Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Today is the day to sew or die trying! I am all worn out housework wise and I don’t want to see another sheep for at least a month! I have made a list of possible patterns and started grouping the fabrics into their colours as specified by miss 10. Haven’t even started on N’s choices yet but he is pretty happy to wear anything for now.

    So today I will find something to sew just what I’m not sure of right at this point in time but I will be sewing something.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Of course, you’re right, sarvi, it’s partly an illusion. It also happens that I’ve had a poorly baby for a few days and its absolutely shocking how little one can get done of anything when the baby is crying all day long. I’ve been snatching little bits of time for the communion dress. I’ve decided on a method for the collar and nearly finished that now. I’m going to hem and do the sleeves next and finish the lining before I tackle the embellishments on the skirt. That’s the part I’m nervous about.

    Tamara @justsewit

    My cutting table is currently filled with fabrics! I am trying to decided which would be good with what pattern and then going from there. I want to incorporate at least one solid somewhere but the habit to date is getting solids to go on the bottom. I want to mix it up a little.

    So I have grouped them into their respective colours with a separate one for those that can go with more than one – these will definitely be separates.

    I think I might just do lots of one pattern at a time instead of swapping and changing so now it is down to deciding which one to start with.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch


    I’d noticed in sewing from lovely patterns (like Oliver + S) that the pattern pieces for sleeves oddly seem to get wider again at the cuff. Never thought much about it. Certainly never realised how absolutely imperative it is that this should happen!

    Tonight I’m sewing a Japanese pattern (translated into English yet the least comprehensible so far!) that had required me to add my own 3cm seam allowance at the end of the sleeve. At the time of drafting the pattern I followed the taper of the sleeve and added my 3cm seam allowance. Now, of course, there’s no way that the folded in cuff wants to be sewn to the wider sleeve without an ugly pucker or two.

    Doh! Sometimes it’s the bleeding obvious things that it takes a pattern designer to realise.

    Anyway I’ve snipped and stretched my seam allowance and it will do. Giving up for the night now though….

    Nicole @motherof5

    Could you bind the hem?

    Like the 2+2 short sleeve.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was going to suggest finishing it with bias tape folded to the inside, Lightning.

    I’m making my field trip shorts and I’m loving them. I love making all the details. I’m enjoying sewing these much more than I enjoy the sandbox pants. Yes they are fiddly but just as satisfying as making a beautiful dress.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Sorry to hear about the sick baby, we’ve got one of those here too, all sewing on hold.

    The bound or bias-taped hems should both help, I think. Good luck, Lightnin’.

    mkhs @mkhs

    Yes to the fieldtrip pants being a satisfying sew! That’s my favorite kind of sewing– something basic but very well made, with great details, fitted to my child. I love to sew a pretty dress, of course, but we get so many handed down that sewing one myself feels like an indulgence. So I get my kicks from utilitarian things!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m yet to try the Field trip pants but have made the top and that is great to have. Many more are in the pipeline.

    Yesterday I sat and made the pink and orange spot Class Picnic blouse which was staring me in the face so I couldn’t help but pick it up. I just need to do the shoulder elastic casings, do the side seams and hem and put elastic in and it is ready to wear.

    Then I can make something to wear with it. I’m thinking a skirt of some sort.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    My field trip shorts are nearly finished and they look so professional! And they are a joy to make, I’ve a number of ideas on how to use them.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tilly’s dress if finished so on with Hugo’s jeans. I really want these to work,all the styles he likes are so expensive to buy ready made.

    I wish he was still little enough for oliver+s….a Lisette for men?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am really looking forward to seeing how you make Hugo’s jeans! I am having to same problem with Jacob’s clothes too. He needs all new clothes and a trip to the store had my mouth to the floor after seeing the price tags. I am lucky though that he does still fit into O+S patterns for now. i have been making the size 12 which is a bit big on him but I do want them to last in fit for a while and this boy does grow so fast.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I know how you feel about the eldest growing like steam! I measured miss 10 the other day and I have to slightly enlarge just bout very pattern to fit her. Just slightly mind, as she will likely be going in another direction with her growth again and then I will have to re-alter them yet again! Fortunately I started the process last year.

    A Lisette for men range would be ideal. I was looking at Murray’s shirts the other day and thinking they seriously meed updating. I’ll be looking out for news on Hugo’s jeans.

    And I agree buying clothing for children (and adults) is getting very pricey. We only have Target to shop at in person or Best and Less but even online it is expensive! Thats why I like to sew clothes to lessen the cost of getting in the car, driving, parking, walking and dealing with people around me all at the same time.

    Today I managed a pair of pink Class picnic shorts to match the pink and orange Cp top I made yesterday. I have full approval to go ahead and cut into four more pieces of fabric in the requested colours, to make another four tops and then I will gather the strength to make shorts to match.

    The tops and shorts should keep me occupied until the new patterns get here – so excited about them!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    You are on a roll Tamara! I can’t seem to finish up the three younger boys’ sketchbook shirts. Something about Wyatt’s fabric choice or maybe the collar that this is making hard to make me get over to the sewing table to finish them? (or maybe the cute baby things I have planned and I would be rather sewing them!!) To make things even better Wyatt chose these orange buttons for his shirt. This was after I had several buttons layed out for him to pick from that went well with his shirt. What can a mama do? I guess at least Garrett picked out some nice ones for his.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Heidi, are pants really as fun to sew as a dress? That’s so hard to believe, cute as the pattern is. I’m also curious to know if they hold up. What kind of fabric are you using? its hard to find fabric like rtw. My boys, especially my oldest, puts holes in the knees of things so absurdly fast that I can’t bring myself to make much for him. Those Iron Knee pants at lands end seem to really be lasting for us uniform wise and play clothes wise, well, when I can buy jeans for $20or less, it’s not like I could save money sewing for him. And when they ruin stuff so fast, why bother? Dress clothes are different, though, those I could make. I’m still crazy enough to be planning a pea coat for next fall.

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