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What are you sewing now?

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Nicole, did I mention that I LOVE Lidia’s dress and it AMAZED me? Just wanted to make sure that message came across loud and clear?

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Yes, N I’ve just read all through your blog for L’s b’day frock, and enjoyed every minute. Love the coloured inserts for the pleats. Lightning; do “tell” about making the Birthday Party frock, please. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately made out of corduroy, with cotton for button panel, but think that for the little girl I’m planning for I’m going to try a Music Box (view B) in cord, with a shirt in fabric to complement. Just finished brown/pink spotted frock which I’ll post to Flickr soon. Had terrible hassles with buttonholes despite numerous test samples. For some reason my machine always decides to go nuts when it comes to the actual garment despite the fact I always test on the same fabric. I’m starting to feel hexed. Done lots of cutting/tracing/ironing in last few days which given that the weather forecast here until next week is hot (and I suspect humid) is probably just the job to have done.

    Dentist, and Ash Wednesday tomorrow.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    How frustrating with the button holes! Needlewoman, is your machine objectting yo how close to a seam you need to do a button hole? I seem to rember this being an issure for others.

    Nicole, I love the idea of a red puppetshow for school! and Liddy’s dress is beautiful.

    I have been reading the instructions in my new patterns. the instructions for the field trip cargo’s and Sketchbook shorts look fantastic and easy! And the field trip T-shirt only 5 seams and a couple of hems, i can see lots of these inthe works. Now to finish the PJ’s.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I gave miss 10 the option of four different styles for a new dress today. She chose the little Lisette pattern – the sundress.

    The next hurdle is to get her to comply and be measured to make sure she gets a dress that fits!

    I’m hoping to cut it out and maybe do a bodice muslin to fit is properly tomorrow before sewing the real thing. I want to cut out another sketchbook set also for N. thankfully I don’t need to convince him of anything just yet!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I have also heard a lot of people make that complaint about buttonholes, that seams can interfere. Good luck!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Ha ha ha Sarvi-got it!

    Nearly finished Elsa’s skirt.

    I did cut the Puppet Show Heidi,just for you!

    Next to cut,jeans for Hugo eeeep!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just finishing off a dress I had made ages ago. Have to hand stitch the bodice lining and the hem. Hoping it will still fit and encourage some more sewing.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thanks for sympathy Heidi; dress is finished, and i’m just abt to post it to Flickr. Final buttonholes held together with Fray Stop. I just don’t get it; I practice on the fabric I’m using with interfacing too to replicate the garment but so often the wretched machine won’t reproduce the work I’ve done in practice. The buttonhole foot for my Janome seems to be a very sensitive tool, and the slightest thing will send it off doing mad things. I unpicked the buttonholes at least 3 times, starched and repressed, and it still played up! Finally, I thought it was a toss up between ruining the yoke, and going with the best I could do. So frustrating. Washed and ironed frock and delivered it to grandmother of recipient, yesterday. Just hope buttonholes will stand up to washing.

    PS: yes, buttonholes run perpendicular to seam but not so close that it should be such a problem. But I know what you mean. I hate buttonholes that have to be placed close to neckline.

    On the other hand; I’m making two little A-line drop overs, and I thought to add a frill at hemline just to perk it up/individualise old pattern. I measured the hem line, cut the frill fabric to 1.5:1, and have folded it before gathering it (instead of hemming single width) and am now attaching to dress. And it’s working!!

    Well done, Jsit; returning to scene of crime can be an occasion of mixed feelings.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve handsewn the bodice lining and I got her to try it on. It fits beautifully Thank God! I now just have to do the hem and give it a press. And then maybe some photos.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Tonight is the night! Back to sewing on Love day!

    I am making two size 6 mustache fabric sketchbook shirts tonight for the two middle boys. Yes, I am making two of the same shirts in the same size but they both really want one and it is late birthday gifts. Wyatt found the the fabric first and Garrett9who’s birthday was last month and got pj’s) decided he really, realy had to have a shirt too after seeing the fabric. It should be fun to sew though!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Fiona, I have similar problems with my buttonhole foot. It’s really annoying.

    Tamara @justsewit

    You know Fiona my janome cracked the wallies with me when I tried doing buttonholes right next to a bound seam. I ended up taking it to the dealer and playing on the store demos to see if it was me or the machine. They ended up giving me another foot for those times where I had to buttonholes near bound seams again – not your normal buttonhole foot.

    I’m just wondering, are you trying to do buttonholes near any lumps and bumps? That can be rather particular I have found and they don’t like lumps and bumps. It could be a seam or several layers of fabric that it is causing it to stress out and have a hissy fit!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tamara,I made my girls ‘modesty’ bike pants to wear but they only wear them on days that they have PE.

    They do wear black boy leg undies anyway

    They all declare them too hot and couldn’t care less if someone see’s their knickers. The Bonds undies fit well.

    I figure if they are not fussed……

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have black undies at the ready just in case. She’s not at the age where she tips upside down anyhow, but is very self conscious so I will leave it up to her.

    I’m so slack! Bad mum am I! Still going on this pencil case but am determined to finish it today – slumbered for hours thanks to the heat – now back to it! I have two zips in and am now attaching the centre panel which is housing the ruler pocket. Them it is the two long zippers and the great I insertion followed by the binding of the seams – sound so ceremonial but I assure you it is quite the opposite. Choir at the ready …. And off I go!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Baby girl is only two, so I plan to make bloomers this summer. I may have to buy the digital tea party in the larger sizes for this purpose because those bloomers fit so well. I don’t know if a flash on undies is a big deal by itself, but kids underpants don’t always fit very well, and I’ve seen girls on the playground flashing a whole lot more than Panties, kwim? So when she gets older I’ have to pay a bit more attention. She may be out of diapers this summer, so that will give me a chance to figure it out.

    Today I did a fitting with my First Communion ginea pig and it went very well. I had drafted a different sleeve option and mocked it up to try on, but we are going with single layer sheer tulip sleeves. I then had to draft a Fairy Tale sleeve shape for an American Girl sized dress to match. I hope that works out. I’ll have to make some miniature pin tucks for the doll version too. A lot of work, but a really sweet challenge.

    Oh, and I finally made some pjs! I used the sleepover pattern and made a sort of 10slim for my monstrous first born. This was a trial run with cheap fabric from the stash. The boys go through pjs really fast, so I’ve been hesitant to commit my time to them, but it’s getting harder to find decent ones for kids with the silly laws about skeepwear here. If these seem to hold up, I will make more. Oldest son says he likes them but wants to have the matching top. I let him pick out some cotton shirting at JOann for the next attempt. I’ll have to get him to pose for pictures.

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