Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    lattemama @lattemama

    Got one Jump Rope and one School Photo dress pinned for Sofia and I have graded and re-graded the Field Trip trousers for Isabel and they finally fit!

    That is the exact time I go and slice off a sizeable chunk of my right fore finger (slicing carrots on my mandolin) so now I’m pretty much useless when it comes to sewing.

    At least it gives me time to figure out what to do for a collar on that School Photo dress – I ran out of fabric.

    rastis @rastis

    sewing boring boring things (like laundry bin liners, heat packs etc)… definitely feels like a chore and i’ll be glad when they’re done!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oh lattemama how awful. I’d love a mandolin but I just know I’d end up with julienned fingers too.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh ouch, been there, don’t want to go back. Sending healing dust!

    Nicole, I WISH there was a photo of sweet Tilly! I can totally picture her darling face! Please just don’t let her see the janky parts. After wearing your creations I imagine she is not going to be satisfied with untidy work!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Lotta,my girlfriend gave me hers after slicing her fingers and I am too scared to use it!

    Virginia,you are a sewing saint!

    Sarvi-pish posh!

    Thank you for your kind words on my sick chickys,Tilly succumbed last night,so whilst sitting up with her I hand sewed Liddy’s dress hem.

    That counts,right?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Of course it does! Poor Tilly.

    Lattemama, my sister chopped the whole tip pad of her right index finger off when she was cutting fabric on her knee. That was back in the days when we were 15 (well she was) and experimenting with designs. Fortunately we had a surgeon living next door who just and bandaged it up and said let it heal. She still can’t feel anything from that finger to this day a good 20 years later! I’ve done the julienning in the last too, so painful! Hope it heals fast!

    Rastis! With all things you do,cooking, gardening and now sewing laundry bin liners…. Marvellous!

    So today after taking the kids to school and telling the teacher a thing or two bout this reading folder,mi will go home and finish it off once and for all. No cleaning sorting and the like for me today. Only sewing!

    highpowermom @highpowermom

    Today I got approved to make O+S samples for the store where I teach, yippee! Provided they can get the patterns from one of their usual distributors (they used to, so there shouldn’t be a problem), my supervisor likes the Music Class, Family Reunion and Sketchbook. I get to sew girly things for a change!

    Lattemama, ouch! I sliced up my thumb washing a mandolin after I was done using it. Next day the doctor said my husband had done a fine job wrapping it up, because he would have put a couple of stitches in it. The mandolin had interchangable blades, but I put them all permanently away and now it only gets used as a cheese grater!

    lattemama @lattemama

    Thanks all. I have done this before but usually it was my thumb that got in the way. This time it’s actually not so bad any more. It’s dried up nicely and I just have a regular band-aid on now and I would have gotten to sewing if we weren’t so darned busy in the evenings this week. Can’t wait for the week after next when the girls are home from school/daycare and I have taken some time off!

    Then there will be sewing! (If not before).

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Hi there ladies; buckets of sympathy for all those with sick kids, cut fingers, recalcitrant teachers, school policies, and rogue bus companions. (Yes, I’ve been reading all the News/Current affairs). Thrilled for those who are still managing to sew up a storm, and especially for HPM getting commission to make O + S patterns for store.

    Spent long hot day with head buried in fabric sorting out next load of which goes with what for late summer/autumn clothes for small people. Exhausting but productive.

    Big news: finally finished and posted (both on Flickr, and in mail) my very first T Party playsuit. Wasn’t brave enough for piping first time around so used ric-rac to define yoke. Very impressed with how easily shorts attached to yoke, and even tricky pointy bits sewed up nicely. So feel quite reckless abt trying piping next time. Thank you Liesl!! Have planned a couple of others from light canvas weight fabric.

    Bad news: have to wait until little girl is big enough to wear it to see how it fits. Ahh, the sorrows of a long distance sewist. Finished a couple of skirts, and nearly through a brown/pink spotted item for friend’s grand child -aged 6.

    Cooling off here in next couple of days, and need to get out vacuum cleaner.

    I know exactly what the kitchen implement from hell is, but never heard of it being called a “mandolin”. Always thought that was a relatively harmless musical instrument – unless you hit someone over the head with it. The joys of trans-Atlantic language differences!

    A question for those “in charge” of this forum. How much is it really ok to talk about clothes made using patterns other than O+S? How much is it ok to post photos of same to O/S group on Flickr? I don’t really want to post photos to any other groups, or talk abt my sewing to a bunch of ‘strangers’ – know what I mean? I’d really appreciate some guidance because it’s such fun sharing (showing off) but I don’t want tread on people’s toes.


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hm, a quick google image search seems to support my kneejerk reaction that mandolin is the musical instrument, while mandoline (same pronunciation, different spelling) is the kitchen tool. Not sure if that’s ‘real’ or just common usage.

    I am a moderator so I can remove spam, but am in no way in charge of anything whatsoever around here — but just as a fellow participant, I’d say that in the off-topic/general sewing area it would be fine to talk about general sewing questions. I personally would feel a trifle odd about using the space here to aggressively sell (or slam) other designers’ work, but it doesn’t sound like that’s what you’re talking about. For the flickr group, it really is most useful to post photos that feature something made from an O+S pattern. I don’t think it has to be all O+S top to toe or anything. If you have sewing or photos you want to share that have no O+S, have you checked out the Sew Mama Sew group on flickr? There’s a lot of overlap with this group, but a wider range of sewing. You can also always add your pals as contacts and/or friends.

    I post all kinds of stuff to my general flickr stream, just for myself, not necessarily for the purpose of sharing it, though my contacts can also see it, then if it’s something I want to share more widely I’ll add it to a group. For example, I’ve been working on a velveteen Sunday Brunch coat for a while, and posting in-progress photos of various steps — then when it was completed I added it to the O+S group. If I have a question about something, I might post a photo there as well, like, which buttons do you guys think look nicest? I will add people as friends if I want to share modeled photos of my sewing, since I am more toward the uptight end of the spectrum when it comes to making photos of my kid public. Just a personal preference, but that’s one example of a way to use one flickr account for multiple purposes.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I think it is best to keep the O+S group for clothes that feature an O+S pattern in the construction.

    That is purely my opinion,as Sarvi states,we are removers of spam not adjudicators of peace.

    Thank you so much for checking that issue.

    However feel free to discuss any patterns you wish(and link back to them)in the ‘What Are You Sewing Now?’ thread.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    A couple of days ago I got an exiting package in the mail. New Patterns!! Sketchbook, field trip, music class, sea shore, bedtime story! Joys of getting Oliver and S voucher for Christmas and a pattern sale!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh wow! Good for you Heidi! What are going to sew first?

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you Sarvi, and Nicole for your guidance re. the O + S forum/flickr group, and for the really useful suggestions abt posting pics of un-O + S (like un-birthdays). I appreciate your quick response, and the fact that you understood that my question was not about bagging/promoting other pattern makers.

    Lucky you, Heidi getting new patterns; nothing more thrilling than when the pattern sheet is uncut, and you unfold the instruction sheet and read it for the first time. I keep changing my mind about what patterns to purchase next; at present, I’m leaning heavily towards the Apple-Picking dress, and the After School duo. I think these patterns would lend themselves to adaption/practical use by Australian children.

    Have had a few of my proposed combinations of fabrics “passed” by the relevant mothers for a couple of Book Report dresses for autumn clothes – can’t wait to iron up the fabric, and get cracking.

    Thanks again,


    meleliza @meleliza

    Well, I’ve been. Through the stash and determined that I really must make a few of the older patterns before she grows out of them. And that I must use up a few single yard cuts I bought when a single yard was enough for her things. But I’m unsatisfied with many combinations of fabric/pattern and am now officially awaiting the release of spring O+S (and Lisette) before making final decisions on the spring wardrobe. How much longer do we have to wait, I wonder?

    PS – please stop slicing your fingers off ladies. I feel positively sick reading about it! Hope it heals up soon.

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