from a friend. It’s been a long time coming but tonight I plan to push through and finish it. I asked Isabel last night if she wanted pockets in it or not. Had she said no it would have been done.

    I ordered the new patterns and had a shipping notice yesterday so in about a week’s time I can start to trace and sew a Pinwheel slip for Sofia.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I can’t wait to see it Lotta!

    I am making Elsa’s blazer and then cuttings Liddy’s Pin Wheel from some very special french poplin-squeeee!

    Then I shall make Tilly a Roller Skate dress.

    We have more hot weather forecast yet!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have the patterns stuck together so now its onto choosing the fabric and cutting it out tonight. Hoping to make the Roller skate dress tomorrow so she can wear it shopping Saturday. Yes the hot spell is seemingly lasting forever! Really need rain!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I wish for warm weather, it’s 23F here still!

    I will be finishing up a School photo dress today in cord. I made it a size 4 so I know for sure that it will fit Sarah this next winter. I am so ecxcited about this dress, my first lovley looking zipper!! My husband couldn’t tell there was a zipper in it when I showed him, he thought it was just a seam. : D

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Clever hubby knowing just what to say!

    You look great honey,… shall I put the kettle on,…..

    What, there’s a zipper in there? Astonishing…..


    Tamara @justsewit

    Hehehe! Funny!

    meleliza @meleliza

    That is clever of him! It is satisfying to get a good result with a zipper. I really like Liesl’s method in the Fairy Tale dress, Colette patterns has a good invisible zip method on their blog too. I put in the zip yesterday for the communion dress. I went for a hand picked zipper though. I’m thinking that next time I’ll use silk thread. With a little shine, it really will look like tiny beads on the back.

    Today I need to attach the lining and then get to work on setting sleeves! They are at least all prepped. But I’ve got baby girls playgroup all morning, which eats into getting anything done. Fortunately, I’ve got a sitter for a few hours this afternoon. As long as she keeps those kids out of my hair, I can get sleeves done.

    Tamara @justsewit

    If she doesn’t keep the kids out of your hair she wouldn’t be doing her job well. I have a neighbour with four children and she hires a Nanny for the busy seasons – half her luck! You are lucky to have someone who will babysit – my kids have never been babysat by anyone other than family.

    Ok, so after the school run I was intending to stay in town for the day. Instead I will come home and sew because I don’t do craft in crowds – and Fridays group is big apparently. So I have some fabric in mind for this dress and get to it cutting out. Even of I just cut it out and a top or something today and only start on the sewing will be enough for me and then I can go collect the kids for an end of week swim.

    meleliza @meleliza

    How lucky to have family nearby willing to do it! We have tons of great students on the city, so it’s not usually hard to find sitters. This one has been with us for 4 years! But now that she’s at a full time “real” job she’s harder to come by. but she knows our kids so well now I’m willing to work around her schedule. She needs little instruction any more and I dont fancy starting the new search. I’d like to have her once a week for a few hours, but can’t always get her.

    I just finished a four hour sewing session without even coming up for air! My back hurts, I’m starving and I’m exhausted. How appropriate that project runway came on. I feel a little like a contestant. Stuff going wrong, no time to worry about it, just have to make it work. 🙂 I’m going to take a little break and then maybe do the hem while I watch tv.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I would love to have a sitter! I sew a bit here, there and yawnder when I can.

    Oh McStitch you are too funny!! : D

    Dress done! Next the size 12 Sketchbook Easter outfit for our oldest. I know this pattern like teh back of hand so I am hoping to have it done quickly.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I should emphasise that my family don’t live nearby but they are willing to babysit whenever we are visitng! It is the only time we get to spend just the two of us so it is very very limited and we don’t do anything fancy – often it is just for things like Christmas shopping or if we have an appointment. I can’t remember that last time we went out to dinner the two of us only or to see a movie without the children. My late mother in law used to look after them when they are little but she is now longer around and my fil is not very good at looking after them by himself.

    OK, this morning on the way to school I asked miss 10 what the specifications were regarding this dress she wants me to make her. She got a little confused and started going off on a tangent about this amazing dress that wasn’t the one I was talking about – anyway, the colours have to be shades of pink, red and purple. No pressure there mum! I have one piece of fabric that SHOULD fit th bill!

    Oh and we clarified the light red being pink situation and caused me to be a little outrageous and have a laugh regarding colours.

    Tula Pink it is then! Can’t believe it! The only piece that fits the bill! I was hoping she would say blue and white also and then I could use some Patty Young lush print but… oh well, it will continue to stare me down when ever I am searching for the perfect print!

    Nearly lunchtime – time to cut this thing out.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am working on the roller skate. Although I got it today, I have it traced, cut and marked. It is in a project bin for Sunday and I must sit on my fingers NOT to sew it. I have a free sew meeting on Sunday. If I make this tomorrow, I won’t have any thing on Sunday.

    May end up becoming an Easter dress, although a slightly casual one, which means she can wear it more often. :). I am already in love with the simplicity of the lines. Can be made elegant, or super casual.

    Now that my 3 y/o has seen Flickr, and its clicked what I do, she points to pretty dresses and asks, “you make dat foh me-uh?”

    As to babysitters, we have a rare need but our go to girl is awesome. I don’t think she babysits except for us on rare occasion. She was a college student working at daycare when Mr. Emo was one. He’s almost 7, she’s working on her Master’s in Education, is married, and has a child. But Mr. Emo LOVES her. She adores him. (Admittedly she is stunningly gorgeous as well. Our exchange students find reasons to come out of their rooms when she is here.).

    But she’s also the most competent sitter I’ve ever known. And quite a lovely person.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I was once the “go to” babysitter and then I moved! I used to look after a little boy who was exceptionally bright but an only child of professional parents – he was a little darling!

    I have the roller skate dress cut out but now have to go fulfil the promise of an after school swim! I really want to make the dress for her to wear tomorrow – state election so have to vote but we are going shopping (for butter suede) tomorrow so it is a good excuse.

    Depending on how it fits, I will make more. I keep visualising the Pinwheel tunic though so maybe I need to make one of those too. Give me all the time and I will!

    Need to ask, why do we have to do the stitching for the casing right side out? The voile is perfect to trace the stitching line onto but it is the lining!

    theknittinganxiety @theknittinganxiety

    In Portugal we don’t have sitters, so my baby is in the kindergarden by day and at night with us, we never let her with someone else…

    I just finished a puppet show dress and I am so happy about it! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/theknittinganxiety/8538196659/in/pool-oliverands) It was my 1st sewing project for 2013 but my 2nd attempt to do this dress. The 1st one I did not finished, I got confused attaching the sleeves, and this time also but I manage it. I am so happy with the final result and my baby was so happy to try it on, so good to see…

    I already have the roller skate pattern ready, I washed the fabric yesterday so today I will cut and sew, I am dying to try this one.

    lattemama @lattemama

    Yeah, no sitter here either. We have family close by but Isabel is big enough (8 years) to be home alone for short periods if I have to run an errand after school.

    We have left them home alone together when I drive to the store for milk, but I prefer to take at least Sofia with me.

    They are really no bother so they generally tag along.

    I get sewing done when they’re home too so the only time we need a sitter are for date nights (sadly they are few and far between) and if we have to be somewhere at night the both of us or me when Rickard is away.

    Isabel’s tunic is as good as done, I have the hems left. I took in the sleeves because they were very wide and I will have to cut off a few inches on the length. Then it’s on to a Straight Stitch Society wallet for me from some Heather Ross Far Far Away canvas I got via a sweet friend in the US.

    If it’s not too fiddly I’ll make wallets for the girls as well. Or at least pouches for cash. We are starting to give them an allowance soon and they need their own wallets.

    I’m still waiting on the Roller Skate and Pinwheel patterns. Next week.

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