Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    lattemama @lattemama

    Since my finger has healed up nicely I have decided to brave the machine and make my Mum a set of napkins for her birthday.

    If all goes well I will be cutting out a pair of shorts for Isabel today.

    The Jump Rope and School Photo are still only pinned and I have to work out something for the collar of the School Photo one. Nicole suggested linen ..I like that but I don’t have any.

    Could it be that I have to visit the fabric store? Oy vey. Woe be me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Oh no, LM; how terrible for you! (LOL)

    lattemama @lattemama

    Heh – I’ll try and bear it as best I can *dramatic hand gesture*

    homefire @homefire

    I have FINALLY finished two long sleeved sketchbook shirts. The instructions were very well done but I’m afraid my execution left a little to be desired with the cuffs. I’ll for certain be making some more short sleeved shirts but until I work up my courage again I just might leave the cuffed shirts to the professionals ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nicole @motherof5

    What bits weren’t you happy with homefire,may I help?

    Sorry Lotta xx

    Still plugging away at Liddys birthday dress.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I still have the wretched pencil case to finish – had to buy more zips! Reading folder is now the correct size and just needs a little hand sewing.

    Looking forward to tomorrow – going to craft group for the first time in ages! It means K can work on the unfinished quilts!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I made a green mini gingham tea party playsuit, with self flat piping, I just need to add the snaps. Today I finally started to make my husband some PJ pants, that I got the pattern for a month ago. And it’s not Oliver and S, so not as good instructions. ๐Ÿ™

    lattemama @lattemama

    Finished some doll’s clothes for Isabel today. Not the fabric combos I would have picked but it’s her doll and she likes them.

    I was going to make napkins for Mum but she asked me to make her a new hot wheat bag for her neck and shoulders which works out perfectly since it’s an easy sew. Getting started on that as soon as I have washed the fabric.

    Nicole: don’t be sorry. You know me – I love my fabric store.

    meleliza @meleliza

    After much planning and over thinking, I finally cut into the fairy tale first communion dress. It’s gotten a little nerve wracking, I admit. Fingers crossed!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Good luck Meleliza! Hoping it works out beautifully for you!

    After cleaning up the pig sty I have made in the sewing nook, I am planning to cut out shorts for miss 10 and get sewing on some much needed clothes.

    I didn’t get to craft group today – the pink bottom line thread went walkabout so I chose to come home and clean up instead. Next week I will be there will bells on – a great chance to get the quilting done without having to rearrange the sewing space at home.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Finished Lidia’s dress and Elsa’s top.

    Just working on her skirt loosely based on the 2+2 skirt.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Any pics yet? I’ll have to have a nosy…

    I’ve just cracked a pattern in my stash and made my first Birthday Party dress. What a lovely pattern (of course). I can see myself making plenty more of these.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Lidia’s dress is unbelievably beautiful! I was trying to picture what you’d make with the shot cotton you’d requested, but wow, I truly had no idea. Utterly inspiring.

    Good luck to everyone taking on tough new projects, I’m going to be de-pgstying today too.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you Sarvi,you are so kind-flattery will get you anything including hand-me-downs!

    I finished the dolly dress and I am kicking myself that I did not make a pattern as I went,it fits Amanda so well.

    What’s the bet it was a one-hit-wonder?

    Tilly is next,tossing up between a CC Chickadee blouse or a Puppet Show in red shot cotton,for Kindy.

    She is *supposed* to wear a polo top but why be dull?

    I hope to finish Elsie’s skirt tonight.

    Tamara @justsewit

    The pigsty is not so bad now but still needs work. I am hoping to get to the machine tomorrow and sew something! Anything! I am having serious sewing withdrawal!

    I’m thinking pretty seashore dresses for our hot temps! Or another type of sundress. That is *if* she will let me measure her yet again!

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